10 letter word starting with man

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
manageable adjective Such as can be managed or used; suffering control; governable; tractable; subservient; as, a manageable horse.
manageless adjective Unmanageable.
management verb The act or art of managing; the manner of treating, directing, carrying on, or using, for a purpose; conduct; administration; guidance; control; as, the management of a family or of a farm; the management of state affairs., Business dealing; negotiation; arrangement., Judicious use of means to accomplish an end; conduct directed by art or address; skillful treatment; cunning practice; — often in a bad sense., The collective body of those who manage or direct any enterprise or interest; the board of managers.
managerial adjective Of or pertaining to management or a manager; as, managerial qualities.
manchineel noun A euphorbiaceous tree (Hippomane Mancinella) of tropical America, having a poisonous and blistering milky juice, and poisonous acrid fruit somewhat resembling an apple.
mandarinic adjective Appropriate or peculiar to a mandarin.
mandibular adjective Of or pertaining to a mandible; like a mandible., The principal mandibular bone; the mandible.
mandragora noun A genus of plants; the mandrake. See Mandrake, 1.
manducable adjective Such as can be chewed; fit to be eaten.
manducated imp. & past participle of Manducate
maneuvered imp. & past participle of Manoeuvre
manoeuvred of Manoeuvre
maneuverer noun Alt. of Manoeuvrer
manoeuvrer noun One who maneuvers.
manganesic adjective Manganic.
mangosteen noun Alt. of Mangostan
manichaean noun Alt. of Manichee, Alt. of Manichean
manicheism noun The doctrines taught, or system of principles maintained, by the Manichaeans.
manicheist noun Manichaean.
manifested imp. & past participle of Manifest
manifestly adverb In a manifest manner.
manifolded imp. & past participle of Manifold, Having many folds, layers, or plates; as, a manifolded shield.
manifoldly adverb In a manifold manner.
manipulate verb t. To treat, work, or operate with the hands, especially when knowledge and dexterity are required; to manage in hand work; to handle; as, to manipulate scientific apparatus., To control the action of, by management; as, to manipulate a convention of delegates; to manipulate the stock market; also, to manage artfully or fraudulently; as, to manipulate accounts, or election returns., To use the hands in dexterous operations; to do hand work; specifically, to manage the apparatus or instruments used in scientific work, or in artistic or mechanical processes; also, specifically, to use the hand in mesmeric operations.
manometric adjective Alt. of Manometrical
manqueller noun A killer of men; a manslayer.
manservant noun A male servant.
mansionary adjective Resident; residentiary; as, mansionary canons.
manstealer noun A person who steals or kidnaps a human being or beings.
mansuetude noun Tameness; gentleness; mildness.
manteltree noun The lintel of a fireplace when of wood, as frequently in early houses.
manubriums plural of Manubrium
manuducent noun One who leads by the hand; a manuductor.
manumitted imp. & past participle of Manumit
manumotive adjective Movable by hand.
manurement noun Cultivation.
manuscript adjective Written with or by the hand; not printed; as, a manuscript volume., A literary or musical composition written with the hand, as distinguished from a printed copy., Writing, as opposed to print; as, the book exists only in manuscript.
many-sided adjective Having many sides; — said of figures. Hence, presenting many questions or subjects for consideration; as, a many-sided topic., Interested in, and having an aptitude for, many unlike pursuits or objects of attention; versatile.