10 letter word starting with be

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
beaconless adjective Having no beacon.
beadleship noun The state of being, or the personality of, a beadle.
bead proof Among distillers, a certain degree of strength in alcoholic liquor, as formerly ascertained by the floating or sinking of glass globules of different specific gravities thrown into it; now ascertained by more accurate meters., A degree of strength in alcoholic liquor as shown by beads or small bubbles remaining on its surface, or at the side of the glass, when shaken.
beadswoman noun Alt. of Bedeswoman
bedeswoman noun Fem. of Beadsman.
bean caper A deciduous plant of warm climates, generally with fleshy leaves and flowers of a yellow or whitish yellow color, of the genus Zygophyllum.
bear’s-ear noun A kind of primrose (Primula auricula), so called from the shape of the leaf.
bear’s-paw noun A large bivalve shell of the East Indies (Hippopus maculatus), often used as an ornament.
beatifical adjective Having the power to impart or complete blissful enjoyment; blissful.
beatifying present participle & vb. noun of Beatify
beau ideal A conception or image of consummate beauty, moral or physical, formed in the mind, free from all the deformities, defects, and blemishes seen in actual existence; an ideal or faultless standard or model.
beau monde The fashionable world; people of fashion and gayety.
beautifier noun One who, or that which, beautifies or makes beautiful.
beautified imp. & past participle of Beautify
beautiless adjective Destitute of beauty.
beaverteen noun A kind of fustian made of coarse twilled cotton, shorn after dyeing.
beccabunga noun See Brooklime.
beccaficos plural of Beccafico
beclouding present participle & vb. noun of Becloud
becomingly adverb In a becoming manner.
bedabbling present participle & vb. noun of Bedabble
bedazzling present participle & vb. noun of Bedazzle
bedchamber noun A chamber for a bed; an apartment form sleeping in.
bedclothes noun pl. Blankets, sheets, coverlets, etc., for a bed.
bedevilled imp. & past participle of Bedevil
bedeviling present participle & vb. noun of Bedevil
bedraggled imp. & past participle of Bedraggle
bedrenched imp. & past participle of Bedrench
bedswerver noun One who swerves from and is unfaithful to the marriage vow.
beech tree The beech.
beetlehead noun A stupid fellow; a blockhead., The black-bellied plover, or bullhead (Squatarola helvetica). See Plover.
beforehand adverb In a state of anticipation ore preoccupation; in advance; — often followed by with., By way of preparation, or preliminary; previously; aforetime., In comfortable circumstances as regards property; forehanded.
beforetime adverb Formerly; aforetime.
befriended imp. & past participle of Befriend
beggarhood noun The condition of being a beggar; also, the class of beggars.
beggestere noun A beggar.
begrudging present participle & vb. noun of Begrudge
behindhand adverb & adjective In arrears financially; in a state where expenditures have exceeded the receipt of funds., In a state of backwardness, in respect to what is seasonable or appropriate, or as to what should have been accomplished; not equally forward with some other person or thing; dilatory; backward; late; tardy; as, behindhand in studies or in work.
behoovable adjective Supplying need; profitable; advantageous.
behooveful adjective Advantageous; useful; profitable.
bejaundice verb t. To infect with jaundice.
bejewelled of Bejewel
bejeweling present participle & vb. noun of Bejewel
belaboring present participle & vb. noun of Belabor
belectured imp. & past participle of Belecture
bel-esprit noun A fine genius, or man of wit.
belgravian adjective Belonging to Belgravia (a fashionable quarter of London, around Pimlico), or to fashionable life; aristocratic.
believable adjective Capable of being believed; credible.
belittling present participle & vb. noun of Belittle
belladonna noun An herbaceous European plant (Atropa belladonna) with reddish bell-shaped flowers and shining black berries. The whole plant and its fruit are very poisonous, and the root and leaves are used as powerful medicinal agents. Its properties are largely due to the alkaloid atropine which it contains. Called also deadly nightshade., A species of Amaryllis (A. belladonna); the belladonna lily.
bell crank A lever whose two arms form a right angle, or nearly a right angle, having its fulcrum at the apex of the angle. It is used in bell pulls and in changing the direction of bell wires at angles of rooms, etc., and also in machinery.
bell-faced adjective Having the striking surface convex; — said of hammers.
bellflower noun A plant of the genus Campanula; — so named from its bell-shaped flowers., A kind of apple. The yellow bellflower is a large, yellow winter apple.
bell metal A hard alloy or bronze, consisting usually of about three parts of copper to one of tin; — used for making bells.
bellwether noun A wether, or sheep, which leads the flock, with a bell on his neck., Hence: A leader.
bellybound adjective Costive; constipated.
bellycheat noun An apron or covering for the front of the person.
bellycheer noun Good cheer; viands., To revel; to feast.
belswagger noun A lewd man; also, a bully.
