10 letter word starting with in

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
inablement noun See Enablement.
inaccuracy noun The quality of being inaccurate; want of accuracy or exactness., That which is inaccurate or incorrect; mistake; fault; defect; error; as, in inaccuracy in speech, copying, calculation, etc.
inaccurate adjective Not accurate; not according to truth; inexact; incorrect; erroneous; as, in inaccurate man, narration, copy, judgment, calculation, etc.
inactively adverb In an inactive manner.
inactivity noun The state or quality of being inactive; inertness; as, the inactivity of matter., Idleness; habitual indisposition to action or exertion; want of energy; sluggishness.
inadequacy noun The quality or state of being inadequate or insufficient; defectiveness; insufficiency; inadequateness.
inadequate adjective Not adequate; unequal to the purpose; insufficient; deficient; as, inadequate resources, power, conceptions, representations, etc.
inadherent adjective Not adhering., Free; not connected with the other organs.
inadhesion noun Want of adhesion.
inaffected adjective Unaffected.
inamoratos plural of Inamorato
inamovable adjective Not amovable or removable.
inanimated adjective Destitute of life; lacking animation; unanimated.
inanitiate verb t. To produce inanition in; to exhaust for want of nourishment.
inapposite adjective Not apposite; not fit or suitable; not pertinent.
inaptitude noun Want of aptitude.
inaquation noun The state of being inaquate.
inaugurate adjective Invested with office; inaugurated., To introduce or induct into an office with suitable ceremonies or solemnities; to invest with power or authority in a formal manner; to install; as, to inaugurate a president; to inaugurate a king., To cause to begin, esp. with formality or solemn ceremony; hence, to set in motion, action, or progress; to initiate; — used especially of something of dignity or worth or public concern; as, to inaugurate a new era of things, new methods, etc., To celebrate the completion of, or the first public use of; to dedicate, as a statue., To begin with good omens.
inauration noun The act or process of gilding or covering with gold.
inbreaking noun A breaking in; inroad; invasion.
inbreathed imp. & past participle of Inbreathe
inbreeding present participle & vb. noun of Inbreed
incagement noun Confinement in, or as in, cage.
incapacity noun Want of capacity; lack of physical or intellectual power; inability., Want of legal ability or competency to do, give, transmit, or receive something; inability; disqualification; as, the inacapacity of minors to make binding contracts, etc.
incarnated imp. & past participle of Incarnate
incasement noun The act or process of inclosing with a case, or the state of being incased., That which forms a case, covering, or inclosure.
incautious adjective Not cautious; not circumspect; not attending to the circumstances on which safety and interest depend; heedless; careless; as, an incautious step; an incautious remark.
incavation noun Act of making hollow; also, a hollow; an exvation; a depression.
incaverned adjective Inclosed or shut up as in a cavern.
incedingly adverb Majestically.
incendiary noun Any person who maliciously sets fire to a building or other valuable or other valuable property., A person who excites or inflames factions, and promotes quarrels or sedition; an agitator; an exciter., Of or pertaining to incendiarism, or the malicious burning of valuable property; as, incendiary material; as incendiary crime., Tending to excite or inflame factions, sedition, or quarrel; inflammatory; seditious.
incendious adjective Promoting faction or contention; seditious; inflammatory.
inceration noun The act of smearing or covering with wax.
incerative adjective Cleaving or sticking like wax.
incessable adjective Unceasing; continual.
incessancy noun The quality of being incessant; unintermitted continuance; unceasingness.
inchastity noun Unchastity.
inchoation noun Act of beginning; commencement; inception.
inchoative adjective Expressing or pertaining to a beginning; inceptive; as, an inchoative verb., An inchoative verb. See Inceptive.
incidently adverb Incidentally.
incinerate Reduced to ashes by burning; thoroughly consumed., To burn to ashes; to consume; to burn.
incipience noun Alt. of Incipiency
incipiency noun Beginning; commencement; incipient state.
incitation noun The act of inciting or moving to action., That which incites to action; that which rouses or prompts; incitement; motive; incentive.
incitative noun A provocative; an incitant; a stimulant.
incitement noun The act of inciting., That which incites the mind, or moves to action; motive; incentive; impulse.
incitingly adverb So as to incite or stimulate.
incivility noun The quality or state of being uncivil; want of courtesy; rudeness of manner; impoliteness., Any act of rudeness or ill breeding., Want of civilization; a state of rudeness or barbarism.
inclaudent adjective Not closing or shutting.
inclavated adjective Set; fast; fixed.
inclemency noun The state or quality of being inclement; want of clemency; want of mildness of temper; unmercifulness; severity., Physical severity or harshness (commonly in respect to the elements or weather); roughness; storminess; rigor; severe cold, wind, rain, or snow.
inclinable adjective Leaning; tending., Having a propensity of will or feeling; leaning in disposition; disposed; propense; as, a mind inclinable to truth.
incloister verb t. To confine as in a cloister; to cloister.
includible adjective Capable of being included.
incogitant adjective Toughtless; inconsiderate.
incognitos plural of Incognito
incoherent adjective Not coherent; wanting cohesion; loose; unconnected; physically disconnected; not fixed to each; — said of material substances., Wanting coherence or agreement; incongruous; inconsistent; having no dependence of one part on another; logically disconnected.
incolumity noun Safety; security.
incommoded imp. & past participle of Incommode
incompared adjective Peerless; incomparable.
incomplete adjective Not complete; not filled up; not finished; not having all its parts, or not having them all adjusted; imperfect; defective., Wanting any of the usual floral organs; — said of a flower.
incomposed adjective Disordered; disturbed.
inconcinne adjective Dissimilar; incongruous; unsuitable.
inconcrete adjective Not concrete.
inconfused adjective Not confused; distinct.
inconstant adjective Not constant; not stable or uniform; subject to change of character, appearance, opinion, inclination, or purpose, etc.; not firm; unsteady; fickle; changeable; variable; — said of persons or things; as, inconstant in love or friendship.
incoronate adjective Crowned.
incorporal adjective Immaterial; incorporeal; spiritual.
incrassate verb t. To make thick or thicker; to thicken; especially, in pharmacy, to thicken (a liquid) by the mixture of another substance, or by evaporating the thinner parts., To become thick or thicker., Alt. of Incrassated
increasing present participle & vb. noun of Increase
increating present participle & vb. noun of Increate
incredible adjective Not credible; surpassing belief; too extraordinary and improbable to admit of belief; unlikely; marvelous; fabulous.
