10 letter word starting with ch

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
chachalaca noun The Texan guan (Ortalis vetula).
chaetodont noun A marine fish of the family Chaetodontidae. The chaetodonts have broad, compressed bodies, and usually bright colors., Of or pertaining to the Chaetodonts or the family Chaetodontidae.
chaetopoda noun pl. A very extensive order of Annelida, characterized by the presence of lateral setae, or spines, on most or all of the segments. They are divided into two principal groups: Oligochaeta, including the earthworms and allied forms, and Polychaeta, including most of the marine species.
chaetotaxy noun The arrangement of bristles on an insect.
chaffering present participle & vb. noun of Chaffer
chain pump A pump consisting of an endless chain, running over a drum or wheel by which it is moved, and dipping below the water to be raised. The chain has at intervals disks or lifts which fit the tube through which the ascending part passes and carry the water to the point of discharge.
chalcedony noun A cryptocrystalline, translucent variety of quartz, having usually a whitish color, and a luster nearly like wax.
chalcidian noun One of a tropical family of snakelike lizards (Chalcidae), having four small or rudimentary legs.
chalcocite noun Native copper sulphide, called also copper glance, and vitreous copper; a mineral of a black color and metallic luster.
chalkiness noun The state of being chalky.
chalkstone noun A mass of chalk., A chalklike concretion, consisting mainly of urate of sodium, found in and about the small joints, in the external ear, and in other situations, in those affected with gout; a tophus.
challenged imp. & past participle of Challenge
challenger noun One who challenges.
chalybeate adjective Impregnated with salts of iron; having a taste like iron; as, chalybeate springs., Any water, liquid, or medicine, into which iron enters as an ingredient.
chalybeous adjective Steel blue; of the color of tempered steel.
chambering present participle & vb. noun of Chamber, Lewdness.
chambertin noun A red wine from Chambertin near Dijon, in Burgundy.
chamfering present participle & vb. noun of Chamfer
champertor noun One guilty of champerty; one who purchases a suit, or the right of suing, and carries it on at his own expense, in order to obtain a share of the gain.
champignon noun An edible species of mushroom (Agaricus campestris).
championed imp. & past participle of Champion
chanceable adjective Fortuitous; casual.
chanceably adverb By chance.
chancellor noun A judicial court of chancery, which in England and in the United States is distinctively a court with equity jurisdiction.
chandelier noun A candlestick, lamp, stand, gas fixture, or the like, having several branches; esp., one hanging from the ceiling., A movable parapet, serving to support fascines to cover pioneers.
chandlerly adjective Like a chandler; in a petty way.
changeable adjective Capable of change; subject to alteration; mutable; variable; fickle; inconstant; as, a changeable humor., Appearing different, as in color, in different lights, or under different circumstances; as, changeable silk.
changeably adverb In a changeable manner.
changeless adjective That can not be changed; constant; as, a changeless purpose.
changeling noun One who, or that which, is left or taken in the place of another, as a child exchanged by fairies., A simpleton; an idiot., One apt to change; a waverer., Taken or left in place of another; changed., Given to change; inconstant.
channelled of Channel
channeling present participle & vb. noun of Channel, The act or process of forming a channel or channels., A channel or a system of channels; a groove.
chapellany noun A chapel within the jurisdiction of a church; a subordinate ecclesiastical foundation.
chaperoned imp. & past participle of Chaperon
chapfallen adjective Having the lower chap or jaw drooping, — an indication of humiliation and dejection; crestfallen; discouraged. See Chopfallen.
chaplaincy noun The office, position, or station of a chaplain.
charactery noun The art or means of characterizing; a system of signs or characters; symbolism; distinctive mark., That which is charactered; the meaning.
chargeable adjective That may be charged, laid, imposed, or imputes; as, a duty chargeable on iron; a fault chargeable on a man., Subject to be charge or accused; liable or responsible; as, revenues chargeable with a claim; a man chargeable with murder., Serving to create expense; costly; burdensome.
chargeably adverb At great cost; expensively.
