10 letter word starting with j

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
jabberment noun Jabber.
jabbernowl noun Same as Jobbernowl.
jackanapes noun A monkey; an ape., A coxcomb; an impertinent or conceited fellow.
jack ketch A public executioner, or hangman.
jacobinism noun The principles of the Jacobins; violent and factious opposition to legitimate government.
jacobinize verb t. To taint with, or convert to, Jacobinism.
jacobitism noun The principles of the Jacobites.
jaculating present participle & vb. noun of Jaculate
jaculation noun The act of tossing, throwing, or hurling, as spears.
jaculatory adjective Darting or throwing out suddenly; also, suddenly thrown out; uttered in short sentences; ejaculatory; as, jaculatory prayers.
jagua palm A great Brazilian palm (Maximiliana regia), having immense spathes which are used for baskets and tubs.
jaguarondi noun A South American wild cat (Felis jaguarondi), having a long, slim body and very short legs. Its color is grayish brown, varied with a blackish hue. It is arboreal in its habits and feeds mostly on birds.
jamesonite noun A steel-gray mineral, of metallic luster, commonly fibrous massive. It is a sulphide of antimony and lead, with a little iron.
jangleress noun A female prater or babbler.
janizarian adjective Of or pertaining to the janizaries, or their government.
janizaries plural of Janizary
japhethite noun A Japhetite.
jardiniere noun An ornamental stand or receptacle for plants, flowers, etc., used as a piece of decorative furniture in room.
jargonelle noun A variety of pear which ripens early.
jaspachate noun Agate jasper.
jasperated adjective mixed with jasper; containing particles of jasper; as, jasperated agate.
jaspideous adjective Consisting of jasper, or containing jasper; jaspery; jasperlike.
jauntiness noun The quality of being jaunty.
javelinier noun A soldier armed with a javelin.
jaw-fallen adjective Dejected; chopfallen.
jealousies plural of Jealousy
jedding ax noun A stone mason’s tool, having a flat face and a pointed part.
jehovistic adjective Relating to, or containing, Jehovah, as a name of God; — said of certain parts of the Old Testament, especially of the Pentateuch, in which Jehovah appears as the name of the Deity. See Elohistic.
jeoparding present participle & vb. noun of Jeopard
jeopardize verb t. To expose to loss or injury; to risk; to jeopard.
jeopardous adjective Perilous; hazardous.
jerkinhead noun The hipped part of a roof which is hipped only for a part of its height, leaving a truncated gable.
jeronymite noun One belonging of the mediaeval religious orders called Hermits of St. Jerome.
jesuitical adjective Of or pertaining to the Jesuits, or to their principles and methods., Designing; cunning; deceitful; crafty; — an opprobrious use of the word.
jets d’eau plural of Jet d’eau
jew’s-harp noun An instrument of music, which, when placed between the teeth, gives, by means of a bent metal tongue struck by the finger, a sound which is modulated by the breath; — called also Jew’s-trump., The shackle for joining a chain cable to an anchor.
jill-flirt noun A light, giddy, or wanton girl or woman. See Gill-flirt.
jinglingly adverb So as to jingle.
jinny road An inclined road in a coal mine, on which loaded cars descend by gravity, drawing up empty ones.
jinrikisha noun A small, two-wheeled, hooded vehicle drawn by one more men.
jobbernowl noun A blockhead.
jockeyship noun The art, character, or position, of a jockey; the personality of a jockey.
jocularity noun Jesting; merriment.
joculatory adjective Droll; sportive.
joe miller A jest book; a stale jest; a worn-out joke.
johnnycake noun A kind of bread made of the meal of maize (Indian corn), mixed with water or milk, etc., and baked.
johnsonese noun The literary style of Dr. Samuel Johnson, or one formed in imitation of it; an inflated, stilted, or pompous style, affecting classical words.
johnsonian adjective Pertaining to or resembling Dr. Johnson or his style; pompous; inflated.
jointuring present participle & vb. noun of Jointure
jointuress noun See Jointress.
jolly-boat noun A boat of medium size belonging to a ship.
jolterhead noun Alt. of Jolthead
jostlement noun Crowding; hustling.
jouissance noun Jollity; merriment.
journalism noun The keeping of a journal or diary., The periodical collection and publication of current news; the business of managing, editing, or writing for, journals or newspapers; as, political journalism.
journalist noun One who keeps a journal or diary., The conductor of a public journal, or one whose business it to write for a public journal; an editorial or other professional writer for a periodical.
journalize verb t. To enter or record in a journal or diary., to conduct or contribute to a public journal; to follow the profession of a journalist.
journeying present participle & vb. noun of Journey
journeymen plural of Journeyman
journeyman noun Formerly, a man hired to work by the day; now, commonly, one who has mastered a handicraft or trade; — distinguished from apprentice and from master workman.
jovialness noun Noisy mirth; joviality.
jubilantly adverb In a jubilant manner.
jubilation noun A triumphant shouting; rejoicing; exultation.
judaically adverb After the Jewish manner.
judicative adjective Having power to judge; judicial; as, the judicative faculty.
judicatory adjective Pertaining to the administration of justice; dispensing justice; judicial; as, judicatory tribunals., A court of justice; a tribunal., Administration of justice.
judicature noun The state or profession of those employed in the administration of justice; also, the dispensing or administration of justice., A court of justice; a judicatory., The right of judicial action; jurisdiction; extent jurisdiction of a judge or court.
judicially adverb In a judicial capacity or judicial manner.
juggernaut noun One of the names under which Vishnu, in his incarnation as Krishna, is worshiped by the Hindoos.
juggleress noun A female juggler.
juglandine noun An alkaloid found in the leaves of the walnut (Juglans regia).
jugulating present participle & vb. noun of Jugulate
jumblement noun Confused mixture.
jumblingly adverb In a confused manner.
juncaceous adjective Of. pertaining to, or resembling, a natural order of plants (Juncaceae), of which the common rush (Juncus) is the type.
juniperite noun One of the fossil Coniferae, evidently allied to the juniper.
junketries noun pl. Sweetmeats.
juramentum noun An oath.
jura-trias noun A term applied to many American Mesozoic strata, in which the characteristics of the Jurassic and Triassic periods appear to be blended.
jurdiccion noun Jurisdiction.
juristical adjective Of or pertaining to a jurist, to the legal profession, or to jurisprudence.
justiciary noun An old name for the judges of the higher English courts.
justifying present participle & vb. noun of Justify
jutlandish adjective Of or pertaining to Jutland, or to the people of Jutland.
juvenility noun Youthfulness; adolescence., The manners or character of youth; immaturity.
juxtaposit verb t. To place in close connection or contiguity; to juxtapose.