10 letter word starting with el

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
elaborated imp. & past participle of Elaborate
elaborator noun One who, or that which, elaborates.
elaeoptene noun The more liquid or volatile portion of certain oily substance, as distinguished from stearoptene, the more solid parts.
elaiometer noun An apparatus for determining the amount of oil contained in any substance, or for ascertaining the degree of purity of oil.
elasticity noun The quality of being elastic; the inherent property in bodies by which they recover their former figure or dimensions, after the removal of external pressure or altering force; springiness; tendency to rebound; as, the elasticity of caoutchouc; the elasticity of the air., Power of resistance to, or recovery from, depression or overwork.
elatedness noun The state of being elated.
elbowboard noun The base of a window casing, on which the elbows may rest.
elbowchair noun A chair with arms to support the elbows; an armchair.
eleaticism noun The Eleatic doctrine.
elecampane noun A large, coarse herb (Inula Helenium), with composite yellow flowers. The root, which has a pungent taste, is used as a tonic, and was formerly of much repute as a stomachic., A sweetmeat made from the root of the plant.
electicism noun See Eclecticism.
electively adverb In an elective manner; by choice.
electorate noun The territory, jurisdiction, or dignity of an elector, as in the old German empire., The whole body of persons in a nation or state who are entitled to vote in an election, or any distinct class or division of them.
electoress noun An electress.
electorial adjective Electoral.
electrical adjective Pertaining to electricity; consisting of, containing, derived from, or produced by, electricity; as, electric power or virtue; an electric jar; electric effects; an electric spark., Capable of occasioning the phenomena of electricity; as, an electric or electrical machine or substance., Electrifying; thrilling; magnetic.
electrized imp. & past participle of Electrize
electrizer noun One who, or that which, electrizes.
elementary adjective Having only one principle or constituent part; consisting of a single element; simple; uncompounded; as, an elementary substance., Pertaining to, or treating of, the elements, rudiments, or first principles of anything; initial; rudimental; introductory; as, an elementary treatise., Pertaining to one of the four elements, air, water, earth, fire.
elementoid adjective Resembling an element.
elenchical adjective Pertaining to an elench.
elenctical adjective Serving to refute; refutative; — applied to indirect modes of proof, and opposed to deictic.
elengeness noun Loneliness; misery.
eleusinian adjective Pertaining to Eleusis, in Greece, or to secret rites in honor of Ceres, there celebrated; as, Eleusinian mysteries or festivals.
elfishness noun The quality of being elfish.
eliminated imp. & past participle of Eliminate
eliquament noun A liquid obtained from fat, or fat fish, by pressure.
eliquation noun The process of separating a fusible substance from one less fusible, by means of a degree of heat sufficient to melt the one and not the other, as an alloy of copper and lead; liquation.
elliptical adjective Of or pertaining to an ellipse; having the form of an ellipse; oblong, with rounded ends., Having a part omitted; as, an elliptical phrase.
eloignment noun Removal to a distance; withdrawal.
elongating present participle & vb. noun of Elongate
elongation noun The act of lengthening, or the state of being lengthened; protraction; extension., That which lengthens out; continuation., Removal to a distance; withdrawal; a being at a distance; distance., The angular distance of a planet from the sun; as, the elongation of Venus or Mercury.
eloquently adverb In an eloquent manner.
elucidated imp. & past participle of Elucidate
elucidator noun One who explains or elucidates; an expositor.
eluctation noun A struggling out of any difficulty.
elucubrate verb i. See Lucubrate.
elutriated imp. & past participle of Elutriate
elytriform adjective Having the form, or structure, of an elytron.