10 letter word starting with ci

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cicatricle noun The germinating point in the embryo of a seed; the point in the yolk of an egg at which development begins.
cicatrices plural of Cicatrix
cicatrized imp. & past participle of Cicatrize
ciceronian adjective Resembling Cicero in style or action; eloquent.
cicisbeism noun The state or conduct of a cicisbeo.
cicuration noun The act of taming.
ciliograde adjective Moving by means of cilia, or cilialike organs; as, the ciliograde Medusae.
cimeliarch noun A superintendent or keeper of a church’s valuables; a churchwarden.
cinchonine noun One of the quinine group of alkaloids isomeric with and resembling cinchonidine; — called also cinchonia.
cinchonism noun A condition produced by the excessive or long-continued use of quinine, and marked by deafness, roaring in the ears, vertigo, etc.
cinchonize verb t. To produce cinchonism in; to poison with quinine or with cinchona.
cinematics noun sing. See Kinematics.
cineration noun The reducing of anything to ashes by combustion; cinefaction.
cinerulent adjective Full of ashes.
cinnamomic adjective See Cinnamic.
cinquefoil noun The name of several different species of the genus Potentilla; — also called five-finger, because of the resemblance of its leaves to the fingers of the hand., An ornamental foliation having five points or cups, used in windows, panels, etc.
cipherhood noun Nothingness.
circassian adjective Of or pertaining to Circassia, in Asia., A native or inhabitant of Circassia.
circensial adjective Alt. of Circensian
circensian adjective Of or pertaining to, or held in, the Circus, In Rome.
circuiteer noun A circuiter.
circuition noun The act of going round; circumlocution.
circuitous adjective Going round in a circuit; roundabout; indirect; as, a circuitous road; a circuitous manner of accomplishing an end.
circulable adjective That may be circulated.
circularly adverb In a circular manner.
circulator noun One who, or that which, circulates.
circumcise verb t. To cut off the prepuce of foreskin of, in the case of males, and the internal labia of, in the case of females., To purify spiritually.
circumduce verb t. To declare elapsed, as the time allowed for introducing evidence.
circumduct verb t. To lead about; to lead astray., To contravene; to nullify; as, to circumduct acts of judicature.
circumflex noun A wave of the voice embracing both a rise and fall or a fall and a rise on the same a syllable., A character, or accent, denoting in Greek a rise and of the voice on the same long syllable, marked thus [~ or /]; and in Latin and some other languages, denoting a long and contracted syllable, marked [/ or ^]. See Accent, n., 2., To mark or pronounce with a circumflex., Moving or turning round; circuitous., Curved circularly; — applied to several arteries of the hip and thigh, to arteries, veins, and a nerve of the shoulder, and to other parts.
circumfuse verb t. To pour round; to spread round.
circumgyre verb i. To circumgyrate.
circummure verb t. To encompass with a wall.
circumvent verb t. To gain advantage over by arts, stratagem, or deception; to decieve; to delude; to get around.
circumvest verb t. To cover round, as with a garment; to invest.
cirrigrade adjective Moving or moved by cirri, or hairlike appendages.
cirripedia noun pl. An order of Crustacea including the barnacles. When adult, they have a calcareous shell composed of several pieces. From the opening of the shell the animal throws out a group of curved legs, looking like a delicate curl, whence the name of the group. See Anatifa.
cirrostomi noun pl. The lowest group of vertebrates; — so called from the cirri around the mouth; the Leptocardia. See Amphioxus.
cisleithan adjective On the Austrian side of the river Leitha; Austrian.
cismontane adjective On this side of the mountains. See under Ultramontane.
cistercian noun A monk of the prolific branch of the Benedictine Order, established in 1098 at Citeaux, in France, by Robert, abbot of Molesme. For two hundred years the Cistercians followed the rule of St. Benedict in all its rigor., Of or pertaining to the Cistercians.
citigradae noun pl. A suborder of Arachnoidea, including the European tarantula and the wolf spiders (Lycosidae) and their allies, which capture their prey by rapidly running and jumping. See Wolf spider.
citizeness noun A female citizen.
citraconic adjective Pertaining to, derived from, or having certain characteristics of, citric and aconitic acids.
civilities plural of Civillty
civilizing present participle & vb. noun of Civilize