incredibly adverb In an incredible manner.
incredited adjective Uncredited.
incremable adjective Incapable of being burnt; incombustibe.
increscent adjective Increasing; growing; augmenting; swelling; enlarging., Increasing; on the increase; — said of the moon represented as the new moon, with the points turned toward the dexter side.
incruental adjective Unbloody; not attended with blood; as, an incruental sacrifice.
incrusting present participle & vb. noun of Incrust
incrustate adjective Incrusted., To incrust.
incubating present participle & vb. noun of Incubate
incubation noun A sitting on eggs for the purpose of hatching young; a brooding on, or keeping warm, (eggs) to develop the life within, by any process., The development of a disease from its causes, or its period of incubation. (See below.), A sleeping in a consecrated place for the purpose of dreaming oracular dreams.
incubative adjective Of or pertaining to incubation, or to the period of incubation.
incubatory adjective Serving for incubation.
incubiture noun Incubation.
inculcated imp. & past participle of Inculcate
inculcator noun One who inculcates.
inculpable adjective Faultless; blameless; innocent.
inculpably adverb Blamelessly.
inculpated imp. & past participle of Inculpate
incumbency noun The state of being incumbent; a lying or resting on something., That which is physically incumbent; that which lies as a burden; a weight., That which is morally incumbent, or is imposed, as a rule, a duty, obligation, or responsibility., The state of holding a benefice; the full possession and exercise of any office.
incumbered imp. & past participle of Incumber
incumbrous adjective Cumbersome; troublesome.
incunabula plural of Incunabulum
incurrence noun The act of incurring, bringing on, or subjecting one’s self to (something troublesome or burdensome); as, the incurrence of guilt, debt, responsibility, etc.
incurvated imp. & past participle of Incurvate
indagation noun Search; inquiry; investigation.
indagative adjective Searching; exploring; investigating.
indebtment noun Indebtedness.
indecently adverb In an indecent manner.
indecision noun Want of decision; want of settled purpose, or of firmness; indetermination; wavering of mind; irresolution; vacillation; hesitation.
indecisive adjective Not decisive; not bringing to a final or ultimate issue; as, an indecisive battle, argument, answer., Undetermined; prone to indecision; irresolute; unsettled; wavering; vacillating; hesitating; as, an indecisive state of mind; an indecisive character.
indecorous adjective Not decorous; violating good manners; contrary to good breeding or etiquette; unbecoming; improper; out of place; as, indecorous conduct.
indefinite adjective Not definite; not limited, defined, or specified; not explicit; not determined or fixed upon; not precise; uncertain; vague; confused; obscure; as, an indefinite time, plan, etc., Having no determined or certain limits; large and unmeasured, though not infinite; unlimited; as indefinite space; the indefinite extension of a straight line., Boundless; infinite., Too numerous or variable to make a particular enumeration important; — said of the parts of a flower, and the like. Also, indeterminate.
indelicacy noun The quality of being indelicate; want of delicacy, or of a nice sense of, or regard for, purity, propriety, or refinement in manners, language, etc.; rudeness; coarseness; also, that which is offensive to refined taste or purity of mind.
indelicate adjective Not delicate; wanting delicacy; offensive to good manners, or to purity of mind; coarse; rude; as, an indelicate word or suggestion; indelicate behavior.
indentedly adverb With indentations.
indentment noun Indenture.
indentured imp. & past participle of Indenture
indesinent adjective Not ceasing; perpetual.
indevotion noun Want of devotion; impiety; irreligion.
indicating present participle & vb. noun of Indicate
indication noun Act of pointing out or indicating., That which serves to indicate or point out; mark; token; sign; symptom; evidence., Discovery made; information., Explanation; display., Any symptom or occurrence in a disease, which serves to direct to suitable remedies.
indicative adjective Pointing out; bringing to notice; giving intimation or knowledge of something not visible or obvious., Suggestive; representing the whole by a part, as a fleet by a ship, a forest by a tree, etc., The indicative mood.
indicatory adjective Serving to show or make known; showing; indicative; signifying; implying.
indicatrix noun A certain conic section supposed to be drawn in the tangent plane to any surface, and used to determine the accidents of curvature of the surface at the point of contact. The curve is similar to the intersection of the surface with a parallel to the tangent plane and indefinitely near it. It is an ellipse when the curvature is synclastic, and an hyperbola when the curvature is anticlastic.
indicolite noun A variety of tourmaline of an indigo-blue color.
indictable adjective Capable of being, or liable to be, indicted; subject to indictment; as, an indictable offender or offense.
indictment noun The act of indicting, or the state of being indicted., The formal statement of an offense, as framed by the prosecuting authority of the State, and found by the grand jury., An accusation in general; a formal accusation.
indifulvin noun A reddish resinous substance, obtained from indican.
indifuscin noun A brown amorphous powder, obtained from indican.
indigenous adjective Native; produced, growing, or living, naturally in a country or climate; not exotic; not imported., Native; inherent; innate.
indigently adverb In an indigent manner.
indigested adjective Not digested; undigested., Not resolved; not regularly disposed and arranged; not methodical; crude; as, an indigested array of facts., Not in a state suitable for healing; — said of wounds., Not ripened or suppurated; — said of an abscess or its contents., Not softened by heat, hot water, or steam.
indigitate verb i. To communicative ideas by the fingers; to show or compute by the fingers., To point out with the finger; to indicate.
indiglucin noun The variety of sugar (glucose) obtained from the glucoside indican. It is unfermentable, but reduces Fehling’s solution.
indignance noun Alt. of Indignancy
indignancy noun Indignation.
indigofera noun A genus of leguminous plants having many species, mostly in tropical countries, several of them yielding indigo, esp. Indigofera tinctoria, and I. Anil.
indigrubin noun Same as Urrhodin.
indilatory adjective Not dilatory.
indiligent adjective Not diligent; idle; slothful.
indirected adjective Not directed; aimless.
indirectly adverb In an direct manner; not in a straight line or course; not in express terms; obliquely; not by direct means; hence, unfairly; wrongly.
indiscreet adjective Not discreet; wanting in discretion.
indiscrete adjective Indiscreet., Not discrete or separated; compact; homogenous.
indisposed imp. & past participle of Indispose
indisputed adjective Undisputed.
indistancy noun Want of distance o/ separation; nearness.
indistinct adjective Not distinct or distinguishable; not separate in such a manner as to be perceptible by itself; as, the indistinct parts of a substance., Obscure to the mind or senses; not clear; not definite; confused; imperfect; faint; as, indistinct vision; an indistinct sound; an indistinct idea or recollection.
