10 letter word starting with back

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
backbiting noun Secret slander; detraction.
backfriend noun A secret enemy.
backgammon noun A game of chance and skill, played by two persons on a “board” marked off into twenty-four spaces called “points”. Each player has fifteen pieces, or “men”, the movements of which from point to point are determined by throwing dice. Formerly called tables., In the game of backgammon, to beat by ending the game before the loser is clear of his first “table”.
background noun Ground in the rear or behind, or in the distance, as opposed to the foreground, or the ground in front., The space which is behind and subordinate to a portrait or group of figures., Anything behind, serving as a foil; as, the statue had a background of red hangings., A place in obscurity or retirement, or out of sight.
backhanded adjective With the hand turned backward; as, a backhanded blow., Indirect; awkward; insincere; sarcastic; as, a backhanded compliment., Turned back, or inclining to the left; as, a backhanded letters.
backhander noun A backhanded blow.
backsheesh noun Alt. of Backshish
backslider noun One who backslides.
backstairs adjective Alt. of Backstair
backstitch noun A stitch made by setting the needle back of the end of the last stitch, and bringing it out in front of the end., To sew with backstitches; as, to backstitch a seam.
backstress noun A female baker.
backwardly adverb Reluctantly; slowly; aversely., Perversely; ill.