10 letter word starting with al

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
alabastrum noun A flower bud.
albescence noun The act of becoming white; whitishness.
albication noun The process of becoming white, or developing white patches, or streaks.
albigenses noun pl. Alt. of Albigeois
albinistic adjective Affected with albinism.
albumenize verb t. To cover or saturate with albumen; to coat or treat with an albuminous solution; as, to albumenize paper.
albuminate noun A substance produced by the action of an alkali upon albumin, and resembling casein in its properties; also, a compound formed by the union of albumin with another substance.
albuminoid adjective Resembling albumin., One of a class of organic principles (called also proteids) which form the main part of organized tissues.
albuminose noun A diffusible substance formed from albumin by the action of natural or artificial gastric juice. See Peptone., Pertaining to, or containing, albumen; having the properties of, or resembling, albumen or albumin.
albuminous adjective Alt. of Albuminose
alcarrazas plural of Alcarraza
alchemical adjective Of or relating to alchemy.
alcoholate noun A crystallizable compound of a salt with alcohol, in which the latter plays a part analogous to that of water of crystallization.
alcoholism noun A diseased condition of the system, brought about by the continued use of alcoholic liquors.
alcoholize verb t. To reduce to a fine powder., To convert into alcohol; to rectify; also, to saturate with alcohol.
alcoometry noun See Alcoholometry.
alcoranist noun One who adheres to the letter of the Koran, rejecting all traditions.
alcyonacea noun pl. A group of soft-bodied Alcyonaria, of which Alcyonium is the type. See Illust. under Alcyonaria.
alcyonaria noun pl. One of the orders of Anthozoa. It includes the Alcyonacea, Pennatulacea, and Gorgonacea.
aldermancy noun The office of an alderman.
aldermanic adjective Relating to, becoming to, or like, an alderman; characteristic of an alderman.
aldermanly adjective Pertaining to, or like, an alderman., Pertaining to, or like, an alderman.
aldermanry noun The district or ward of an alderman., The office or rank of an alderman.
ale-knight noun A pot companion.
ale silver A duty payable to the lord mayor of London by the sellers of ale within the city.
alexanders noun Alt. of Alisanders
alisanders noun A name given to two species of the genus Smyrnium, formerly cultivated and used as celery now is; — called also horse parsely.
alexiteric adjective Alt. of Alexiterical, A preservative against contagious and infectious diseases, and the effects of poison in general.
alfa grass noun A plant (Macrochloa tenacissima) of North Africa; also, its fiber, used in paper making.
algebraist noun One versed in algebra.
algebraize verb t. To perform by algebra; to reduce to algebraic form.
algologist noun One learned about algae; a student of algology.
alhambraic adjective Alt. of Alhambresque
alienating present participle & vb. noun of Alienate
alienation noun The act of alienating, or the state of being alienated., A transfer of title, or a legal conveyance of property to another., A withdrawing or estrangement, as of the affections., Mental alienation; derangement of the mental faculties; insanity; as, alienation of mind.
aliethmoid adjective Alt. of Aliethmoidal
alimentary adjective Pertaining to aliment or food, or to the function of nutrition; nutritious; alimental; as, alimentary substances.
alimonious adjective Affording food; nourishing.
alineation noun See Allineation., Alignment; position in a straight line, as of two planets with the sun.
alkalamide noun One of a series of compounds that may be regarded as ammonia in which a part of the hydrogen has been replaced by basic, and another part by acid, atoms or radicals.
alkalified imp. & past participle of Alkalify
alkalinity noun The quality which constitutes an alkali; alkaline property.
alkalizate adjective Alkaline., To alkalizate.
alkalizing present participle & vb. noun of Alkalize
alkaloidal adjective Pertaining to, resembling, or containing, alkali.
alkoranist noun Same as Alcoranist.
alla breve With one breve, or four minims, to measure, and sung faster like four crotchets; in quick common time; — indicated in the time signature by /.
all-a-mort adjective See Alamort.
allegation noun The act of alleging or positively asserting., That which is alleged, asserted, or declared; positive assertion; formal averment, A statement by a party of what he undertakes to prove, — usually applied to each separate averment; the charge or matter undertaken to be proved.
allegeable adjective Capable of being alleged or affirmed.
allegeance noun Allegation.
allegement noun Allegation.
allegiance noun The tie or obligation, implied or expressed, which a subject owes to his sovereign or government; the duty of fidelity to one’s king, government, or state., Devotion; loyalty; as, allegiance to science.
allegorist noun One who allegorizes; a writer of allegory.