inditement noun The act of inditing.
individual adjective Not divided, or not to be divided; existing as one entity, or distinct being or object; single; one; as, an individual man, animal, or city., Of or pertaining to one only; peculiar to, or characteristic of, a single person or thing; distinctive; as, individual traits of character; individual exertions; individual peculiarities., A single person, animal, or thing of any kind; a thing or being incapable of separation or division, without losing its identity; especially, a human being; a person., An independent, or partially independent, zooid of a compound animal., The product of a single egg, whether it remains a single animal or becomes compound by budding or fission.
indivinity noun Want or absence of divine power or of divinity.
indivision noun A state of being not divided; oneness.
indobriton noun A person born in India, of mixed Indian and British blood; a half-caste.
indocility noun The quality or state of being indocile; dullness of intellect; unteachableness; intractableness.
indogenide noun Any one of the derivatives of indogen, which contain that group as a nucleus.
indolently adverb In an indolent manner.
indophenol noun Any one of a series of artificial blue dyestuffs, resembling indigo in appearance, and obtained by the action of phenol on certain nitrogenous derivatives of quinone. Simple indophenol proper has not yet been isolated.
indorsable adjective Capable of being indorsed; transferable; convertible.
indubitate adjective Not questioned or doubtful; evident; certain., To bring into doubt; to cause to be doubted.
inducement noun The act of inducing, or the state of being induced., That which induces; a motive or consideration that leads one to action or induces one to act; as, reward is an inducement to toil., Matter stated by way of explanatory preamble or introduction to the main allegations of a pleading; a leading to.
inducteous adjective Rendered electro-polar by induction, or brought into the opposite electrical state by the influence of inductive bodies.
inductoria plural of Inductorium
indulgence noun The act of indulging or humoring; the quality of being indulgent; forbearance of restrain or control., An indulgent act; favor granted; gratification., Remission of the temporal punishment due to sins, after the guilt of sin has been remitted by sincere repentance; absolution from the censures and public penances of the church. It is a payment of the debt of justice to God by the application of the merits of Christ and his saints to the contrite soul through the church. It is therefore believed to diminish or destroy for sins the punishment of purgatory., To grant an indulgence to.
indulgency noun Indulgence.
indulgiate verb t. To indulge.
indurating present participle & vb. noun of Indurate
induration noun The act of hardening, or the process of growing hard., State of being indurated, or of having become hard., Hardness of character, manner, sensibility, etc.; obduracy; stiffness; want of pliancy or feeling.
indusiated adjective Furnished with an indusium.
industrial adjective Consisting in industry; pertaining to industry, or the arts and products of industry; concerning those employed in labor, especially in manual labor, and their wages, duties, and rights.
industries plural of Industry
indwelling present participle & vb. noun of Indwell, Residence within, as in the heart.
inebriated imp. & past participle of Inebriate
inefficacy noun Want of power to produce the desired or proper effect; inefficiency; ineffectualness; futility; uselessness; fruitlessness; as, the inefficacy of medicines or means.
inelegance noun Alt. of Inelegancy
inelegancy noun The quality of being inelegant; want of elegance or grace; want of refinement, beauty, or polish in language, composition, or manners., Anything inelegant; as, inelegance of style in literary composition.
ineligible adjective Not eligible; not qualified to be chosen for an office; not worthy to be chosen or prefered; not expedient or desirable.
ineloquent adjective Not eloquent; not fluent, graceful, or pathetic; not persuasive; as, ineloquent language.
ineludible adjective Incapable of being eluded or evaded; unvoidable.
ineptitude noun The quality of being inept; unfitness; inaptitude; unsuitableness., Absurdity; nonsense; foolishness.
inequality noun The quality of being unequal; difference, or want of equality, in any respect; lack of uniformity; disproportion; unevenness; disparity; diversity; as, an inequality in size, stature, numbers, power, distances, motions, rank, property, etc., Unevenness; want of levelness; the alternate rising and falling of a surface; as, the inequalities of the surface of the earth, or of a marble slab, etc., Variableness; changeableness; inconstancy; lack of smoothness or equability; deviation; unsteadiness, as of the weather, feelings, etc., Disproportion to any office or purpose; inadequacy; competency; as, the inequality of terrestrial things to the wants of a rational soul., An expression consisting of two unequal quantities, with the sign of inequality (< or >) between them; as, the inequality 2 < 3, or 4 > 1., An irregularity, or a deviation, in the motion of a planet or satellite from its uniform mean motion; the amount of such deviation.
inequation noun An inequality.
inequitate verb t. To ride over or through.
inerringly adverb Without error, mistake, or deviation; unerringly.
inertitude noun Inertness; inertia.
inescation noun The act of baiting; allurement.
inevasible adjective Incapable of being evaded; inevitable; unavoidable.
inevidence noun Want of evidence; obscurity.
inevitable adjective Not evitable; incapable of being shunned; unavoidable; certain., Irresistible.
inevitably adverb Without possibility of escape or evasion; unavoidably; certainly.
inexertion noun Want of exertion; want of effort; defect of action; indolence; laziness.
inexistant adjective Inexistent; not existing.
inexistent adjective Not having being; not existing., Inherent; innate; indwelling.
inexorable adjective Not to be persuaded or moved by entreaty or prayer; firm; determined; unyielding; unchangeable; inflexible; relentless; as, an inexorable prince or tyrant; an inexorable judge.
inexorably adverb In an inexorable manner; inflexibly.
inexpected adjective Unexpected.
inexpiable adjective Admitting of no expiation, atonement, or satisfaction; as, an inexpiable crime or offense., Incapable of being mollified or appeased; relentless; implacable.
inexpiably adverb In an inexpiable manner of degree; to a degree that admits of no atonement.
inexplicit adjective Not explicit; not clearly stated; indefinite; vague.
inexposure noun A state of not being exposed.
inextended adjective Not extended.
infallible adjective Not fallible; not capable of erring; entirely exempt from liability to mistake; unerring; inerrable., Not liable to fail, deceive, or disappoint; indubitable; sure; certain; as, infallible evidence; infallible success; an infallible remedy., Incapable of error in defining doctrines touching faith or morals. See Papal infallibility, under Infallibility.
infallibly adverb In an infallible manner; certainly; unfailingly; unerringly.
infamizing present participle & vb. noun of Infamize
infamously adverb In an infamous manner or degree; scandalously; disgracefully; shamefully.
