10 letter word starting with hi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
hibernacle noun That which serves for protection or shelter in winter; winter quarters; as, the hibernacle of an animal or a plant.
hibernated imp. & past participle of Hibernate
hiccoughed imp. & past participle of Hiccough
hierapicra noun A warming cathartic medicine, made of aloes and canella bark.
hierarchal adjective Alt. of Hierarchic
hierarchic adjective Pertaining to a hierarch.
hierocracy noun Government by ecclesiastics; a hierarchy.
hieroglyph adjective Alt. of Hieroglyphic
hierolatry noun The worship of saints or sacred things.
hierologic adjective Alt. of Hierological
hieromancy noun Divination by observing the objects offered in sacrifice.
hiermartyr noun A priest who becomes a martyr.
hierophant noun The presiding priest who initiated candidates at the Eleusinian mysteries; hence, one who teaches the mysteries and duties of religion.
hieroscopy noun Divination by inspection of entrails of victims offered in sacrifice.
hierotheca noun A receptacle for sacred objects.
highbinder noun A ruffian; one who hounds, or spies upon, another; app. esp. to the members of certain alleged societies among the Chinese.
high-blown adjective Inflated, as with conceit.
high-built adjective Of lofty structure; tall.
high-flown adjective Elevated; proud., Turgid; extravagant; bombastic; inflated; as, high-flown language.
highflying adjective Extravagant in opinions or ambition.
highlander noun An inhabitant of highlands, especially of the Highlands of Scotland.
highlandry noun Highlanders, collectively.
high-proof adjective Highly rectified; very strongly alcoholic; as, high-proof spirits., So as to stand any test.
high-toned adjective High in tone or sound., Elevated; high-principled; honorable.
highwaymen plural of Highwayman
highwayman noun One who robs on the public road; a highway robber.
himyaritic adjective Pertaining to Himyar, an ancient king of Yemen, in Arabia, or to his successors or people; as, the Himjaritic characters, language, etc.; applied esp. to certain ancient inscriptions showing the primitive type of the oldest form of the Arabic, still spoken in Southern Arabia.
hinderance noun Same as Hindrance.
hinderling adjective A worthless, base, degenerate person or animal.
hindermost adjective Alt. of Hindmost
hindustani adjective Of or pertaining to the Hindoos or their language., The language of Hindostan; the name given by Europeans to the most generally spoken of the modern Aryan languages of India. It is Hindi with the addition of Persian and Arabic words.
hippobosca noun A genus of dipterous insects including the horsefly or horse tick.
hippocrene noun A fountain on Mount Helicon in Boeotia, fabled to have burst forth when the ground was struck by the hoof of Pegasus. Also, its waters, which were supposed to impart poetic inspiration.
hippodrome noun A place set apart for equestrian and chariot races., An arena for equestrian performances; a circus.
hippogriff noun A fabulous winged animal, half horse and half griffin.
hippophagi noun pl. Eaters of horseflesh.
hippophagy noun The act or practice of feeding on horseflesh.
hippophile noun One who loves horses.
hip-roofed adjective Having a hip roof.
hirtellous adjective Pubescent with minute and somewhat rigid hairs.
histiology noun Same as Histology.
histologic adjective Alt. of Histological
histolysis noun The decay and dissolution of the organic tissues and of the blood.
histolytic adjective Of or pertaining to histolysis, or the degeneration of tissues.
histophyly noun The tribal history of cells, a division of morphophyly.
historical adjective Of or pertaining to history, or the record of past events; as, an historical poem; the historic page.
histrionic adjective Alt. of Histrionical
hithermost adjective Nearest on this side.
hitherward adverb Toward this place; hither.