10 letter word starting with cy

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cyamellone noun A complex derivative of cyanogen, regarded as an acid, and known chiefly in its salts; — called also hydromellonic acid.
cyanaurate noun See Aurocyanide.
cyanometer noun An instrument for measuring degress of blueness.
cyanopathy noun A disease in which the body is colored blue in its surface, arising usually from a malformation of the heart, which causes an imperfect arterialization of the blood; blue jaundice.
cyanophyll noun A blue coloring matter supposed by some to be one of the component parts of chlorophyll.
cyathiform adjective In the form of a cup, a little widened at the top.
cyatholith noun A kind of coccolith, which in shape resembles a minute cup widened at the top, and varies in size from / to / of an inch.
cyclograph noun See Arcograph.
cycloidian adjective & noun Same as 2d and 3d Cycloid.
cyclometer noun A contrivance for recording the revolutions of a wheel, as of a bicycle.
cyclometry noun The art of measuring circles.
cyclopedia noun Alt. of Cyclopaedia
cyclopedic adjective Belonging to the circle of the sciences, or to a cyclopedia; of the nature of a cyclopedia; hence, of great range, extent, or amount; as, a man of cyclopedic knowledge.
cycloscope noun A machine for measuring at any moment velocity of rotation, as of a wheel of a steam engine.
cyclostoma noun pl. A division of Bryozoa, in which the cells have circular apertures.
cyclostome adjective Alt. of Cyclostomous
cyclostomi noun pl. A glass of fishes having a suckerlike mouth, without jaws, as the lamprey; the Marsipobranchii.
cyclostyle noun A contrivance for producing manifold copies of writing or drawing. The writing or drawing is done with a style carrying a small wheel at the end which makes minute punctures in the paper, thus converting it into a stencil. Copies are transferred with an inked roller.
cylindroid noun A solid body resembling a right cylinder, but having the bases or ends elliptical., A certain surface of the third degree, described by a moving straight line; — used to illustrate the motions of a rigid body and also the forces acting on the body.
cymiferous adjective Producing cymes.
cynegetics noun The art of hunting with dogs.
cypruslawn noun Same as Cyprus.
cyriologic adjective Relating to capital letters.
cyrtostyle noun A circular projecting portion.
cysticerce noun Alt. of Cysticercus
cystoidean noun Same as Cystidean.
cystoplast noun A nucleated cell having an envelope or cell wall, as a red blood corpuscle or an epithelial cell; a cell concerned in growth.
cytococcus noun The nucleus of the cytula or parent cell.
cytogenous adjective Producing cells; — applied esp. to lymphatic, or adenoid, tissue.