10 letter word starting with fa

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
fabricking present participle & vb. noun of Fabric
fabricated imp. & past participle of Fabricate
fabricator noun One who fabricates; one who constructs or makes.
fabulizing present participle & vb. noun of Fabulize
fabulosity noun Fabulousness., A fabulous or fictitious story.
facilitate verb t. To make easy or less difficult; to free from difficulty or impediment; to lessen the labor of; as, to facilitate the execution of a task.
facilities plural of Facility
facinorous adjective Atrociously wicked.
facsimiles plural of Facsimile
factionary adjective Belonging to a faction; being a partisan; taking sides.
factionist noun One who promotes faction.
factitious adjective Made by art, in distinction from what is produced by nature; artificial; sham; formed by, or adapted to, an artificial or conventional, in distinction from a natural, standard or rule; not natural; as, factitious cinnabar or jewels; a factitious taste.
factorized imp. & past participle of Factorize
factorship noun The business of a factor.
facundious adjective Eloquement; full of words.
fahrenheit adjective Conforming to the scale used by Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit in the graduation of his thermometer; of or relating to Fahrenheit’s thermometric scale., The Fahrenheit termometer or scale.
fair-world noun State of prosperity.
faldistory noun The throne or seat of a bishop within the chancel.
fallacious adjective Embodying or pertaining to a fallacy; illogical; fitted to deceive; misleading; delusive; as, fallacious arguments or reasoning.
fallowness noun A well or opening, through the successive floors of a warehouse or manufactory, through which goods are raised or lowered.
falsifying present participle & vb. noun of Falsify
familiarly adverb In a familiar manner.
familistic adjective Alt. of Familistical
famishment noun State of being famished.
famousness noun The state of being famous.
fanaticism noun Excessive enthusiasm, unreasoning zeal, or wild and extravagant notions, on any subject, especially religion; religious frenzy.
fanaticize verb t. To cause to become a fanatic.
fancy-free adjective Free from the power of love.
fancy-sick adjective Love-sick.
fandangoes plural of Fandango
fangleness noun Quality of being fangled.
fan-nerved adjective Having the nerves or veins arranged in a radiating manner; — said of certain leaves, and of the wings of some insects.
fan-tailed adjective Having an expanded, or fan-shaped, tail; as, the fan-tailed pigeon.
fantoccini noun pl. Puppets caused to perform evolutions or dramatic scenes by means of machinery; also, the representations in which they are used.
farfetched adjective Brought from far, or from a remote place., Studiously sought; not easily or naturally deduced or introduced; forced; strained.
farmership noun Skill in farming.
farreation noun Same as Confarreation.
farsighted adjective Seeing to great distance; hence, of good judgment regarding the remote effects of actions; sagacious., Hypermetropic.
fasciation noun The act or manner of binding up; bandage; also, the condition of being fasciated.
fascicular adjective Pertaining to a fascicle; fascicled; as, a fascicular root.
fasciculus noun A little bundle; a fascicle., A division of a book.
fascinated imp. & past participle of Fascinate
fashioning present participle & vb. noun of Fashion
fashionist noun An obsequious follower of the modes and fashions.
fastidious adjective Difficult to please; delicate to a fault; suited with difficulty; squeamish; as, a fastidious mind or ear; a fastidious appetite.
fastigiate adjective Alt. of Fastigiated
fatalistic adjective Implying, or partaking of the nature of, fatalism.
fatalities plural of Fatality
fatherhood noun The state of being a father; the character or authority of a father; paternity.
fatherland noun One’s native land; the native land of one’s fathers or ancestors.
fatherless adjective Destitute of a living father; as, a fatherless child., Without a known author.
fathership noun The state of being a father; fatherhood; paternity.
fathomable adjective Capable of being fathomed.
fathomless adjective Incapable of being fathomed; immeasurable; that can not be sounded., Incomprehensible.
fatiferous adjective Fate-bringing; deadly; mortal; destructive.
fatigation noun Weariness.
fatiscence noun A gaping or opening; state of being chinky, or having apertures.
faultiness noun Quality or state of being faulty.
favaginous adjective Formed like, or resembling, a honeycomb.
favoritism noun The disposition to favor and promote the interest of one person or family, or of one class of men, to the neglect of others having equal claims; partiality.
faruncular adjective Of or pertaining to a furuncle; marked by the presence of furuncles.