10 letter word starting with land

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
landholder noun A holder, owner, or proprietor of land.
landladies plural of Landlady
landleaper noun See Landlouper.
landlocked adjective Inclosed, or nearly inclosed, by land., Confined to a fresh-water lake by reason of waterfalls or dams; — said of fishes that would naturally seek the sea, after spawning; as, the landlocked salmon.
landlordry noun The state of a landlord.
landlouper noun A vagabond; a vagrant.
landlubber noun One who passes his life on land; — so called among seamen in contempt or ridicule.
landowning noun The owning of land., Having property in land; of or pertaining to landowners.
landwaiter noun See Landing waiter, under Landing, a.