infangthef noun The privilege granted to lords of certain manors to judge thieves taken within the seigniory of such lords.
infanthood noun Infancy.
infantlike adjective Like an infant.
infarction noun The act of stuffing or filling; an overloading and obstruction of any organ or vessel of the body; constipation.
infatuated imp. & past participle of Infatuate, Overcome by some foolish passion or desire; affected by infatuation.
infausting noun The act of making unlucky; misfortune; bad luck.
infeasible adjective Not capable of being done or accomplished; impracticable.
infectible adjective Capable of being infected.
infectious adjective Having qualities that may infect; communicable or caused by infection; pestilential; epidemic; as, an infectious fever; infectious clothing; infectious air; infectious vices., Corrupting, or tending to corrupt or contaminate; vitiating; demoralizing., Contaminating with illegality; exposing to seizure and forfeiture., Capable of being easily diffused or spread; sympathetic; readily communicated; as, infectious mirth.
infelicity noun The state or quality of being infelicitous; unhappiness; misery; wretchedness; misfortune; want of suitableness or appropriateness., That (as an act, word, expression, etc.) which is infelicitous; as, infelicities of speech.
inferiorly adverb In an inferior manner, or on the inferior part.
infernally adverb In an infernal manner; diabolically.
inferrible adjective Inferable.
infestuous adjective Mischievous; harmful; dangerous.
infidelity noun Want of faith or belief in some religious system; especially, a want of faith in, or disbelief of, the inspiration of the Scriptures, of the divine origin of Christianity., Unfaithfulness to the marriage vow or contract; violation of the marriage covenant by adultery., Breach of trust; unfaithfulness to a charge, or to moral obligation; treachery; deceit; as, the infidelity of a servant.
infiltered imp. & past participle of Infilter
infiltrate verb i. To enter by penetrating the pores or interstices of a substance; to filter into or through something., To penetrate gradually; — sometimes used reflexively.
infinitely adverb Without bounds or limits; beyond or below assignable limits; as, an infinitely large or infinitely small quantity., Very; exceedingly; vastly; highly; extremely.
infinitive noun Unlimited; not bounded or restricted; undefined., An infinitive form of the verb; a verb in the infinitive mood; the infinitive mood., In the manner of an infinitive mood.
infinitude noun The quality or state of being infinite, or without limits; infiniteness., Infinite extent; unlimited space; immensity; infinity., Boundless number; countless multitude.
infinities plural of Infinity
infirmness noun Infirmity; feebleness.
inflammbly adverb In an inflammable manner.
inflatable adjective That may be inflated.
inflecting present participle & vb. noun of Inflect
inflection noun The act of inflecting, or the state of being inflected., A bend; a fold; a curve; a turn; a twist., A slide, modulation, or accent of the voice; as, the rising and the falling inflection., The variation or change which words undergo to mark case, gender, number, comparison, tense, person, mood, voice, etc., Any change or modification in the pitch or tone of the voice., A departure from the monotone, or reciting note, in chanting., Same as Diffraction.
inflective adjective Capable of, or pertaining to, inflection; deflecting; as, the inflective quality of the air., Inflectional; characterized by variation, or change in form, to mark case, tense, etc.; subject to inflection.
inflexible adjective Not capable of being bent; stiff; rigid; firm; unyielding., Firm in will or purpose; not to be turned, changed, or altered; resolute; determined; unyieding; inexorable; stubborn., Incapable of change; unalterable; immutable.
inflexibly adverb In an inflexible manner.
inflicting present participle & vb. noun of Inflict
infliction noun The act of inflicting or imposing; as, the infliction of torment, or of punishment., That which is inflicted or imposed, as punishment, disgrace, calamity, etc.
inflictive adjective Causing infliction; acting as an infliction.
influenced imp. & past participle of Influence
influencer noun One who, or that which, influences.
inflential adjective Exerting or possessing influence or power; potent; efficacious; effective; strong; having authority or ascendency; as, an influential man, station, argument, etc.
influxious adjective Influential.
infoldment noun The act of infolding; the state of being infolded.
informally adverb In an informal manner.
infortuned adjective Unfortunate.
infracting present participle & vb. noun of Infract
infraction noun The act of infracting or breaking; breach; violation; nonobservance; infringement; as, an infraction of a treaty, compact, rule, or law.
infragrant adjective Not fragrant.
infrahyoid adjective Same as Hyosternal (a).
infrequent adjective Seldom happening or occurring; rare; uncommon; unusual.
infringing present participle & vb. noun of Infringe
infucation noun The act of painting or staining, especially of painting the face.
infumating present participle & vb. noun of Infumate
infumation noun Act of drying in smoke.
infuriated imp. & past participle of Infuriate, Enraged; furious.
infuscated adjective Darkened with a blackish tinge.
infusorial adjective Belonging to the Infusoria; composed of, or containing, Infusoria; as, infusorial earth.
infusorian noun One of the Infusoria.
infusories plural of Infusory
ingeminate adjective Redoubled; repeated., To redouble or repeat; to reiterate.
ingenerate adjective Generated within; inborn; innate; as, ingenerate powers of body., To generate or produce within; to begete; to engener; to occasion; to cause.
inglorious adjective Not glorious; not bringing honor or glory; not accompanied with fame, honor, or celebrity; obscure; humble; as, an inglorious life of ease., Shameful; disgraceful; ignominious; as, inglorious flight, defeat, etc.
ingluvious adjective Gluttonous.
ingracious adjective Ungracious; unkind.
ingrafting present participle & vb. noun of Ingraft
ingraining present participle & vb. noun of Ingrain
ingrateful adjective Ungrateful; thankless; unappreciative., Unpleasing to the sense; distasteful; offensive.
ingratiate verb t. To introduce or commend to the favor of another; to bring into favor; to insinuate; — used reflexively, and followed by with before the person whose favor is sought., To recommend; to render easy or agreeable; — followed by to., To gain favor.
ingredient noun That which enters into a compound, or is a component part of any combination or mixture; an element; a constituent., Entering as, or forming, an ingredient or component part.
ingression noun Act of entering; entrance.
ingulfment noun The act of ingulfing, or the state of being ingulfed.
ingustable adjective Tasteless; insipid.
inhability noun Unsuitableness; unaptness; unfitness; inability.
inhabiting present participle & vb. noun of Inhabit
inhabitant noun One who dwells or resides permanently in a place, as distinguished from a transient lodger or visitor; as, an inhabitant of a house, a town, a city, county, or state., One who has a legal settlement in a town, city, or parish; a permanent resident.
