10 letter word starting with br

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
brabantine adjective Pertaining to Brabant, an ancient province of the Netherlands.
brachiopod noun One of the Brachiopoda, or its shell.
brachydome noun A dome parallel to the shorter lateral axis. See Dome.
brachylogy noun Conciseness of expression; brevity.
brachyural adjective Alt. of Brachyurous
brachyuran noun One of the Brachyura.
bracketing present participle & vb. noun of Bracket, A series or group of brackets; brackets, collectively.
braggingly adverb Boastingly.
brahmaness noun A Brahmani.
brahmanism noun Alt. of Brahminism
brahminism noun The religion or system of doctrines of the Brahmans; the religion of Brahma.
brahmanist noun Alt. of Brahminist
brahminist noun An adherent of the religion of the Brahmans.
branchiate adjective Furnished with branchiae; as, branchiate segments.
branchiura noun pl. A group of Entomostraca, with suctorial mouths, including species parasitic on fishes, as the carp lice (Argulus).
branchless adjective Destitute of branches or shoots; without any valuable product; barren; naked.
brand iron A branding iron., A trivet to set a pot on., The horizontal bar of an andiron.
brandished imp. & past participle of Brandish
brandisher noun One who brandishes.
brandywine noun Brandy.
brassiness noun The state, condition, or quality of being brassy.
brawlingly adverb In a brawling manner.
brawniness noun The quality or state of being brawny.
brazenface noun An impudent or shameless person.
brazenness noun The quality or state of being brazen.
braziletto noun See Brazil wood.
brazil nut An oily, three-sided nut, the seed of the Bertholletia excelsa; the cream nut.
breadfruit noun The fruit of a tree (Artocarpus incisa) found in the islands of the Pacific, esp. the South Sea islands. It is of a roundish form, from four to six or seven inches in diameter, and, when baked, somewhat resembles bread, and is eaten as food, whence the name., The tree itself, which is one of considerable size, with large, lobed leaves. Cloth is made from the bark, and the timber is used for many purposes. Called also breadfruit tree and bread tree.
breadstuff noun Grain, flour, or meal of which bread is made.
breakwater noun Any structure or contrivance, as a mole, or a wall at the mouth of a harbor, to break the force of waves, and afford protection from their violence.
breastband noun A band for the breast. Specifically: (Naut.) A band of canvas, or a rope, fastened at both ends to the rigging, to support the man who heaves the lead in sounding.
breastbeam noun The front transverse beam of a locomotive.
breastbone noun The bone of the breast; the sternum.
breastfast noun A large rope to fasten the midship part of a ship to a wharf, or to another vessel.
breasthook noun A thick piece of timber in the form of a knee, placed across the stem of a ship to strengthen the fore part and unite the bows on each side.
breastknot noun A knot of ribbons worn on the breast.
breastplow noun Alt. of Breastplough
breastrail noun The upper rail of any parapet of ordinary height, as of a balcony; the railing of a quarter-deck, etc.
breastrope noun See Breastband.
breastwork noun A defensive work of moderate height, hastily thrown up, of earth or other material., A railing on the quarter-deck and forecastle.
breathable adjective Such as can be breathed.
breathless adjective Spent with labor or violent action; out of breath., Not breathing; holding the breath, on account of fear, expectation, or intense interest; attended with a holding of the breath; as, breathless attention., Dead; as, a breathless body.
brecciated adjective Consisting of angular fragments cemented together; resembling breccia in appearance.
breech pin Alt. of Breech screw
breeze fly noun A fly of various species, of the family Tabanidae, noted for buzzing about animals, and tormenting them by sucking their blood; — called also horsefly, and gadfly. They are among the largest of two-winged or dipterous insects. The name is also given to different species of botflies.
breezeless adjective Motionless; destitute of breezes.
breeziness noun State of being breezy.
brenningly adverb Burningly; ardently.
brevetting present participle & vb. noun of Brevet
brevetcies plural of Brevetcy
breviaries plural of Breviary
breviature noun An abbreviature; an abbreviation.