chargeless adjective Free from, or with little, charge.
chargeship noun The office of a charge d’affaires.
charioting present participle & vb. noun of Chariot
charioteer noun One who drives a chariot., A constellation. See Auriga, and Wagones.
charitable adjective Full of love and good will; benevolent; kind., Liberal in judging of others; disposed to look on the best side, and to avoid harsh judgment., Liberal in benefactions to the poor; giving freely; generous; beneficent., Of or pertaining to charity; springing from, or intended for, charity; relating to almsgiving; eleemosynary; as, a charitable institution., Dictated by kindness; favorable; lenient.
charitably adverb In a charitable manner.
charmeress noun An enchantress.
chartering present participle & vb. noun of Charter
charterist noun Same as Chartist.
chartreuse noun A Carthusian monastery; esp. La Grande Chartreuse, mother house of the order, in the mountains near Grenoble, France., An alcoholic cordial, distilled from aromatic herbs; — made at La Grande Chartreuse.
chartulary noun See Cartulary.
chastening present participle & vb. noun of Chasten
chasteness noun Chastity; purity., Freedom from all that is meretricious, gaudy, or affected; as, chasteness of design.
chastising present participle & vb. noun of Chastise
chatelaine noun An ornamental hook, or brooch worn by a lady at her waist, and having a short chain or chains attached for a watch, keys, trinkets, etc. Also used adjectively; as, a chatelaine chain.
chatellany noun Same as Castellany.
chatoyment noun Changeableness of color, as in a mineral; play of colors.
chattelism noun The act or condition of holding chattels; the state of being a chattel.
chattering present participle & vb. noun of Chatter, The act or habit of talking idly or rapidly, or of making inarticulate sounds; the sounds so made; noise made by the collision of the teeth; chatter.
chattiness noun The quality of being chatty, or of talking easily and pleasantly.
chaunterie noun See Chantry.
chauvinism noun Blind and absurd devotion to a fallen leader or an obsolete cause; hence, absurdly vainglorious or exaggerated patriotism.
cheapening present participle & vb. noun of Cheapen
cheap-jack noun Alt. of Cheap-john
cheap-john noun A seller of low-priced or second goods; a hawker.
checkering present participle & vb. noun of Checker
checklaton noun Ciclatoun., Gilded leather.
checkmated imp. & past participle of Checkmate
cheerfully adverb In a cheerful manner, gladly.
cheeriness noun The state of being cheery.
cheeringly adverb In a manner to cheer or encourage.
cheesiness noun The quality of being cheesy.
cheilopoda noun See Ch/lopoda.
cheirepter noun One of the Cheiroptera.
chelicerae plural of Chelicera
chelidonic adjective Of, pertaining to, or derived from, the celandine.
chemically adverb According to chemical principles; by chemical process or operation.
chemisette noun An under-garment, worn by women, usually covering the neck, shoulders, and breast.
chemolysis noun A term sometimes applied to the decomposition of organic substance into more simple bodies, by the use of chemical agents alone.
cherimoyer noun A small downy-leaved tree (Anona Cherimolia), with fragrant flowers. It is a native of Peru., Its delicious fruit, which is succulent, dark purple, and similar to the custard apple of the West Indies.
chersonese noun A peninsula; a tract of land nearly surrounded by water, but united to a larger tract by a neck of land or isthmus; as, the Cimbric Chersonese, or Jutland; the Tauric Chersonese, or Crimea.
cherubical adjective Of or pertaining to cherubs; angelic.
chessboard noun The board used in the game of chess, having eight rows of alternate light and dark squares, eight in each row. See Checkerboard.
cheventein noun A variant of Chieftain.
chevisance noun Achievement; deed; performance., A bargain; profit; gain., A making of contracts., A bargain or contract; an agreement about a matter in dispute, such as a debt; a business compact., An unlawful agreement or contract.
chevrotain noun A small ruminant of the family Tragulidae a allied to the musk deer. It inhabits Africa and the East Indies. See Kanchil.
