10 letter word starting with ama

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
amalgamate verb t. To compound or mix, as quicksilver, with another metal; to unite, combine, or alloy with mercury., To mix, so as to make a uniform compound; to unite or combine; as, to amalgamate two races; to amalgamate one race with another., To unite in an amalgam; to blend with another metal, as quicksilver., To coalesce, as a result of growth; to combine into a uniform whole; to blend; as, two organs or parts amalgamate., Alt. of Amalgamated
amalgamize verb t. To amalgamate.
amanuenses plural of Amanuensis
amanuensis noun A person whose employment is to write what another dictates, or to copy what another has written.
amaranthus noun Alt. of Amarantus
amasthenic adjective Uniting the chemical rays of light into one focus, as a certain kind of lens; amacratic.
amateurish adjective In the style of an amateur; superficial or defective like the work of an amateur.
amateurism noun The practice, habit, or work of an amateur.
amatorious adjective Amatory.
amazedness noun The state of being amazed, or confounded with fear, surprise, or wonder.