10 letter word starting with inn

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
innateness noun The quality of being innate.
innocently adverb In an innocent manner.
innodating present participle & vb. noun of Innodate
innominate adjective Having no name; unnamed; as, an innominate person or place., A term used in designating many parts otherwise unnamed; as, the innominate artery, a great branch of the arch of the aorta; the innominate vein, a great branch of the superior vena cava.
innovating present participle & vb. noun of Innovate
innovation noun The act of innovating; introduction of something new, in customs, rites, etc., A change effected by innovating; a change in customs; something new, and contrary to established customs, manners, or rites., A newly formed shoot, or the annually produced addition to the stems of many mosses.
innovative adjective Characterized by, or introducing, innovations.
innubilous adjective Cloudless.
innumerous adjective Innumerable.