10 letter word starting with cr

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
craftiness noun Dexterity in devising and effecting a purpose; cunning; artifice; stratagem.
cragginess noun The state of being craggy.
crakeberry noun See Crowberry.
cramp iron See Cramp, n., 2.
craniology noun The department of science (as of ethnology or archaeology) which deals with the shape, size, proportions, indications, etc., of skulls; the study of skulls.
craniotomy noun The operation of opening the fetal head, in order to effect delivery.
crankiness noun Crankness.
crapaudine noun Turning on pivots at the top and bottom; — said of a door., An ulcer on the coronet of a horse.
crapulence noun The sickness occasioned by intemperance; surfeit.
craspedota noun pl. The hydroid or naked-eyed medusae. See Hydroidea.
craspedote adjective Of or pertaining to the Craspedota.
crassament adjective Alt. of Crassamentum
crassiment noun See Crassament.
crassitude noun Grossness; coarseness; thickness; density.
craunching present participle & vb. noun of Craunch
crazedness noun A broken state; decrepitude; an impaired state of the intellect.
craze-mill noun Alt. of Crazing-mill
creameries plural of Creamery
creaminess noun The quality of being creamy.
cream laid See under Laid.
creational adjective Of or pertaining to creation.
creaturely adjective Creatural; characteristic of a creature.
creaturize verb t. To make like a creature; to degrade
crebritude noun Frequency.
credential adjective Giving a title or claim to credit or confidence; accrediting., That which gives a title to credit or confidence., Testimonials showing that a person is entitled to credit, or has right to exercise official power, as the letters given by a government to an ambassador or envoy, or a certificate that one is a duly elected delegate.
creditable adjective Worthy of belief., Deserving or possessing reputation or esteem; reputable; estimable., Bringing credit, reputation, or honor; honorable; as, such conduct is highly creditable to him.
creditably adverb In a creditable manner; reputably; with credit.
creditress noun Alt. of Creditrix
creepiness noun An uneasy sensation as of insects creeping on the skin.
creepingly adverb by creeping slowly; in the manner of a reptile; insidiously; cunningly.
crenelated imp. & past participle of Crenelate
crenulated adjective Minutely crenate.
creosoting present participle & vb. noun of Creosote
crepitated imp. & past participle of Crepitate
crepuscule noun Twilight.
crescentic adjective Crescent-shaped.
cretaceous adjective Having the qualities of chalk; abounding with chalk; chalky; as, cretaceous rocks and formations. See Chalk.
crewelwork noun Embroidery in crewels, commonly done upon some plain material, such as linen.
crib-biter noun A horse that has the habit of cribbing.
cribration noun The act or process of separating the finer parts of drugs from the coarser by sifting.
cribriform adjective Resembling, or having the form of, a sieve; pierced with holes; as, the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone; a cribriform compress.
criminally adverb In violation of law; wickedly.
criminated imp. & past participle of Criminate
crimsoning present participle & vb. noun of Crimson
cringeling noun One who cringes meanly; a fawner.
cringingly adverb In a cringing manner.
crinoidean noun One of the Crinoidea.
criosphinx noun A sphinx with the head of a ram.
crispation noun The act or process of curling, or the state of being curled., A very slight convulsive or spasmodic contraction of certain muscles, external or internal.
crispature noun The state of being crispate.
crisscross noun A mark or cross, as the signature of a person who is unable to write., A child’s game played on paper or on a slate, consisting of lines arranged in the form of a cross., To mark or cover with cross lines; as, a paper was crisscrossed with red marks., In opposite directions; in a way to cross something else; crossing one another at various angles and in various ways., With opposition or hindrance; at cross purposes; contrarily; as, things go crisscross.
criterions plural of Criterion
critically adverb In a critical manner; with nice discernment; accurately; exactly., At a crisis; at a critical time; in a situation, place, or condition of decisive consequence; as, a fortification critically situated.
criticised imp. & past participle of Criticise
criticiser noun One who criticises; a critic.
crocheting present participle & vb. noun of Crochet
crocketing noun Ornamentation with crockets.
crocodilia noun pl. An order of reptiles including the crocodiles, gavials, alligators, and many extinct kinds.
crocoisite noun Same as Crocoite.
croissante adjective Terminated with crescent; — said of a cross the ends of which are so terminated.
crop-eared adjective Having the ears cropped.
croqueting present participle & vb. noun of Croquet
cro-quette noun A ball of minced meat, fowl, rice, or other ingredients, highly seasoned, and fried.
crossbones noun pl. A representation of two of the leg bones or arm bones of a skeleton, laid crosswise, often surmounted with a skull, and serving as a symbol of death.
crossbower noun A crossbowman.
crossbreed noun A breed or an animal produced from parents of different breeds; a new variety, as of plants, combining the qualities of two parent varieties or stocks., Anything partaking of the natures of two different things; a hybrid.
cross-days noun pl. The three days preceding the Feast of the Ascension.
cross-eyed adjective Affected with strabismus; squint-eyed; squinting.
crosspatch noun An ill-natured person.
cross-pawl noun Same as Cross-spale.
crosspiece noun A piece of any structure which is fitted or framed crosswise., A bar or timber connecting two knightheads or two bitts.
cross-tail noun A bar connecting the ends of the side rods or levers of a backaction or side-lever engine.
crosstrees noun pl. Pieces of timber at a masthead, to which are attached the upper shrouds. At the head of lower masts in large vessels, they support a semicircular platform called the “top.”
cross-week noun Rogation week, when the cross was borne in processions.
crotalaria noun A genus of leguminous plants; rattlebox.
crotaphite noun The temple or temporal fossa. Also used adjectively.
crotcheted adjective Marked or measured by crotchets; having musical notation.
croton bug A small, active, winged species of cockroach (Ectobia Germanica), the water bug. It is common aboard ships, and in houses in cities, esp. in those with hot-water pipes.
crowflower noun A kind of campion; according to Gerarde, the Lychnis Flos-cuculi.
crowkeeper noun A person employed to scare off crows; hence, a scarecrow.
crownpiece noun A piece or part which passes over the head, as in a bridle., A coin [In sense (b) properly crown piece.] See Crown, 19.
crown-post noun Same as King-post.
crown side See Crown office.
crow-quill noun A quill of the crow, or a very fine pen made from such a quill.
croylstone noun Crystallized cawk, in which the crystals are small.
cruciation noun The act of torturing; torture; torment.
crucifixes plural of Crucifix
crucifying present participle & vb. noun of Crucify
crumbcloth noun A cloth to be laid under a dining table to receive falling fragments, and keep the carpet or floor clean.
crustacean adjective Of or pertaining to the Crustacea; crustaceous., An animal belonging to the class Crustacea.
crustalogy noun Crustaceology.
crustation noun An adherent crust; an incrustation.
crustiness noun The state or quality of having crust or being like crust; hardness., The quality of being crusty or surly.
cryophorus noun An instrument used to illustrate the freezing of water by its own evaporation. The ordinary form consists of two glass bulbs, connected by a tube of the same material, and containing only a quantity of water and its vapor, devoid of air. The water is in one of the bulbs, and freezes when the other is cooled below 32ยก Fahr.
cryptidine noun One of the quinoline bases, obtained from coal tar as an oily liquid, C11H11N; also, any one of several substances metameric with, and resembling, cryptidine proper.
cryptogram noun A cipher writing. Same as Cryptograph.
cryptology noun Secret or enigmatical language.
cryptopine noun A colorless crystalline alkaloid obtained in small quantities from opium.
crystallin noun See Gobulin.