chickasaws noun pl. A tribe of North American Indians (Southern Appalachian) allied to the Choctaws. They formerly occupied the northern part of Alabama and Mississippi, but now live in the Indian Territory.
chief hare A small rodent (Lagamys princeps) inhabiting the summits of the Rocky Mountains; — also called crying hare, calling hare, cony, American pika, and little chief hare.
chiffonier noun Alt. of niere
childbirth noun The act of bringing forth a child; travail; labor.
childishly adverb In the manner of a child; in a trifling way; in a weak or foolish manner.
chiliarchy noun A body consisting of a thousand men.
chiliastic adjective Millenarian.
chilliness noun A state or sensation of being chilly; a disagreeable sensation of coldness., A moderate degree of coldness; disagreeable coldness or rawness; as, the chilliness of the air., Formality; lack of warmth.
chilognath noun A myriapod of the order Chilognatha.
chilostoma noun pl. Alt. of Chilostomata
chimaeroid adjective Related to, or like, the chimaera.
chimerical adjective Merely imaginary; fanciful; fantastic; wildly or vainly conceived; having, or capable of having, no existence except in thought; as, chimerical projects.
chimpanzee noun An african ape (Anthropithecus troglodytes or Troglodytes niger) which approaches more nearly to man, in most respects, than any other ape. When full grown, it is from three to four feet high.
chinaldine noun See Quinaldine.
chincherie noun Penuriousness.
chinchilla noun A small rodent (Chinchilla lanigera), of the size of a large squirrel, remarkable for its fine fur, which is very soft and of a pearly gray color. It is a native of Peru and Chili., The fur of the chinchilla., A heavy, long-napped, tufted woolen cloth.
chin cough Whooping cough.
chinoidine noun See Quinodine.
chinquapin noun A branching, nut-bearing tree or shrub (Castanea pumila) of North America, from six to twenty feet high, allied to the chestnut. Also, its small, sweet, edible nat.
chippeways noun pl. A tribe of Indians formerly inhabiting the northern and western shores of Lake Superior; — called also Objibways.
chirognomy noun The art of judging character by the shape and appearance of the hand.
chirograph noun A writing which, requiring a counterpart, was engrossed twice on the same piece of parchment, with a space between, in which was written the word chirographum, through which the parchment was cut, and one part given to each party. It answered to what is now called a charter party., The last part of a fine of land, commonly called the foot of the fine.
chiromancy noun The art or practice of foretelling events, or of telling the fortunes or the disposition of persons by inspecting the hand; palmistry.
chiromonic adjective Relating to chironomy.
chiroplast noun An instrument to guid the hands and fingers of pupils in playing on the piano, etc.
chirpingly adverb In a chirping manner.
chirruping present participle & vb. noun of Chirrup
chirurgeon noun A surgeon.
chirurgery noun Surgery.
chiselling of Chisel
chivalrous adjective Pertaining to chivalry or knight-errantry; warlike; heroic; gallant; high-spirited; high-minded; magnanimous.
chlamydate adjective Having a mantle; — applied to certain gastropods.
chloralism noun A morbid condition of the system resulting from excessive use of chloral.
chloridate verb t. To treat or prepare with a chloride, as a plate with chloride of silver, for the purposes of photography.
chloridize verb t. See Chloridate.
chlorinate verb t. To treat, or cause to combine, with chlorine.
chloriodic adjective Compounded of chlorine and iodine; containing chlorine and iodine.
chlorodyne noun A patent anodyne medicine, containing opium, chloroform, Indian hemp, etc.
chloroform noun A colorless volatile liquid, CHCl3, having an ethereal odor and a sweetish taste, formed by treating alcohol with chlorine and an alkali. It is a powerful solvent of wax, resin, etc., and is extensively used to produce anaesthesia in surgical operations; also externally, to alleviate pain., To treat with chloroform, or to place under its influence.
chock-full adjective Quite full; choke-full.
choiceness noun The quality of being of particular value or worth; nicely; excellence.
chokeberry noun The small apple-shaped or pear-shaped fruit of an American shrub (Pyrus arbutifolia) growing in damp thickets; also, the shrub.
