10 letter word starting with anti

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
antibromic noun An agent that destroys offensive smells; a deodorizer.
antichrist noun A denier or opponent of Christ. Specif.: A great antagonist, person or power, expected to precede Christ’s second coming.
antichthon noun A hypothetical earth counter to ours, or on the opposite side of the sun., Inhabitants of opposite hemispheres.
anticipant adjective Anticipating; expectant; — with of.
anticipate verb t. To be before in doing; to do or take before another; to preclude or prevent by prior action., To take up or introduce beforehand, or before the proper or normal time; to cause to occur earlier or prematurely; as, the advocate has anticipated a part of his argument., To foresee (a wish, command, etc.) and do beforehand that which will be desired., To foretaste or foresee; to have a previous view or impression of; as, to anticipate the pleasures of a visit; to anticipate the evils of life.
anticivism noun Opposition to the body politic of citizens.
anticlimax noun A sentence in which the ideas fall, or become less important and striking, at the close; — the opposite of climax. It produces a ridiculous effect.
anticlinal adjective Inclining or dipping in opposite directions. See Synclinal., The crest or line in which strata slope or dip in opposite directions.
antic-mask noun An antimask.
antidotary adjective Antidotal.
antiemetic adjective / noun Same as Antemetic.
antilithic adjective Tending to prevent the formation of urinary calculi, or to destroy them when formed., An antilithic medicine.
antilogous adjective Of the contrary name or character; — opposed to analogous.
antilogies plural of Antilogy
antiloimic noun A remedy against the plague.
antilopine adjective Of or relating to the antelope.
antilyssic adjective & noun Antihydrophobic.
antimonate noun A compound of antimonic acid with a base or basic radical.
antimonial adjective Of or pertaining to antimony., A preparation or medicine containing antimony.
antimonite noun A compound of antimonious acid and a base or basic radical., Stibnite.
antinomian adjective Of or pertaining to the Antinomians; opposed to the doctrine that the moral law is obligatory., One who maintains that, under the gospel dispensation, the moral law is of no use or obligation, but that faith alone is necessary to salvation. The sect of Antinomians originated with John Agricola, in Germany, about the year 1535.
antinomist noun An Antinomian.
antinomies plural of Antinomy
antiochian adjective Pertaining to Antiochus, a contemporary with Cicero, and the founder of a sect of philosophers., Of or pertaining to the city of Antioch, in Syria.
antipathic adjective Belonging to antipathy; opposite; contrary; allopathic.
antiphonal adjective Of or pertaining to antiphony, or alternate singing; sung alternately by a divided choir or opposite choirs., A book of antiphons or anthems.
antiphoner noun A book of antiphons.
antiphonic adjective Antiphonal.
antipodean adjective Pertaining to the antipodes, or the opposite side of the world; antipodal.
antipsoric adjective Of use in curing the itch., An antipsoric remedy.
antiptosis noun The putting of one case for another.
antipyrine noun An artificial alkaloid, believed to be efficient in abating fever.
antiquated adjective Grown old. Hence: Bygone; obsolete; out of use; old-fashioned; as, an antiquated law.
antirenter noun One opposed to the payment of rent; esp. one of those who in 1840-47 resisted the collection of rents claimed by the patroons from the settlers on certain manorial lands in the State of New York.
antiscians noun pl. Alt. of Antiscii
antiscolic adjective Anthelmintic.
antiseptic adjective Alt. of Antiseptical, A substance which prevents or retards putrefaction, or destroys, or protects from, putrefactive organisms; as, salt, carbolic acid, alcohol, cinchona.
antisocial adjective Tending to interrupt or destroy social intercourse; averse to society, or hostile to its existence; as, antisocial principles.
antitheism noun The doctrine of antitheists.
antitheist noun A disbeliever in the existence of God.
antitheses plural of Antithesis
antithesis noun An opposition or contrast of words or sentiments occurring in the same sentence; as, “The prodigal robs his heir; the miser robs himself.” “He had covertly shot at Cromwell; he how openly aimed at the Queen.”, The second of two clauses forming an antithesis., Opposition; contrast.
antithetic adjective Alt. of Antithetical
antitoxine noun A substance (sometimes the product of a specific micro-organism and sometimes naturally present in the blood or tissues of an animal), capable of producing immunity from certain diseases, or of counteracting the poisonous effects of pathogenic bacteria.
anti-trade noun A tropical wind blowing steadily in a direction opposite to the trade wind.
antitragus noun A prominence on the lower posterior portion of the concha of the external ear, opposite the tragus. See Ear.
antitropal adjective Alt. of Antitropous
antitypous adjective Resisting blows; hard.