bricklayer noun One whose occupation is to build with bricks.
brickmaker noun One whose occupation is to make bricks.
bridegroom noun A man newly married, or just about to be married.
bridesmaid noun A female friend who attends on a bride at her wedding.
bridestake noun A stake or post set in the ground, for guests at a wedding to dance round.
bridgehead noun A fortification commanding the extremity of a bridge nearest the enemy, to insure the preservation and usefulness of the bridge, and prevent the enemy from crossing; a tete-de-pont.
bridgeless adjective Having no bridge; not bridged.
bridgetree noun The beam which supports the spindle socket of the runner in a grinding mill.
brigandage noun Life and practice of brigands; highway robbery; plunder.
brigandine noun A coast of armor for the body, consisting of scales or plates, sometimes overlapping each other, generally of metal, and sewed to linen or other material. It was worn in the Middle Ages.
brigandish adjective Like a brigand or freebooter; robberlike.
brigandism noun Brigandage.
brigantine noun A practical vessel., A two-masted, square-rigged vessel, differing from a brig in that she does not carry a square mainsail., See Brigandine.
brightened imp. & past participle of Brighten
brightness noun The quality or state of being bright; splendor; luster; brilliancy; clearness., Acuteness (of the faculties); sharpness 9wit.
brightsome adjective Bright; clear; luminous; brilliant.
broadcloth noun A fine smooth-faced woolen cloth for men’s garments, usually of double width (i.e., a yard and a half); — so called in distinction from woolens three quarters of a yard wide.
broadening present participle & vb. noun of Broaden
broadmouth noun One of the Eurylaimidae, a family of East Indian passerine birds.
broadpiece noun An old English gold coin, broader than a guinea, as a Carolus or Jacobus.
broad seal The great seal of England; the public seal of a country or state.
broadsword noun A sword with a broad blade and a cutting edge; a claymore.
brocatello noun Same as Brocatel.
brokenness noun The state or quality of being broken; unevenness., Contrition; as, brokenness of heart.
brompicrin noun A pungent colorless explosive liquid, CNO2Br3, analogous to and resembling chlorpicrin.
bronchiole noun A minute bronchial tube.
bronchitic adjective Of or pertaining to bronchitis; as, bronchitic inflammation.
bronchitis noun Inflammation, acute or chronic, of the bronchial tubes or any part of them.
brontolite noun Alt. of Brontolith
brontolith noun An aerolite.
brontology noun A treatise upon thunder.
brontozoum noun An extinct animal of large size, known from its three-toed footprints in Mesozoic sandstone.
bronzewing noun An Australian pigeon of the genus Phaps, of several species; — so called from its bronze plumage.
brook mint See Water mint.
broom corn A variety of Sorghum vulgare, having a joined stem, like maize, rising to the height of eight or ten feet, and bearing its seeds on a panicle with long branches, of which brooms are made.
broom rape A genus (Orobanche) of parasitic plants of Europe and Asia. They are destitute of chlorophyll, have scales instead of leaves, and spiked flowers, and grow attached to the roots of other plants, as furze, clover, flax, wild carrot, etc. The name is sometimes applied to other plants related to this genus, as Aphyllon uniflorumand A. Ludovicianum.
broomstaff noun A broomstick.
broomstick noun A stick used as a handle of a broom.
brotelness noun Brittleness.
browbeaten past participle of Browbeat
brown bill A bill or halberd of the 16th and 17th centuries. See 4th Bill.
brownstone noun A dark variety of sandstone, much used for building purposes.
browsewood noun Shrubs and bushes upon which animals browse.
bruisewort noun A plant supposed to heal bruises, as the true daisy, the soapwort, and the comfrey.
brushiness noun The quality of resembling a brush; brushlike condition; shagginess.
brutalized imp. & past participle of Brutalize
brutifying present participle & vb. noun of Brutify
bryologist noun One versed in bryology.