10 letter word starting with mu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
muadlinism noun A maudlin state.
mucigenous adjective Connected with the formation of mucin; resembling mucin.
muciparous adjective Secreting, or producing, mucus or mucin.
muckmidden noun A dunghill.
mucousness noun The quality or state of being mucous; sliminess.
mucronated adjective Ending abruptly in a sharp point; abruptly tipped with a short and sharp point; as, a mucronate leaf.
muddlehead noun A stupid person.
mugwumpery noun Alt. of Mugwumpism
mugwumpism noun The acts and views of the mugwumps.
muhammadan adjective & noun Alt. of Muhammedan
muhammedan adjective & noun Mohammedan.
mulattress noun A female mulatto.
mulberries plural of Mulberry
mule-jenny noun See Mule, 4.
muliebrity noun The state of being a woman or of possessing full womanly powers; womanhood; — correlate of virility., Hence: Effeminancy; softness.
mulligrubs noun A griping of the intestines; colic., Hence, sullenness; the sulks.
mullingong noun See Duck mole, under Duck.
multiaxial adjective Having more than one axis; developing in more than a single line or plain; — opposed to monoaxial.
multicolor adjective Having many, or several, colors.
multifaced adjective Having many faces.
multilobar adjective Consisting of, or having, many lobes.
multiloquy noun Excess of words or talk.
multiplier noun One who, or that which, multiplies or increases number., The number by which another number is multiplied. See the Note under Multiplication., An instrument for multiplying or increasing by repetition or accumulation the intensity of a force or action, as heat or electricity. It is particularly used to render such a force or action appreciable or measurable when feeble. See Thermomultiplier.
multiplied imp. & past participle of Multiply
multipolar adjective Having many poles; — applied especially to those ganglionic nerve cells which have several radiating processes.
multivalve noun Any mollusk which has a shell composed of more than two pieces., Alt. of Multivalvular
multivious adjective & adverb Having many ways or roads; by many ways.
multivocal adjective Signifying many different things; of manifold meaning; equivocal., A multivocal word.
multocular adjective Having many eyes, or more than two.
mumblenews noun A talebearer.
mum-chance noun A game of hazard played with cards in silence., A silent, stupid person., Silent and idle.
mummifying present participle & vb. noun of Mummify
muneration noun Remuneration.
munificate verb t. To enrich.
munificent adjective Very liberal in giving or bestowing; lavish; as, a munificent benefactor.
murderment noun Murder.
muriculate adjective Minutely muricate.
muscardine noun A disease which is very destructive to silkworms, and which sometimes extends to other insects. It is attended by the development of a fungus (provisionally called Botrytis bassiana). Also, the fungus itself.
muscularly adverb In a muscular manner.
mussulmans plural of Mussulman
mustachios plural of Mustacho
mustachoed adjective Having mustachios.
mutability noun The quality of being mutable, or subject to change or alteration, either in form, state, or essential character; susceptibility of change; changeableness; inconstancy; variation.
mutilating present participle & vb. noun of Mutilate
mutilation noun The act of mutilating, or the state of being mutilated; deprivation of a limb or of an essential part.