10 letter word starting with bri

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
bricklayer noun One whose occupation is to build with bricks.
brickmaker noun One whose occupation is to make bricks.
bridegroom noun A man newly married, or just about to be married.
bridesmaid noun A female friend who attends on a bride at her wedding.
bridestake noun A stake or post set in the ground, for guests at a wedding to dance round.
bridgehead noun A fortification commanding the extremity of a bridge nearest the enemy, to insure the preservation and usefulness of the bridge, and prevent the enemy from crossing; a tete-de-pont.
bridgeless adjective Having no bridge; not bridged.
bridgetree noun The beam which supports the spindle socket of the runner in a grinding mill.
brigandage noun Life and practice of brigands; highway robbery; plunder.
brigandine noun A coast of armor for the body, consisting of scales or plates, sometimes overlapping each other, generally of metal, and sewed to linen or other material. It was worn in the Middle Ages.
brigandish adjective Like a brigand or freebooter; robberlike.
brigandism noun Brigandage.
brigantine noun A practical vessel., A two-masted, square-rigged vessel, differing from a brig in that she does not carry a square mainsail., See Brigandine.
brightened imp. & past participle of Brighten
brightness noun The quality or state of being bright; splendor; luster; brilliancy; clearness., Acuteness (of the faculties); sharpness 9wit.
brightsome adjective Bright; clear; luminous; brilliant.