10 letter word starting with cl

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cladophyll noun A special branch, resembling a leaf, as in the apparent foliage of the broom (Ruscus) and of the common cultivated smilax (Myrsiphillum).
clamatores noun pl. A division of passerine birds in which the vocal muscles are but little developed, so that they lack the power of singing.
clambering present participle & vb. noun of Clamber
clamminess noun State of being clammy or viscous.
clangorous adjective Making a clangor; having a ringing, metallic sound.
clarenceux noun Alt. of Clarencieux
claribella noun A soft, sweet stop, or set of open wood pipes in an organ.
clarichord noun A musical instrument, formerly in use, in form of a spinet; — called also manichord and clavichord.
clarifying present participle & vb. noun of Clarify
clarisonus adjective Having a clear sound.
clashingly adverb With clashing.
classicism noun A classic idiom or expression; a classicalism.
classicist noun One learned in the classics; an advocate for the classics.
classifier noun One who classifies.
classified imp. & pp. of Classify
clattering present participle & vb. noun of Clatter
claudicant adjective Limping.
clavellate adjective See Clavate.
clavichord noun A keyed stringed instrument, now superseded by the pianoforte. See Clarichord.
clavicular adjective Of or pertaining to the clavicle.
cleansable adjective Capable of being cleansed.
clearstory noun Alt. of Clerestory
clerestory noun The upper story of the nave of a church, containing windows, and rising above the aisle roofs., Same as Clearstory.
cleftgraft verb t. To ingraft by cleaving the stock and inserting a scion.
clemencies plural of Clemency
clementine adjective Of or pertaining to Clement, esp. to St. Clement of Rome and the spurious homilies attributed to him, or to Pope Clement V. and his compilations of canon law.
clergyable adjective Entitled to, or admitting, the benefit of clergy; as, a clergyable felony.
cleromancy noun A divination by throwing dice or casting lots.
cleverness noun The quality of being clever; skill; dexterity; adroitness.
clientship noun Condition of a client; state of being under the protection of a patron.
climatical adjective Climatic.
climatized imp. & past participle of Climatize
clingstone adjective Having the flesh attached closely to the stone, as in some kinds of peaches., A fruit, as a peach, whose flesh adheres to the stone.
clinically adverb In a clinical manner.
clinkstone noun An igneous rock of feldspathic composition, lamellar in structure, and clinking under the hammer. See Phonolite.
clinometer noun An instrument for determining the dip of beds or strata, pr the slope of an embankment or cutting; a kind of plumb level.
clinometry noun That art or operation of measuring the inclination of strata.
clodhopper noun A rude, rustic fellow.
clogginess noun The state of being clogged.
cloistered imp. & past participle of Cloister, Dwelling in cloisters; solitary., Furnished with cloisters.
cloisteral adjective Cloistral.
cloisterer noun One belonging to, or living in, a cloister; a recluse.
cloistress noun A nun.
clothespin noun A forked piece of wood, or a small spring clamp, used for fastening clothes on a line.
cloudberry noun A species of raspberry (Rubus Chamaemerous) growing in the northern regions, and bearing edible, amber-colored fruit.
cloudiness noun The state of being cloudy.
clubfisted adjective Having a large fist.
clubfooted adjective Having a clubfoot.
clumsiness noun The quality of being clumsy.
clustering present participle & vb. noun of Cluster
cluttering present participle & vb. noun of Clutter
clypeiform adjective Shield-shaped; clypeate.