10 letter word starting with ga

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
gabelleman noun A gabeler.
gabionnade noun See Gabionade.
gaditanian adjective Of or relating to Cadiz, in Spain., A native or inhabitant of Cadiz.
gadolinite noun A mineral of a nearly black color and vitreous luster, and consisting principally of the silicates of yttrium, cerium, and iron.
gadolinium noun A supposed rare metallic element, with a characteristic spectrum, found associated with yttrium and other rare metals. Its individuality and properties have not yet been determined.
gailliarde noun A lively French and Italian dance.
gaingiving noun A misgiving.
gainsaying present participle & vb. noun of Gainsay
gainstrive verb t. & i. To strive or struggle against; to withstand.
galimatias noun Nonsense; gibberish; confused and unmeaning talk; confused mixture.
gallanting present participle & vb. noun of Gallant
gallyambic adjective Consisting of two iambic dimeters catalectic, the last of which lacks the final syllable; — said of a kind of verse.
gallicized imp. & past participle of Gallicize
gallimatia noun Senseless talk. [Obs. or R.] See Galimatias.
gallomania noun An excessive admiration of what is French.
gallopaded imp. & past participle of Gallopade
galvanized imp. & past participle of Galvanize
galvanizer noun One who, or that which, galvanize.
gama grass A species of grass (Tripsacum dactyloides) tall, stout, and exceedingly productive; cultivated in the West Indies, Mexico, and the Southern States of North America as a forage grass; — called also sesame grass.
gambolling of Gambol
gamekeeper noun One who has the care of game, especially in a park or preserve.
gangliated adjective Furnished with ganglia; as, the gangliated cords of the sympathetic nervous system.
gangliform adjective Alt. of Ganglioform
ganglionic adjective Pertaining to, containing, or consisting of, ganglia or ganglion cells; as, a ganglionic artery; the ganglionic columns of the spinal cord.
gangrenate verb t. To gangrene.
gangrening present participle & vb. noun of Gangrene
gangrenous adjective Affected by, or produced by, gangrene; of the nature of gangrene.
gardenless adjective Destitute of a garden.
gardenship noun Horticulture.
gargantuan adjective Characteristic of Gargantua, a gigantic, wonderful personage; enormous; prodigious; inordinate.
garlanding present participle & vb. noun of Garland
garmenture noun Clothing; dress.
garnierite noun An amorphous mineral of apple-green color; a hydrous silicate of nickel and magnesia. It is an important ore of nickel.
garnishing present participle & vb. noun of Garnish
garnisheed imp. & past participle of Garnishee
garrisoned imp. & past participle of Garrison
gas-burner noun The jet piece of a gas fixture where the gas is burned as it escapes from one or more minute orifices.
gasconaded imp. & past participle of Gasconade
gasconader noun A great boaster; a blusterer.
gasometric adjective Alt. of Gasometrical
gasteropod noun Same as Gastropod.
gastralgia noun Pain in the stomach or epigastrium, as in gastric disorders.
gastrodisc noun That part of blastoderm where the hypoblast appears like a small disk on the inner face of the epibladst.
gastrolith noun See Crab’s eyes, under Crab.
gastrology noun The science which treats of the structure and functions of the stomach; a treatise of the stomach.
gastromyth noun One whose voice appears to proceed from the stomach; a ventriloquist.
gastronome noun Alt. of Gastronomer
gastronomy noun The art or science of good eating; epicurism; the art of good cheer.
gastropoda noun pl. One of the classes of Mollusca, of great extent. It includes most of the marine spiral shells, and the land and fresh-water snails. They generally creep by means of a flat, muscular disk, or foot, on the ventral side of the body. The head usually bears one or two pairs of tentacles. See Mollusca.
gastrotomy noun A cutting into, or opening of, the abdomen or the stomach.
gastrurous adjective Pertaining to the Gastrura.
gatherable adjective Capable of being gathered or collected; deducible from premises.
gaudygreen adjective / noun Light green.
gauffering noun A mode of plaiting or fluting.
gaultheria noun A genus of ericaceous shrubs with evergreen foliage, and, often, edible berries. It includes the American winter-green (Gaultheria procumbens), and the larger-fruited salal of Northwestern America (Gaultheria Shallon).
gaylussite noun A yellowish white, translucent mineral, consisting of the carbonates of lime and soda, with water.