inhabitate verb t. To inhabit.
inhalation noun The act of inhaling; also, that which is inhaled.
inharmonic adjective Alt. of Inharmonical
inhearsing present participle & vb. noun of Inhearse
inherently adverb By inherence; inseparably.
inheriting present participle & vb. noun of Inherit
inheritrix noun Same as Inheritress.
inhibiting present participle & vb. noun of Inhibit
inhibition noun The act of inhibiting, or the state of being inhibited; restraint; prohibition; embargo., A stopping or checking of an already present action; a restraining of the function of an organ, or an agent, as a digestive fluid or ferment, etc.; as, the inhibition of the respiratory center by the pneumogastric nerve; the inhibition of reflexes, etc., A writ from a higher court forbidding an inferior judge from further proceedings in a cause before; esp., a writ issuing from a higher ecclesiastical court to an inferior one, on appeal.
inhibitory adjective Of or pertaining to, or producing, inhibition; consisting in inhibition; tending or serving to inhibit; as, the inhibitory action of the pneumogastric on the respiratory center.
inhumanity noun The quality or state of being inhuman; cruelty; barbarity.
inhumation noun The act of inhuming or burying; interment., The act of burying vessels in warm earth in order to expose their contents to a steady moderate heat; the state of being thus exposed., Arenation.
inimically adverb In an inimical manner.
inimitable adjective Not capable of being imitated, copied, or counterfeited; beyond imitation; surpassingly excellent; matchless; unrivaled; exceptional; unique; as, an inimitable style; inimitable eloquence.
iniquitous adjective Characterized by iniquity; unjust; wicked; as, an iniquitous bargain; an iniquitous proceeding.
iniquities plural of Iniquity
initialing present participle & vb. noun of Initial
initiating present participle & vb. noun of Initiate
initiation noun The act of initiating, or the process of being initiated or introduced; as, initiation into a society, into business, literature, etc., The form or ceremony by which a person is introduced into any society; mode of entrance into an organized body; especially, the rite of admission into a secret society or order.
initiative adjective Serving to initiate; inceptive; initiatory; introductory; preliminary., An introductory step or movement; an act which originates or begins., The right or power to introduce a new measure or course of action, as in legislation; as, the initiative in respect to revenue bills is in the House of Representatives.
initiatory adjective Suitable for an introduction or beginning; introductory; prefatory; as, an initiatory step., Tending or serving to initiate; introducing by instruction, or by the use and application of symbols or ceremonies; elementary; rudimentary., An introductory act or rite.
injudicial adjective Not according to the forms of law; not judicial.
injunction noun The act of enjoining; the act of directing, commanding, or prohibiting., That which is enjoined; an order; a mandate; a decree; a command; a precept; a direction., A writ or process, granted by a court of equity, and, insome cases, under statutes, by a court of law,whereby a party is required to do or to refrain from doing certain acts, according to the exigency of the writ.
inkhornism noun Pedantry.
inlagation noun The restitution of an outlawed person to the protection of the law; inlawing.
inlapidate verb t. To convert into a stony substance; to petrity.
inleaguing present participle & vb. noun of Inleague
innateness noun The quality of being innate.
innocently adverb In an innocent manner.
innodating present participle & vb. noun of Innodate
innominate adjective Having no name; unnamed; as, an innominate person or place., A term used in designating many parts otherwise unnamed; as, the innominate artery, a great branch of the arch of the aorta; the innominate vein, a great branch of the superior vena cava.
innovating present participle & vb. noun of Innovate
innovation noun The act of innovating; introduction of something new, in customs, rites, etc., A change effected by innovating; a change in customs; something new, and contrary to established customs, manners, or rites., A newly formed shoot, or the annually produced addition to the stems of many mosses.
innovative adjective Characterized by, or introducing, innovations.
innubilous adjective Cloudless.
innumerous adjective Innumerable.
inobedient adjective Not obedient; disobedient.
inoceramus noun An extinct genus of large, fossil, bivalve shells,allied to the mussels. The genus is characteristic of the Cretaceous period.
inoculable adjective Capable of being inoculated; capable of communicating disease, or of being communicated, by inoculation.
inoculated imp. & past participle of Inoculate
inoculator noun One who inoculates; one who propagates plants or diseases by inoculation.
inofficial adjective Not official; not having official sanction or authoriy; not according to the forms or ceremony of official business; as, inofficial intelligence.
inopinable adjective Not to be expected; inconceivable.
inordinacy noun The state or quality of being inordinate; excessiveness; immoderateness; as, the inordinacy of love or desire.
inordinate adjective Not limited to rules prescribed, or to usual bounds; irregular; excessive; immoderate; as, an inordinate love of the world.
inorganity noun Quality of being inorganic.
inosculate verb i. To unite by apposition or contact, as two tubular vessels at their extremities; to anastomose., To intercommunicate; to interjoin., To unite by apposition or contact, as two vessels in an animal body., To unite intimately; to cause to become as one.
inquietude noun Disturbed state; uneasiness either of body or mind; restlessness; disquietude.
inquirable adjective Capable of being inquired into; subject or liable to inquisition or inquest.
inquirance noun Inquiry.
inquisible adjective Admitting judicial inquiry.
inquisitor noun An inquisitive person; one fond of asking questions., One whose official duty it is to examine and inquire, as coroners, sheriffs, etc., A member of the Court of Inquisition.
inracinate verb t. To enroot or implant.
inregister verb t. To register; to enter, as in a register.
insalutary adjective Not salutary or wholesome; unfavorable to health., Not tending to safety; productive of evil.
insaneness noun Insanity; madness.
insanitary adjective Not sanitary; unhealthy; as, insanitary conditions of drainage.
insatiable adjective Not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased; very greedy; as, an insatiable appetite, thirst, or desire.
insatiably adverb In an insatiable manner or degree; unappeasably.
inscribing present participle & vb. noun of Inscribe
inscrolled imp. & past participle of Inscroll
insectator noun A pursuer; a persecutor; a censorious critic.
insecurely adverb In an insecure manner.
insecurity noun The condition or quality of being insecure; want of safety; danger; hazard; as, the insecurity of a building liable to fire; insecurity of a debt., The state of feeling insecure; uncertainty; want of confidence.
insecution noun A following after; close pursuit.
inseminate verb t. To sow; to impregnate.
