10 letter word starting with bat

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
batfowling noun A mode of catching birds at night, by holding a torch or other light, and beating the bush or perch where they roost. The birds, flying to the light, are caught with nets or otherwise.
bathometer noun An instrument for measuring depths, esp. one for taking soundings without a sounding line.
bathymetry noun The art or science of sounding, or measuring depths in the sea.
batrachian adjective Pertaining to the Batrachia., One of the Batrachia.
batrachoid adjective Froglike. Specifically: Of or pertaining to the Batrachidae, a family of marine fishes, including the toadfish. Some have poisonous dorsal spines.
bat’s-wing adjective Alt. of Batwing
battailant verb i. Prepared for battle; combatant; warlike., A combatant.
battailous noun Arrayed for battle; fit or eager for battle; warlike.
battle-axe noun A kind of broadax formerly used as an offensive weapon.
battledoor noun An instrument, with a handle and a flat part covered with parchment or crossed with catgut, used to strike a shuttlecock in play; also, the play of battledoor and shuttlecock., A child’s hornbook.
battlement noun One of the solid upright parts of a parapet in ancient fortifications., pl. The whole parapet, consisting of alternate solids and open spaces. At first purely a military feature, afterwards copied on a smaller scale with decorative features, as for churches.