10 letter word starting with att

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
attachable adjective Capable of being attached; esp., liable to be taken by writ or precept.
attachment noun The act attaching, or state of being attached; close adherence or affection; fidelity; regard; an/ passion of affection that binds a person; as, an attachment to a friend, or to a party., That by which one thing is attached to another; connection; as, to cut the attachments of a muscle., Something attached; some adjunct attached to an instrument, machine, or other object; as, a sewing machine attachment (i. e., a device attached to a sewing machine to enable it to do special work, as tucking, etc.)., A seizure or taking into custody by virtue of a legal process., The writ or percept commanding such seizure or taking.
attackable adjective Capable of being attacked.
attainable adjective Capable of being attained or reached by efforts of the mind or body; capable of being compassed or accomplished by efforts directed to the object., Obtainable.
attainment noun The act of attaining; the act of arriving at or reaching; hence, the act of obtaining by efforts., That which is attained to, or obtained by exertion; acquirement; acquisition; (pl.), mental acquirements; knowledge; as, literary and scientific attainments.
attainting present participle & vb. noun of Attaint
attainture noun Attainder; disgrace.
attaminate verb t. To corrupt; to defile; to contaminate.
attempered imp. & past participle of Attemper
attemperly adverb Temperately.
attempting present participle & vb. noun of Attempt
attemptive adjective Disposed to attempt; adventurous.
attendance verb t. Attention; regard; careful application., The act of attending; state of being in waiting; service; ministry; the fact of being present; presence., Waiting for; expectation., The persons attending; a retinue; attendants.
attendancy noun The quality of attending or accompanying; attendance; an attendant.
attendment noun An attendant circumstance.
attenuated imp. & past participle of Attenuate, Made thin or slender., Made thin or less viscid; rarefied.
attirement noun Attire; adornment.
attornment noun The act of a feudatory, vassal, or tenant, by which he consents, upon the alienation of an estate, to receive a new lord or superior, and transfers to him his homage and service; the agreement of a tenant to acknowledge the purchaser of the estate as his landlord.
attracting present participle & vb. noun of Attract, That attracts.
attractile adjective Having power to attract.
attraction noun An invisible power in a body by which it draws anything to itself; the power in nature acting mutually between bodies or ultimate particles, tending to draw them together, or to produce their cohesion or combination, and conversely resisting separation., The act or property of attracting; the effect of the power or operation of attraction., The power or act of alluring, drawing to, inviting, or engaging; an attractive quality; as, the attraction of beauty or eloquence., That which attracts; an attractive object or feature.
attractive adjective Having the power or quality of attracting or drawing; as, the attractive force of bodies., Attracting or drawing by moral influence or pleasurable emotion; alluring; inviting; pleasing., That which attracts or draws; an attraction; an allurement.
attributed imp. & past participle of Attribute