insensible adjective Destitute of the power of feeling or perceiving; wanting bodily sensibility., Not susceptible of emotion or passion; void of feeling; apathetic; unconcerned; indifferent; as, insensible to danger, fear, love, etc.; — often used with of or to., Incapable of being perceived by the senses; imperceptible. Hence: Progressing by imperceptible degrees; slow; gradual; as, insensible motion., Not sensible or reasonable; meaningless.
insensibly adverb In a manner not to be felt or perceived; imperceptibly; gradually.
insensuous adjective Not sensuous; not pertaining to, affecting, or addressing, the senses.
inseparate adjective Not separate; together; united.
inservient adjective Conducive; instrumental.
insessores plural of Insessor, An order of birds, formerly established to include the perching birds, but now generally regarded as an artificial group.
insidiator noun One who lies in ambush.
insignment noun A token, mark, or explanation.
insimulate verb t. To accuse.
insinewing present participle & vb. noun of Insinew
insinuated imp. & past participle of Insinuate
insinuator noun One who, or that which, insinuates.
insipidity noun Alt. of Insipidness
insipience noun Want of intelligence; stupidity; folly.
insistence noun The quality of insisting, or being urgent or pressing; the act of dwelling upon as of special importance; persistence; urgency.
insobriety noun Want of sobriety, moderation, or calmness; intemperance; drunkenness.
insociable adjective Incapable of being associated, joined, or connected., Not sociable or companionable; disinclined to social intercourse or conversation; unsociable; taciturn.
insociably adverb Unsociably.
insolating present participle & vb. noun of Insolate
insolation noun The act or process to exposing to the rays of the sun fro the purpose of drying or maturing, as fruits, drugs, etc., or of rendering acid, as vinegar., A sunstroke., Exposure of a patient to the sun’s rays; a sun bath.
insolently adverb In an insolent manner.
insolidity noun Want of solidity; weakness; as, the insolidity of an argument.
insolvable adjective Not solvable; insoluble; admitting no solution or explanation; as, an insolvable problem or difficulty., Incapable of being paid or discharged, as debts., Not capable of being loosed or disentangled; inextricable.
insolvency noun The condition of being insolvent; the state or condition of a person who is insolvent; the condition of one who is unable to pay his debts as they fall due, or in the usual course of trade and business; as, a merchant’s insolvency., Insufficiency to discharge all debts of the owner; as, the insolvency of an estate.
insomnious adjective Restless; sleepless.
insonorous adjective Not clear or melodious.
insouciant adjective Careless; heedless; indifferent; unconcerned.
inspecting present participle & vb. noun of Inspect
inspective adjective Engaged in inspection; inspecting; involving inspection.
inspersion noun The act of sprinkling.
inspeximus noun The first word of ancient charters in England, confirming a grant made by a former king; hence, a royal grant.
insphering present participle & vb. noun of Insphere
inspirable adjective Capable of being inspired or drawn into the lungs; inhalable; respirable; admitting inspiration.
inspirator noun A kind of injector for forcing water by steam. See Injector, n., 2.
inspirtory adjective Pertaining to, or aiding, inspiration; as, the inspiratory muscles.
inspirited imp. & past participle of Inspirit
inspissate verb t. To thicken or bring to greater consistence, as fluids by evaporation., Thick or thickened; inspissated.
installing present participle & vb. noun of Install
instancing present participle & vb. noun of Instance
instaurate verb t. To renew or renovate.
insteeping present participle & vb. noun of Insteep
instigated imp. & past participle of Instigate
instigator noun One who instigates or incites.
instilling present participle & vb. noun of Instill
instituted imp. & past participle of Institute
instituter noun An institutor.
institutor noun One who institutes, founds, ordains, or establishes., One who educates; an instructor., A presbyter appointed by the bishop to institute a rector or assistant minister over a parish church.
instructed imp. & past participle of Instruct
instructer noun See Instructor.
instructor noun One who instructs; one who imparts knowledge to another; a teacher.
instrument noun That by means of which any work is performed, or result is effected; a tool; a utensil; an implement; as, the instruments of a mechanic; astronomical instruments., A contrivance or implement, by which musical sounds are produced; as, a musical instrument., A writing, as the means of giving formal expression to some act; a writing expressive of some act, contract, process, as a deed, contract, writ, etc., One who, or that which, is made a means, or is caused to serve a purpose; a medium, means, or agent., To perform upon an instrument; to prepare for an instrument; as, a sonata instrumented for orchestra.
insuitable adjective Unsuitable.
insularity noun The state or quality of being an island or consisting of islands; insulation., Narrowness or illiberality of opinion; prejudice; exclusiveness; as, the insularity of the Chinese or of the aristocracy.
insulating present participle & vb. noun of Insulate
insulation noun The act of insulating, or the state of being insulated; detachment from other objects; isolation., The act of separating a body from others by nonconductors, so as to prevent the transfer of electricity or of heat; also, the state of a body so separated.
insultable adjective Capable of being insulted or affronted.
insultment noun Insolent treatment; insult.
insurancer noun One who effects insurance; an insurer; an underwriter.
insurgence noun Alt. of Insurgency
insurgency noun A state of insurrection; an uprising; an insurrection.
intactible adjective Alt. of Intactable
intactable adjective Not perceptible to the touch.
intangible adjective Not tangible; incapable of being touched; not perceptible to the touch; impalpable; imperceptible.
intastable adjective Incapable of being tasted; tasteless; unsavory.
integrable adjective Capable of being integrated.
integrally adverb In an integral manner; wholly; completely; also, by integration.
integrated imp. & past participle of Integrate
integrator noun That which integrates; esp., an instrument by means of which the area of a figure can be measured directly, or its moment of inertia, or statical moment, etc., be determined.
integument noun That which naturally invests or covers another thing, as the testa or the tegmen of a seed; specifically (Anat.), a covering which invests the body, as the skin, or a membrane that invests a particular.
intemerate adjective Alt. of Intemerated
intendancy noun The office or employment of an intendant., A territorial district committed to the charge of an intendant.
intendedly adverb Intentionally.
intendment noun Charge; oversight., Intention; design; purpose., The true meaning, understanding, or intention of a law, or of any legal instrument.
intenerate adjective To make tender or sensitive; to soften., Made tender or soft; softened.
intensated imp. & past participle of Intensate
intentness noun The state or quality of being intent; close application; attention.
interagent noun An intermediate agent.
interaulic adjective Existing between royal courts.
interbrain noun See Thalamencephalon.
interbreed verb t. & i. To breed by crossing different stocks of animals or plants.
intercalar adjective Intercalary.
interceded imp. & past participle of Intercede
interceder noun One who intercedes; an intercessor; a mediator.