choke damp See Carbonic acid, under Carbonic.
choke-full adjective Full to the brim; quite full; chock-full.
choke pear A kind of pear that has a rough, astringent taste, and is swallowed with difficulty, or which contracts the mucous membrane of the mouth., A sarcasm by which one is put to silence; anything that can not be answered.
cholagogue adjective Promoting the discharge of bile from the system., An agent which promotes the discharge of bile from the system.
cholericly adverb In a choleric manner; angrily.
choliambic noun A verse having an iambus in the fifth place, and a spondee in the sixth or last.
chondrigen noun The chemical basis of cartilage, converted by long boiling in water into a gelatinous body called chondrin.
chondritic adjective Granular; pertaining to, or having the granular structure characteristic of, the class of meteorites called chondrites.
chondritis noun An inflammation of cartilage.
chondrogen noun Same as Chondrigen.
chopchurch noun An exchanger or an exchange of benefices.
chopfallen adjective Having the lower chop or jaw depressed; hence, crestfallen; dejected; dispirited; downcast. See Chapfallen.
chop-logic noun One who bandies words or is very argumentative.
choriambic adjective Pertaining to a choriamb., A choriamb.
choriambus noun A foot consisting of four syllables, of which the first and last are long, and the other short (- ~ ~ -); that is, a choreus, or trochee, and an iambus united.
chorograph noun An instrument for constructing triangles in marine surveying, etc.
chorometry noun The art of surveying a region or district.
christened imp. & past participle of Christen
christless adjective Without faith in Christ; unchristian.
christlike adjective Resembling Christ in character, actions, etc.
chromatics noun The science of colors; that part of optics which treats of the properties of colors.
chromatism noun The state of being colored, as in the case of images formed by a lens., An abnormal coloring of plants.
chromatype noun A colored photographic picture taken upon paper made sensitive with potassium bichromate or some other salt of chromium., The process by which such picture is made.
chromosome noun One of the minute bodies into which the chromatin of the nucleus is resolved during mitotic cell division; the idant of Weismann.
chromotype noun A sheet printed in colors by any process, as a chromolithograph. See Chromolithograph., A photographic picture in the natural colors.
chronicled imp. & past participle of Chronicle
chronicler noun A writer of a chronicle; a recorder of events in the order of time; an historian.
chronogram noun An inscription in which certain numeral letters, made to appear specially conspicuous, on being added together, express a particular date or epoch, as in the motto of a medal struck by Gustavus Adolphus in 1632: ChrIstVs DVX; ergo trIVMphVs.- the capitals of which give, when added as numerals, the sum 1632., The record or inscription made by a chronograph.
chronology noun The science which treats of measuring time by regular divisions or periods, and which assigns to events or transactions their proper dates.
chronopher noun An instrument signaling the correct time to distant points by electricity.
chrysalids plural of Chrysalid
chrysaurin noun An orange-colored dyestuff, of artificial production.
chrysolite noun A mineral, composed of silica, magnesia, and iron, of a yellow to green color. It is common in certain volcanic rocks; — called also olivine and peridot. Sometimes used as a gem. The name was also early used for yellow varieties of tourmaline and topaz.
chrysology noun That branch of political economy which relates to the production of wealth.
chrysotype noun A photographic picture taken upon paper prepared by the use of a sensitive salt of iron and developed by the application of chloride of gold., 2process, invented by Sir J.Herschel.
chub-faced adjective Having a plump, short face.
chuffiness noun The quality of being chuffy.
church-ale noun A church or parish festival (as in commemoration of the dedication of a church), at which much ale was used.
churchgoer noun One who attends church.
church-haw noun Churchyard.
churchless adjective Without a church.
churchlike adjective Befitting a church or a churchman; becoming to a clergyman.
churchship noun State of being a church.
churchyard noun The ground adjoining a church, in which the dead are buried; a cemetery.
churlishly adverb In a churlish manner.
chylaceous adjective Possessed of the properties of chyle; consisting of chyle.