allegorize verb t. To form or turn into allegory; as, to allegorize the history of a people., To treat as allegorical; to understand in an allegorical sense; as, when a passage in a writer may understood literally or figuratively, he who gives it a figurative sense is said to allegorize it., To use allegory.
allegories plural of Allegory
allegresse noun Joy; gladsomeness.
allegretto adjective Quicker than andante, but not so quick as allegro., A movement in this time.
allemannic adjective See Alemannic.
alleviated imp. & past participle of Alleviate
alleviator noun One who, or that which, alleviates.
allhallond noun Allhallows.
allhallows noun All the saints (in heaven)., All Saints’ Day, November 1st.
allhallown adjective Of or pertaining to the time of Allhallows. [Obs.] “Allhallown summer.” Shak. (i. e., late summer; “Indian Summer”).
alliaceous adjective Of or pertaining to the genus Allium, or garlic, onions, leeks, etc.; having the smell or taste of garlic or onions.
alliciency noun Attractive power; attractiveness.
alligation noun The act of tying together or attaching by some bond, or the state of being attached., A rule relating to the solution of questions concerning the compounding or mixing of different ingredients, or ingredients of different qualities or values.
allignment noun See Alignment.
alliterate verb t. To employ or place so as to make alliteration., To compose alliteratively; also, to constitute alliteration.
allocation noun The act of putting one thing to another; a placing; disposition; arrangement., An allotment or apportionment; as, an allocation of shares in a company., The admission of an item in an account, or an allowance made upon an account; — a term used in the English exchequer.
allochroic adjective Changeable in color.
allocution noun The act or manner of speaking to, or of addressing in words., An address; a hortatory or authoritative address as of a pope to his clergy.
allodially adverb By allodial tenure.
allogamous adjective Characterized by allogamy.
allomerism noun Variability in chemical constitution without variation in crystalline form.
allomerous adjective Characterized by allomerism.
allonymous adjective Published under the name of some one other than the author.
allopathic adjective Of or pertaining to allopathy.
allophylic adjective Alt. of Allophylian
allotheism noun The worship of strange gods.
allotropic adjective Alt. of Allotropical
allottable adjective Capable of being allotted.
alloxanate noun A combination of alloxanic acid and a base or base or positive radical.
alloxantin noun A substance produced by acting upon uric with warm and very dilute nitric acid.
all saints Alt. of All Saints’
allurement noun The act alluring; temptation; enticement., That which allures; any real or apparent good held forth, or operating, as a motive to action; as, the allurements of pleasure, or of honor.
allusively adverb Figuratively [Obs.]; by way of allusion; by implication, suggestion, or insinuation.
almacantar noun Same as Almucantar., A recently invented instrument for observing the heavenly bodies as they cross a given almacantar circle. See Almucantar.
alma mater A college or seminary where one is educated.
almightful adjective Alt. of Almightiful
almightily adverb With almighty power.
almsgiving noun The giving of alms.
almucantar noun A small circle of the sphere parallel to the horizon; a circle or parallel of altitude. Two stars which have the same almucantar have the same altitude. See Almacantar.
aloes wood See Agalloch.
alongshore adverb Along the shore or coast.
alpenstock noun A long staff, pointed with iron, used in climbing the Alps.
alpestrine adjective Pertaining to the Alps, or other high mountains; as, Alpestrine diseases, etc.
alphabetic adjective Alt. of Alphabetical
alphonsine adjective Of or relating to Alphonso X., the Wise, King of Castile (1252-1284).
altarpiece noun The painting or piece of sculpture above and behind the altar; reredos.
altazimuth noun An instrument for taking azimuths and altitudes simultaneously.
alteration noun The act of altering or making different., The state of being altered; a change made in the form or nature of a thing; changed condition.
alterative adjective Causing ateration., Gradually changing, or tending to change, a morbid state of the functions into one of health., A medicine or treatment which gradually induces a change, and restores healthy functions without sensible evacuations.
altercated imp. & past participle of Altercate
alternated imp. & past participle of Alternate
altisonant adjective High-sounding; lofty or pompous.
altisonous adjective Altisonant.
altivolant adjective Flying high.
altogether adverb All together; conjointly., Without exception; wholly; completely.
altruistic adjective Regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish; — opposed to egoistic or selfish.
aluminated adjective Combined with alumina.
alum shale A variety of shale or clay slate, containing iron pyrites, the decomposition of which leads to the formation of alum, which often effloresces on the rock.
alum stone A subsulphate of alumina and potash; alunite.
alutaceous adjective Leathery., Of a pale brown color; leather-yellow.