interchain verb t. To link together; to unite closely or firmly, as by a chain.
inrecision noun A cutting off, through, or asunder; interruption.
interclose verb t. To shut in; to inclose.
intercloud verb t. To cloud.
interclude verb t. To shut off or out from a place or course, by something intervening; to intercept; to cut off; to interrupt.
intercross verb t. & i. To cross each other, as lines., To fertilize by the impregnation of one species or variety by another; to impregnate by a different species or variety., The process or result of cross fertilization between different kinds of animals, or different varieties of plants.
interested imp. & past participle of Interest, Having the attention engaged; having emotion or passion excited; as, an interested listener., Having an interest; concerned in a cause or in consequences; liable to be affected or prejudiced; as, an interested witness.
interfered imp. & past participle of Interfere
interferer noun One who interferes.
intergrave verb t. To grave or carve between; to engrave in the alternate sections.
interhemal adjective Alt. of Interhaemal
interiorly adverb Internally; inwardly.
interjoist noun The space or interval between two joists., A middle joist or crossbeam.
interlaced imp. & past participle of Interlace
interlapse noun The lapse or interval of time between two events.
interleave verb t. To insert a leaf or leaves in; to bind with blank leaves inserted between the others; as, to interleave a book.
interlibel verb t. To libel mutually.
interlined imp. & past participle of Interline
interlobar adjective Between lobes; as, the interlobar notch of the liver; the interlobar ducts of a gland.
interloped imp. & past participle of Interlope
interloper noun One who interlopes; one who interlopes; one who unlawfully intrudes upon a property, a station, or an office; one who interferes wrongfully or officiously.
interluded adjective Inserted in the manner of an interlude; having or containing interludes.
interluder noun An actor who performs in an interlude.
interlunar adjective Alt. of Interlunary
intermarry verb i. To become connected by marriage between their members; to give and take mutually in marriage; — said of families, ranks, castes, etc.
intermedia plural of Intermedium
intermezzo noun An interlude; an intermede. See Intermede.
intermural adjective Lying between walls; inclosed by walls.
intermured imp. & past participle of Intermure
internally adverb Inwardly; within the enveloping surface, or the boundary of a thing; within the body; beneath the surface., Hence: Mentally; spiritually.
internasal adjective Between the nasal cavities; as, the internasal cartilage.
internment noun Confinement within narrow limits, — as of foreign troops, to the interior of a country.
internodal adjective Of or pertaining to internodes; intervening between nodes or joints.
interpause noun An intermission.
interplace verb t. To place between or among; as, to interplace a name.
interplead verb i. To plead against each other, or go to trial between themselves, as the claimants in an in an interpleader. See Interpleader.
interpoint verb t. To point; to mark with stops or pauses; to punctuate.
interposal noun The act of interposing; interposition; intervention.
interposed imp. & past participle of Interpose
interposer noun One who, or that which, interposes or intervenes; an obstacle or interruption; a mediator or agent between parties.
interposit noun An intermediate depot or station between one commercial city or country and another.
interpubic adjective Between the pubic bones or cartilages; as, the interpubic disk.
interramal adjective Between rami or branches; esp., between the mandibles, or rami of the lower jaw; intermandibular.
interreign noun An interregnum.
interrenal adjective Between the kidneys; as, the interrenal body, an organ found in many fishes., The interrenal body.
interrexes plural of Interrex
interreges plural of Interrex
interscind verb t. To cut off.
intershock verb t. To shock mutually.
interspace noun Intervening space.
interstate adjective Pertaining to the mutual relations of States; existing between, or including, different States; as, interstate commerce.
interstice noun That which intervenes between one thing and another; especially, a space between things closely set, or between the parts which compose a body; a narrow chink; a crack; a crevice; a hole; an interval; as, the interstices of a wall., An interval of time; specifically (R. C. Ch.), in the plural, the intervals which the canon law requires between the reception of the various degrees of orders.
intertrigo noun A rubbing or chafing of the skin; especially, an abrasion or excoriation of the skin between folds, as in fat or neglected children.
intertwine verb t. To unite by twining one with another; to entangle; to interlace., To be twined or twisted together; to become mutually involved or enfolded., The act intertwining, or the state of being intertwined.
intertwist verb t. To twist together one with another; to intertwine.
intervalla plural of Intervallum
intervened imp. & past participle of Intervene
intervener noun One who intervenes; especially (Law), a person who assumes a part in a suit between others.
intervenue noun Interposition.
intervisit verb i. To exchange visits.
intervital adjective Between two lives.
intervolve verb t. To involve one within another; to twist or coil together.
interwoven past participle of Interweave, imp. & p. p. of Interweave.
interweave verb t. To weave together; to intermix or unite in texture or construction; to intertwine; as, threads of silk and cotton interwoven., To intermingle; to unite intimately; to connect closely; as, to interweave truth with falsehood.
interworld noun A world between other worlds.
intestable adjective Not capable of making a will; not legally qualified or competent to make a testament.
intestinal adjective Of or pertaining to the intestines of an animal; as, the intestinal tube; intestinal digestion; intestinal ferments.
intestines plural of Intestine
intextured adjective Inwrought; woven in.
inthralled imp. & past participle of Inthrall
inthronize verb t. To enthrone.
intimacies plural of Intimacy
intimating present participle & vb. noun of Intimate
intimately adverb In an intimate manner.
intimation noun The act of intimating; also, the thing intimated., Announcement; declaration., A hint; an obscure or indirect suggestion or notice; a remote or ambiguous reference; as, he had given only intimations of his design.
intimidate verb t. To make timid or fearful; to inspire of affect with fear; to deter, as by threats; to dishearten; to abash.
intinction noun The act of tingeing or dyeing., A method or practice of the administration of the sacrament by dipping the bread or wafer in the wine and administering both together.
intituling present participle & vb. noun of Intitule
intolerant adjective Not enduring; not able to endure., Not tolerating difference of opinion or sentiment, especially in religious matters; refusing to allow others the enjoyment of their opinions, rights, or worship; unjustly impatient of the opinion of those disagree with us; not tolerant; unforbearing; bigoted., An intolerant person; a bigot.
intombment noun See Entombment.
intonating present participle & vb. noun of Intonate
intonation noun A thundering; thunder., The act of sounding the tones of the musical scale., Singing or playing in good tune or otherwise; as, her intonation was false., Reciting in a musical prolonged tone; intonating, or singing of the opening phrase of a plain-chant, psalm, or canticle by a single voice, as of a priest. See Intone, v. t.
