10 letter word starting with es

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
escalading present participle & vb. noun of Escalade
escalloped adjective See Escaloped.
escapement noun The act of escaping; escape., Way of escape; vent., The contrivance in a timepiece which connects the train of wheel work with the pendulum or balance, giving to the latter the impulse by which it is kept in vibration; — so called because it allows a tooth to escape from a pallet at each vibration.
escarpment noun A steep descent or declivity; steep face or edge of a ridge; ground about a fortified place, cut away nearly vertically to prevent hostile approach. See Scarp.
escharotic adjective Serving or tending to form an eschar; producing a scar; caustic., A substance which produces an eschar; a caustic, esp., a mild caustic.
escheating present participle & vb. noun of Escheat
escheatage noun The right of succeeding to an escheat.
eschewment noun The act of eschewing.
escritoire noun A piece of furniture used as a writing table, commonly with drawers, pigeonholes, and the like; a secretary or writing desk.
esculapian noun Aesculapian.
esculapius noun Same as Aesculapius.
escutcheon noun The surface, usually a shield, upon which bearings are marshaled and displayed. The surface of the escutcheon is called the field, the upper part is called the chief, and the lower part the base (see Chiff, and Field.). That side of the escutcheon which is on the right hand of the knight who bears the shield on his arm is called dexter, and the other side sinister., A marking upon the back of a cow’s udder and the space above it (the perineum), formed by the hair growing upward or outward instead of downward. It is esteemed an index of milking qualities., That part of a vessel’s stern on which her name is written., A thin metal plate or shield to protect wood, or for ornament, as the shield around a keyhole., The depression behind the beak of certain bivalves; the ligamental area.
esophageal adjective Pertaining to the esophagus.
esophagean adjective Esophageal.
esoterical adjective Esoteric.
espaliered imp. & past participle of Espalier
espauliere noun A defense for the shoulder, composed of flexible overlapping plates of metal, used in the 15th century; — the origin of the modern epaulette.
especially adverb In an especial manner; chiefly; particularly; peculiarly; in an uncommon degree.
espressivo adjective With expression.
esentially adverb In an essential manner or degree; in an indispensable degree; really; as, essentially different.
essentiate verb t. To form or constitute the essence or being of., To become assimilated; to be changed into the essence.
esteemable adjective Worthy of esteem; estimable.
esthetical noun Alt. of Esthetics
estiferous adjective Producing heat.
estimating present participle & vb. noun of Estimate
estimation verb t. The act of estimating., An opinion or judgment of the worth, extent, or quantity of anything, formed without using precise data; valuation; as, estimations of distance, magnitude, amount, or moral qualities., Favorable opinion; esteem; regard; honor., Supposition; conjecture.
estimative adjective Inclined, or able, to estimate; serving for, or capable of being used in, estimating., Pertaining to an estimate.
estivation noun Same as Aestival, Aestivate, etc.
estramacon noun A straight, heavy sword with two edges, used in the 16th and 17th centuries., A blow with edge of a sword.
estranging present participle & vb. noun of Estrange
estreating present participle & vb. noun of Estreat