10 letter word starting with k

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
kaligenous adjective Forming alkalies with oxygen, as some metals.
kantianism noun Alt. of Kantism
karmathian noun One of a Mohammedan sect founded in the ninth century by Karmat.
karpholite noun A fibrous mineral occurring in tufts of a straw-yellow color. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina and manganese.
karstenite noun Same as Anhydrite.
karyomiton noun The reticular network of fine fibers, of which the nucleus of a cell is in part composed; — in opposition to kytomiton, or the network in the body of the cell.
katabolism noun Destructive or downward metabolism; regressive metamorphism; — opposed to anabolism. See Disassimilation.
keelhauled imp. & past participle of Keelhaul
keepership noun The office or position of a keeper.
kennelling present participle & vb. noun of Kennel
kenspeckle adjective Having so marked an appearance as easily to be recognized.
kent bugle A curved bugle, having six finger keys or stops, by means of which the performer can play upon every key in the musical scale; — called also keyed bugle, and key bugle.
keratoidea noun pl. Same as Keratosa.
kerchiefed adjective Alt. of Kerchieft
kernelling of Kernel
kerseymere noun See Cassimere.
kettledrum noun A drum made of thin copper in the form of a hemispherical kettle, with parchment stretched over the mouth of it., An informal social party at which a light collation is offered, held in the afternoon or early evening. Cf. Drum, n., 4 and 5.
keverchief noun A kerchief.
kidnapping of Kidnap
kidneywort noun A kind of saxifrage (Saxifrage stellaris)., The navelwort.
kieselguhr noun Siliceous earth; specifically, porous infusorial earth, used as an absorbent of nitroglycerin in the manufacture of dynamite.
kilogramme noun A measure of weight, being a thousand grams, equal to 2.2046 pounds avoirdupois (15,432.34 grains). It is equal to the weight of a cubic decimeter of distilled water at the temperature of maximum density, or 39ยก Fahrenheit.
kinaesodic adjective Kinesodic.
kindliness noun Natural inclination; natural course., The quality or state of being kindly; benignity; benevolence; gentleness; tenderness; as, kindliness of disposition, of treatment, or of words., Softness; mildness; propitiousness; as, kindliness of weather, or of a season.
kinematics noun The science which treats of motions considered in themselves, or apart from their causes; the comparison and relation of motions.
kingfisher noun Any one of numerous species of birds constituting the family Alcedinidae. Most of them feed upon fishes which they capture by diving and seizing then with the beak; others feed only upon reptiles, insects, etc. About one hundred and fifty species are known. They are found in nearly all parts of the world, but are particularly abundant in the East Indies.
kinglihood noun King-liness.
kingliness noun The state or quality of being kingly.
kinnikinic noun Prepared leaves or bark of certain plants; — used by the Indians of the Northwest for smoking, either mixed with tobacco or as a substitute for it. Also, a plant so used, as the osier cornel (Cornus stolonijra), and the bearberry (Arctostaphylus Uva-ursi).
kitchen-ry noun The body of servants employed in the kitchen.
kiteflying noun A mode of raising money, or sustaining one’s credit, by the use of paper which is merely nominal; — called also kiting.
kivikivies plural of Kiwikiwi
kiwikiwies plural of Kiwikiwi
klinkstone noun See Clinkstone.
klinometer noun See Clinometer.
klopemania noun See Kleptomania.
knapbottle noun The bladder campion (Silene inflata).
kneadingly adverb In the manner of one kneading.
kneelingly adverb In a kneeling position.
knickknack noun A trifle or toy; a bawble; a gewgaw.
knifeboard noun A board on which knives are cleaned or polished.
knife-edge noun A piece of steel sharpened to an acute edge or angle, and resting on a smooth surface, serving as the axis of motion of a pendulum, scale beam, or other piece required to oscillate with the least possible friction.
knighthead noun A bollard timber. See under Bollard.
knighthood noun The character, dignity, or condition of a knight, or of knights as a class; hence, chivalry., The whole body of knights.
knightless adjective Unbecoming a knight.
knock-knee noun A condition in which the knees are bent in so as to touch each other in walking; inknee.
knockstone noun A block upon which ore is broken up.
knottiness noun The quality or state of being knotty or full of knots., Difficulty of solution; intricacy; complication.
koolokamba noun A west African anthropoid ape (Troglodytes koolokamba, or T. Aubryi), allied to the chimpanzee and gorilla, and, in some respects, intermediate between them.
kyanophyll noun Same as Cyanophyll.
kytoplasma noun See Karyoplasma.