10 letter word starting with mono

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
monocarpic adjective Alt. of Monocarpous
monochrome noun A painting or drawing in a single color; a picture made with a single color.
monochromy noun The art of painting or drawing in monochrome.
monoclinal adjective Having one oblique inclination; — applied to strata that dip in only one direction from the axis of elevation.
monoclinic adjective Having one oblique intersection; — said of that system of crystallization in which the vertical axis is inclined to one, but at right angles to the other, lateral axis. See Crystallization.
monocotyle adjective Monocotyledonous.
monocrotic adjective Of, pertaining to, or showing, monocrotism; as, a monocrotic pulse; a pulse of the monocrotic type.
monoculous adjective Monocular.
monocystic adjective Of or pertaining to a division (Monocystidea) of Gregarinida, in which the body consists of one sac.
monoecious adjective Having the sexes united in one individual, as when male and female flowers grow upon the same individual plant; hermaphrodite; — opposed to dioecious.
monogamian adjective Alt. of Monogamic
monogamist noun One who practices or upholds monogamy.
monogamous adjective Upholding, or practicing, monogamy., Same as Monogamian., Mating with but one of the opposite sex; — said of birds and mammals.
monogenism noun The theory or doctrine that the human races have a common origin, or constitute a single species.
monogenist noun One who maintains that the human races are all of one species; — opposed to polygenist.
monogenous adjective Of or pertaining to monogenesis; as, monogenous, or asexual, reproduction.
monography noun Representation by lines without color; an outline drawing., A monograph.
monogynian adjective Pertaining to the Monogynia; monogynous., One of the Monogynia.
monogynous adjective Of or pertaining to Monogynia; having only one style or stigma.
monolithal adjective Monolithic.
monolithic adjective Of or pertaining to a monolith; consisting of a single stone.
monologist noun One who soliloquizes; esp., one who monopolizes conversation in company.
monomachia noun Alt. of Monomachy
monomaniac noun A person affected by monomania., Alt. of Monomaniacal
monomerous adjective Composed of solitary parts, as a flower with one sepal, one petal, one stamen, and one pistil., Having but one joint; — said of the foot of certain insects.
monometric adjective Same as Isometric.
monomyaria nounpl. An order of lamellibranchs having but one muscle for closing the shell, as the oyster.
mononomial noun & adjective Monomyal.
monoousian adjective Alt. of Monoousious
monophonic adjective Single-voiced; having but one part; as, a monophonic composition; — opposed to polyphonic.
monoplegia noun Paralysis affecting a single limb.
monopodial adjective Having a monopodium or a single and continuous axis, as a birchen twig or a cornstalk.
monopodium noun A single and continuous vegetable axis; — opposed to sympodium.
monopolist noun One who monopolizes; one who has a monopoly; one who favors monopoly.
monopolite noun A monopolist.
monopolize verb t. To acquire a monopoly of; to have or get the exclusive privilege or means of dealing in, or the exclusive possession of; to engross the whole of; as, to monopolize the coffee trade; to monopolize land.
monopolies plural of Monopoly
monopteral adjective Round and without a cella; consisting of a single ring of columns supporting a roof; — said esp. of a temple.
monopteron noun A circular temple consisting of a roof supported on columns, without a cella.
monorganic adjective Belonging to, or affecting, a single organ, or set of organs.
monothecal adjective Having a single loculament.
monotheism noun The doctrine or belief that there is but one God.
monotheist noun One who believes that there is but one God.
monotocous adjective Bearing fruit but once; monocarpic., Uniparous; laying a single egg.
monotomous adjective Having a distinct cleavage in a single direction only.
monotonist noun One who talks in the same strain or on the same subject until weariness is produced.
monotonous adjective Uttered in one unvarying tone; continued with dull uniformity; characterized by monotony; without change or variety; wearisome.
monovalent adjective Having a valence of one; univalent. See Univalent.
monoxylous adjective Made of one piece of wood.