10 letter word starting with do

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
docibility noun Alt. of Docibleness
docimastic adjective Proving by experiments or tests.
docimology noun A treatise on the art of testing, as in assaying metals, etc.
dock-cress noun Nipplewort.
docoglossa noun pl. An order of gastropods, including the true limpets, and having the teeth on the odontophore or lingual ribbon.
doctorally adverb In the manner of a doctor.
doctorship noun Doctorate.
documental adjective Of or pertaining to instruction., Of or pertaining to written evidence; documentary; as, documental testimony.
doggedness noun Sullenness; moroseness., Sullen or obstinate determination; grim resolution or persistence.
dog-headed adjective Having a head shaped like that of a dog; — said of certain baboons.
dog-legged adjective Noting a flight of stairs, consisting of two or more straight portions connected by a platform (landing) or platforms, and running in opposite directions without an intervening wellhole.
dogmatical adjective Pertaining to a dogma, or to an established and authorized doctrine or tenet., Asserting a thing positively and authoritatively; positive; magisterial; hence, arrogantly authoritative; overbearing.
dogmatized imp. & past participle of Dogmatize
dogmatizer noun One who dogmatizes; a bold asserter; a magisterial teacher.
dog’s-bane noun See Dogbane.
dokimastic adjective Docimastic.
dolcemente adverb Softly; sweetly; with soft, smooth, and delicate execution.
domestical adjective Domestic., A family; a household.
domiciling present participle & vb. noun of Domicile
domiciliar noun A member of a household; a domestic.
dominating present participle & vb. noun of Dominate
domination noun The act of dominating; exercise of power in ruling; dominion; supremacy; authority; often, arbitrary or insolent sway., A ruling party; a party in power., A high order of angels in the celestial hierarchy; — a meaning given by the schoolmen.
dominative adjective Governing; ruling; imperious.
domineered imp. & past participle of Domineer
dominicide noun The act of killing a master., One who kills his master.
donatistic adjective Pertaining to Donatism.
doniferous adjective Bearing gifts.
do-nothing adjective Doing nothing; inactive; idle; lazy; as, a do-nothing policy.
doob grass A perennial, creeping grass (Cynodon dactylon), highly prized, in Hindostan, as food for cattle, and acclimated in the United States.
doodlesack noun The Scotch bagpipe.
doorkeeper noun One who guards the entrance of a house or apartment; a porter; a janitor.
dopplerite noun A brownish black native hydrocarbon occurring in elastic or jellylike masses.
dorsimeson noun (Anat.) See Meson.
doryphoros noun A spear bearer; a statue of a man holding a spear or in the attitude of a spear bearer. Several important sculptures of this subject existed in antiquity, copies of which remain to us.
doub grass Doob grass.
double-dye verb t. To dye again or twice over.
doubleness noun The state of being double or doubled., Duplicity; insincerity.
doubletree noun The bar, or crosspiece, of a carriage, to which the singletrees are attached.
doubtfully adverb In a doubtful manner.
doughiness noun The quality or state of being doughy.
doulocracy noun A government by slaves.
dove plant A Central American orchid (Peristeria elata), having a flower stem five or six feet high, with numerous globose white fragrant flowers. The column in the center of the flower resembles a dove; — called also Holy Spirit plant.
dovetailed imp. & past participle of Dovetail
dowagerism noun The rank or condition of a dowager; formality, as that of a dowager. Also used figuratively.
downfallen adjective Fallen; ruined.
downlooked adjective Having a downcast countenance; dejected; gloomy; sullen.
down-share noun A breastplow used in paring off turf on downs.
downstairs adverb Down the stairs; to a lower floor., Below stairs; as, a downstairs room.
downsteepy adjective Very steep.
downstream adverb Down the stream; as, floating downstream.
downstroke noun A stroke made with a downward motion of the pen or pencil.
doxologize verb i. To give glory to God, as in a doxology; to praise God with doxologies.
doxologies plural of Doxology