intoxicant noun That which intoxicates; an intoxicating agent; as, alcohol, opium, and laughing gas are intoxicants.
intoxicate adjective Intoxicated., Overexcited, as with joy or grief., To poison; to drug., To make drunk; to inebriate; to excite or to stupefy by strong drink or by a narcotic substance., To excite to a transport of enthusiasm, frenzy, or madness; to elate unduly or excessively.
intracolic adjective Within the colon; as, the intracolic valve.
intractile adjective Not tractile; incapable of being drawn out or extended.
intramural adjective Being within the walls, as of a city., Being within the substance of the walls of an organ; as, intramural pregnancy.
intreasure verb t. To lay up, as in a treasury; to hoard.
intreatful adjective Full of entreaty.
intrenched imp. & past participle of Intrench
intrepidly adverb In an intrepid manner; courageously; resolutely.
intricable adjective Entangling.
intrigante noun A female intriguer.
intriguing present participle & vb. noun of Intrigue
intriguery noun Arts or practice of intrigue.
introduced imp. & past participle of Introduce
introducer noun One who, or that which, introduces.
introspect verb t. To look into or within; to view the inside of.
intrudress noun A female intruder.
intrusting present participle & vb. noun of Intrust
intubation noun The introduction of a tube into an organ to keep it open, as into the larynx in croup.
intumesced imp. & past participle of Intumesce
inundating present participle & vb. noun of Inundate
inundation noun The act of inundating, or the state of being inundated; an overflow; a flood; a rising and spreading of water over grounds., An overspreading of any kind; overflowing or superfluous abundance; a flood; a great influx; as, an inundation of tourists.
inurbanity noun Want of urbanity or courtesy; unpolished manners or deportment; inurbaneness; rudeness.
invaginate verb t. To insert as in a sheath; to produce intussusception in., Alt. of Invaginated
invalidate verb t. To render invalid; to weaken or lessen the force of; to destroy the authority of; to render of no force or effect; to overthrow; as, to invalidate an agreement or argument.
invalidism noun The condition of an invalid; sickness; infirmity.
invalidity noun Want of validity or cogency; want of legal force or efficacy; invalidness; as, the invalidity of an agreement or of a will., Want of health; infirmity.
invalorous adjective Not valorous; cowardly.
invaluable adjective Valuable beyond estimation; inestimable; priceless; precious.
invaluably adverb Inestimably.
invariable adjective Not given to variation or change; unalterable; unchangeable; always uniform., An invariable quantity; a constant.
invariance noun The property of remaining invariable under prescribed or implied conditions.
inveighing present participle & vb. noun of Inveigh
inveigling present participle & vb. noun of Inveigle
invendible adjective Not vendible or salable.
inventible adjective Capable of being invented.
inventious adjective Inventive.
inventress noun A woman who invents.
inveracity noun Want of veracity.
invertedly adverb In an inverted order.
invertible adjective Capable of being inverted or turned., Capable of being changed or converted; as, invertible sugar., Incapable of being turned or changed.
investient adjective Covering; clothing.
investment noun The act of investing, or the state of being invested., That with which anyone is invested; a vestment., The act of surrounding, blocking up, or besieging by an armed force, or the state of being so surrounded., The laying out of money in the purchase of some species of property; the amount of money invested, or that in which money is invested.
inveteracy noun Firm establishment by long continuance; firmness or deep-rooted obstinacy of any quality or state acquired by time; as, the inveteracy of custom, habit, or disease; — usually in a bad sense; as, the inveteracy of prejudice or of error., Malignity; spitefulness; virulency.
inveterate adjective Old; long-established., Firmly established by long continuance; obstinate; deep-rooted; of long standing; as, an inveterate disease; an inveterate abuse., Having habits fixed by long continuance; confirmed; habitual; as, an inveterate idler or smoker., Malignant; virulent; spiteful., To fix and settle by long continuance.
invigorate verb t. To give vigor to; to strengthen; to animate; to give life and energy to.
invillaged p. adjective Turned into, or reduced to, a village.
invincible adjective Incapable of being conquered, overcome, or subdued; unconquerable; insuperable; as, an invincible army, or obstacle.
inviolable adjective Not violable; not susceptible of hurt, wound, or harm (used with respect to either physical or moral damage); not susceptible of being profaned or corrupted; sacred; holy; as, inviolable honor or chastity; an inviolable shrine., Unviolated; uninjured; undefiled; uncorrupted., Not capable of being broken or violated; as, an inviolable covenant, agreement, promise, or vow.
inviolably adverb Without violation.
inviolated adjective Not violated; uninjured; unhurt; unbroken., Not corrupted, defiled, or profaned; chaste; pure.
invirility noun Absence of virility or manhood; effeminacy.
inviscated imp. & past participle of Inviscate
invitation noun The act of inviting; solicitation; the requesting of a person’s company; as, an invitation to a party, to a dinner, or to visit a friend., A document written or printed, or spoken words, /onveying the message by which one is invited., Allurement; enticement.
invitatory adjective Using or containing invitations., That which invites; specifically, the invitatory psalm, or a part of it used in worship.
invitement noun Invitation.
invocating present participle & vb. noun of Invocate
invocation noun The act or form of calling for the assistance or presence of some superior being; earnest and solemn entreaty; esp., prayer offered to a divine being., A call or summons; especially, a judicial call, demand, or order; as, the invocation of papers or evidence into court.
invocatory adjective Making or containing invocation; invoking.
involucral adjective Pertaining to, possessing, or like, an involucrum.
involucred adjective Having an involucre, as umbels, heads, etc.
involucret noun An involucel.
involucrum noun See Involucre., A sheath which surrounds the base of the lasso cells in the Siphonophora.
involution noun The act of involving or infolding., The state of being entangled or involved; complication; entanglement., That in which anything is involved, folded, or wrapped; envelope., The insertion of one or more clauses between the subject and the verb, in a way that involves or complicates the construction., The act or process of raising a quantity to any power assigned; the multiplication of a quantity into itself a given number of times; — the reverse of evolution., The relation which exists between three or more sets of points, a.a’, b.b’, c.c’, so related to a point O on the line, that the product Oa.Oa’ = Ob.Ob’ = Oc.Oc’ is constant. Sets of lines or surfaces possessing corresponding properties may be in involution., The return of an enlarged part or organ to its normal size, as of the uterus after pregnancy.
inwardness noun Internal or true state; essential nature; as, the inwardness of conduct., Intimacy; familiarity., Heartiness; earnestness.