benedicite noun A canticle (the Latin version of which begins with this word) which may be used in the order for morning prayer in the Church of England. It is taken from an apocryphal addition to the third chapter of Daniel., An exclamation corresponding to Bless you !.
benedictus adjective The song of Zacharias at the birth of John the Baptist (Luke i. 68); — so named from the first word of the Latin version.
benefactor noun One who confers a benefit or benefits.
beneficent adjective Doing or producing good; performing acts of kindness and charity; characterized by beneficence.
beneficial adjective Conferring benefits; useful; profitable; helpful; advantageous; serviceable; contributing to a valuable end; — followed by to., Receiving, or entitled to have or receive, advantage, use, or benefit; as, the beneficial owner of an estate., King.
benevolent adjective Having a disposition to do good; possessing or manifesting love to mankind, and a desire to promote their prosperity and happiness; disposed to give to good objects; kind; charitable.
benevolous adjective Kind; benevolent.
benighting present participle & vb. noun of Benight
benignancy noun Benignant quality; kindliness.
bent grass Same as Bent, a kind of grass.
benthamism noun That phase of the doctrine of utilitarianism taught by Jeremy Bentham; the doctrine that the morality of actions is estimated and determined by their utility; also, the theory that the sensibility to pleasure and the recoil from pain are the only motives which influence human desires and actions, and that these are the sufficient explanation of ethical and jural conceptions.
benthamite noun One who believes in Benthamism.
benumbment noun Act of benumbing, or state of being benumbed; torpor.
bepommeled imp. & past participle of Bepommel
bequeathed imp. & past participle of Bequeath
bequeathal noun The act of bequeathing; bequeathment; bequest.
bereaving. present participle & vb. noun of Bereave
bergmaster noun See Barmaster.
berkeleian adjective Of or relating to Bishop Berkeley or his system of idealism; as, Berkeleian philosophy.
bernardine adjective Of or pertaining to St. Bernard of Clairvaux, or to the Cistercian monks., A Cistercian monk.
bes-antler noun Same as Bez-antler.
bescribble verb t. To scribble over.
beseeching present participle & vb. noun of Beseech, Entreating urgently; imploring; as, a beseeching look.
beslavered imp. & past participle of Beslaver
besmearing present participle & vb. noun of Besmear
besmirched imp. & past participle of Besmirch
besmutting present participle & vb. noun of Besmut
bespangled imp. & past participle of Bespangle
bespeaking present participle & vb. noun of Bespeak
bespeckled imp. & past participle of Bespeckle
bespitting present participle & vb. noun of Bespit
bespotting present participle & vb. noun of Bespot
besprinkle verb t. To sprinkle over; to scatter over.
bestiality noun The state or quality of being bestial., Unnatural connection with a beast.
bestialize verb t. To make bestial, or like a beast; to degrade; to brutalize.
besticking present participle & vb. noun of Bestick
bestirring present participle & vb. noun of Bestir
bestowment noun The act of giving or bestowing; a conferring or bestowal., That which is given or bestowed.
bestraddle verb t. To bestride.
bestraught adjective Out of one’s senses; distracted; mad.
bestrewing present participle & vb. noun of Bestrew
bestridden past participle of Bestride
bestriding present participle & vb. noun of Bestride
bestudding present participle & vb. noun of Bestud
betelguese noun A bright star of the first magnitude, near one shoulder of Orion.
bete noire Something especially hated or dreaded; a bugbear.
bethinking present participle & vb. noun of Bethink
bethlemite noun An inhabitant of Bethlehem in Judea., An insane person; a madman; a bedlamite., One of an extinct English order of monks.
bethumping present participle & vb. noun of Bethump
betokening present participle & vb. noun of Betoken
betrayment noun Betrayal.
betrimming present participle & vb. noun of Betrim
betrothing present participle & vb. noun of Betroth
betterment noun A making better; amendment; improvement., An improvement of an estate which renders it better than mere repairing would do; — generally used in the plural.
bettermost adjective Best.
betterness noun The quality of being better or superior; superiority., The difference by which fine gold or silver exceeds in fineness the standard.
bevel gear A kind of gear in which the two wheels working together lie in different planes, and have their teeth cut at right angles to the surfaces of two cones whose apices coincide with the point where the axes of the wheels would meet.
bewailable adjective Such as may, or ought to, be bewailed; lamentable.
bewailment noun The act of bewailing.
bewildered imp. & past participle of Bewilder, Greatly perplexed; as, a bewildered mind.
bewitching present participle & vb. noun of Bewitch, Having power to bewitch or fascinate; enchanting; captivating; charming.
bewitchery noun The power of bewitching or fascinating; bewitchment; charm; fascination.
bewondered imp. & past participle of Bewonder
bewrayment noun Betrayal.
bez-antler noun The second branch of a stag’s horn.