10 letter word starting with le

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
leadership noun The office of a leader.
leaf-nosed noun Having a leaflike membrane on the nose; — said of certain bats, esp. of the genera Phyllostoma and Rhinonycteris. See Vampire.
lean-faced adjective Having a thin face., slender or narrow; — said of type the letters of which have thin lines, or are unusually narrow in proportion to their height.
leathering present participle & vb. noun of Leather
lectionary noun A book, or a list, of lections, for reading in divine service.
leechcraft noun The art of healing; skill of a physician.
legalizing present participle & vb. noun of Legalize
legateship noun The office of a legate.
legibility noun The quality of being legible; legibleness.
legislated imp. & past participle of Legislate
legislator noun A lawgiver; one who makes laws for a state or community; a member of a legislative body.
legitimacy adjective The state, or quality, of being legitimate, or in conformity with law; hence, the condition of having been lawfully begotten, or born in wedlock.
legitimate adjective Accordant with law or with established legal forms and requirements; lawful; as, legitimate government; legitimate rights; the legitimate succession to the throne; a legitimate proceeding of an officer; a legitimate heir., Lawfully begotten; born in wedlock., Authorized; real; genuine; not false, counterfeit, or spurious; as, legitimate poems of Chaucer; legitimate inscriptions., Conforming to known principles, or accepted rules; as, legitimate reasoning; a legitimate standard, or method; a legitimate combination of colors., Following by logical sequence; reasonable; as, a legitimate result; a legitimate inference., To make legitimate, lawful, or valid; esp., to put in the position or state of a legitimate person before the law, by legal means; as, to legitimate a bastard child.
legitimism noun The principles or plans of legitimists.
legitimist noun One who supports legitimate authority; esp., one who believes in hereditary monarchy, as a divine right., Specifically, a supporter of the claims of the elder branch of the Bourbon dynasty to the crown of France.
legitimize verb t. To legitimate.
leguminous adjective Pertaining to pulse; consisting of pulse., Belonging to, or resembling, a very large natural order of plants (Leguminosae), which bear legumes, including peas, beans, clover, locust trees, acacias, and mimosas.
leiotrichi noun pl. The division of mankind which embraces the smooth-haired races.
leisurable adjective Leisurely., Vacant of employment; not occupied; idle; leisure; as leisurable hours.
leisurably adverb At leisure.
lemniscata noun Alt. of Lemniscate
lemniscate noun A curve in the form of the figure 8, with both parts symmetrical, generated by the point in which a tangent to an equilateral hyperbola meets the perpendicular on it drawn from the center.
lemuridous adjective Alt. of Lemurine
lemuroidea noun pl. A suborder of primates, including the lemurs, the aye-aye, and allied species.
lengthened imp. & past participle of Lengthen
lengthways adverb Alt. of Lengthwise
lengthwise adverb In the direction of the length; in a longitudinal direction.
lenocinant adjective Given to lewdness.
lentamente adverb Slowly; in slow time.
lententide noun The season of Lenten or Lent.
lenticelle noun Lenticel.
lenticulas plural of Lenticula
lenticulae plural of Lenticula
lenticular adjective Resembling a lentil in size or form; having the form of a double-convex lens.
lepidolite noun A species of mica, of a lilac or rose-violet color, containing lithia. It usually occurs in masses consisting of small scales. See Mica.
lepidopter noun One of the Lepidoptera.
leptorhine adjective Having the nose narrow; — said esp. of the skull. Opposed to platyrhine.
leptothrix noun A genus of bacteria, characterized by having their filaments very long, slender, and indistinctly articulated., Having the form of a little chain; — applied to bacteria when, as in multiplication by fission, they form a chain of filiform individuals.
lernaeacea noun pl. A suborder of copepod Crustacea, including a large number of remarkable forms, mostly parasitic on fishes. The young, however, are active and swim freely. See Illustration in Appendix.
lethargize verb t. To make lethargic.
letheonize verb t. To subject to the influence of letheon.
letterless adjective Not having a letter., Illiterate.
letterwood noun The beautiful and highly elastic wood of a tree of the genus Brosimum (B. Aubletii), found in Guiana; — so called from black spots in it which bear some resemblance to hieroglyphics; also called snakewood, and leopardwood. It is much used for bows and for walking sticks.
leuchaemia noun See Leucocythaemia.
leucomaine noun An animal base or alkaloid, appearing in the tissue during life; hence, a vital alkaloid, as distinguished from a ptomaine or cadaveric poison.
leucopathy noun The state of an albino, or of a white child of black parents.
leucophane noun A mineral of a greenish yellow color; it is a silicate of glucina, lime, and soda with fluorine. Called also leucophanite.
leucophyll noun A colorless substance isomeric with chlorophyll, contained in parts of plants capable of becoming green.
leucoplast noun Alt. of Leucoplastid
leucoscope noun An instrument, devised by Professor Helmholtz, for testing the color perception of the eye, or for comparing different lights, as to their constituent colors or their relative whiteness.
leucoturic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, a nitrogenous organic substance of the uric acid group, called leucoturic acid or oxalantin. See Oxalantin.
leukoplast noun See Leucoplast.
levigating present participle & vb. noun of Levigate
levigation noun The act or operation of levigating.
leviration noun Levirate marriage or marriages.
levitation noun Lightness; buoyancy; act of making light., The act or process of making buoyant.
levogyrate adjective Turning or twisting the plane of polarization towards the left, as levulose, levotartaric acid, etc.
lexicology noun The science of the derivation and signification of words; that branch of learning which treats of the signification and application of words.
lexiconist noun A writer of a lexicon.
lexigraphy noun The art or practice of defining words; definition of words.
lexiphanic adjective Using, or interlarded with, pretentious words; bombastic; as, a lexiphanic writer or speaker; lexiphanic writing.
leyden jar Alt. of Leyden phial