10 letter word starting with ne

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
neapolitan adjective Of of pertaining to Naples in Italy., A native or citizen of Naples.
nebulation noun The condition of being nebulated; also, a clouded, or ill-defined, color mark.
nebulosity noun The state or quality of being nebulous; cloudiness; hazeness; mistiness; nebulousness., The stuff of which a nebula is formed., A nebula.
neckar nut See Nicker nut.
necrolatry noun The worship of the dead; manes worship.
necrologic adjective Alt. of Necrological
necromancy noun The art of revealing future events by means of a pretended communication with the dead; the black art; hence, magic in general; conjuration; enchantment. See Black art.
necrophore noun Any one of numerous species of beetles of the genus Necrophorus and allied genera; — called also burying beetle, carrion beetle, sexton beetle.
necropolis noun A city of the dead; a name given by the ancients to their cemeteries, and sometimes applied to modern burial places; a graveyard.
nectareous adjective Of, pertaining to, containing, or resembling nectar; delicious; nectarean.
nectarized imp. & past participle of Nectarize
nectocalyx noun The swimming bell or umbrella of a jellyfish of medusa., One of the zooids of certain Siphonophora, having somewhat the form, and the essential structure, of the bell of a jellyfish, and acting as a swimming organ.
needlebook noun A book-shaped needlecase, having leaves of cloth into which the needles are stuck.
needlecase noun A case to keep needles.
needlefish noun The European great pipefich (Siphostoma, / Syngnathus, acus); — called also earl, and tanglefish., The garfish.
needlefuls plural of needleful
needlework noun Work executed with a needle; sewed work; sewing; embroidery; also, the business of a seamstress., The combination of timber and plaster making the outside framework of some houses.
negativing present participle & vb. noun of Negative
negatively adverb In a negative manner; with or by denial., In the form of speech implying the absence of something; — opposed to positively.
negativity noun The quality or state of being negative.
neglecting present participle & vb. noun of Neglect
neglectful adjective Full of neglect; heedless; careless; negligent; inattentive; indifferent.
neglection noun The state of being negligent; negligence.
neglective adjective Neglectful.
negligence noun The quality or state of being negligent; lack of due diligence or care; omission of duty; habitual neglect; heedlessness., An act or instance of negligence or carelessness., The omission of the care usual under the circumstances, being convertible with the Roman culpa. A specialist is bound to higher skill and diligence in his specialty than one who is not a specialist, and liability for negligence varies acordingly.
negligible adjective That may neglicted, disregarded, or left out of consideration.
negotiable adjective Capable of being negotiated; transferable by assigment or indorsement to another person; as, a negotiable note or bill of exchange.
negotiated imp. & past participle of Negotiate
negotiator noun One who negotiates; a person who treats with others, either as principal or agent, in respect to purchase and sale, or public compacts.
neighbored imp. & past participle of neighbor
neighborly adjective Apropriate to the relation of neighbors; having frequent or familiar intercourse; kind; civil; social; friendly., In a neigborly manner.
nematelmia noun pl. Same as Nemathelminthes.
nemathecia plural of Nemathecium
nematocera noun pl. A suborder of dipterous insects, having long antennae, as the mosquito, gnat, and crane fly; — called also Nemocera.
nematocyst noun A lasso cell, or thread cell. See Lasso cell, under Lasso.
nematogene noun One of the dimorphic forms of the species of Dicyemata, which produced vermiform embryos; — opposed to rhombogene.
nematoidea noun pl. An order of worms, having a long, round, and generally smooth body; the roundworms. they are mostly parasites. Called also Nematodea, and Nematoda.
neological adjective Of or pertaining to neology; employing new words; of the nature of, or containing, new words or new doctrines.
neoplastic adjective Of or pertaining to neoplasty, or neoplasia.
neossology noun The study of young birds.
neoterical adjective Recent in origin; modern; new.
neoterized imp. & past participle of Neoterize, of Neoterize
nephoscope noun An instrument for observing the clouds and their velocity.
nephralgia noun Alt. of Nephralgy
nephridial adjective Of or pertaining to a nephridium.
nephridium noun A segmental tubule; one of the tubules of the primitive urinogenital organs; a segmental organ. See Illust. under Loeven’s larva.
nephrology noun A treatise on, or the science which treats of, the kidneys, and their structure and functions.
nephrotomy noun Extraction of stone from the kidney by cutting.
nervimotor noun Any agent capable of causing nervimotion.
nesslerize verb t. To treat or test, as a liquid, with a solution of mercuric iodide in potassium iodide and potassium hydroxide, which is called Nessler’s solution or Nessler’s test, and is used to detect the presence of ammonia.
nethermost adjective Lowest; as, the nethermost abyss.
nettlebird noun the European whitethroat.
net-veined adjective Having veins, or nerves, reticulated or netted; as, a net-veined wing or leaf.
neurilemma noun The delicate outer sheath of a nerve fiber; the primitive sheath., The perineurium.
neurochord adjective Alt. of Neurochordal
neurocoele noun The central canal and ventricles of the spinal cord and brain; the myelencephalic cavity.
neuropathy noun An affection of the nervous system or of a nerve.
neuroptera noun pl. An order of hexapod insects having two pairs of large, membranous, net-veined wings. The mouth organs are adapted for chewing. They feed upon other insects, and undergo a complete metamorphosis. The ant-lion, hellgamite, and lacewing fly are examples. Formerly, the name was given to a much more extensive group, including the true Neuroptera and the Pseudoneuroptera.
neropteral adjective Of or pertaining to the Neuroptera.
neurospast noun A puppet.
neutralist noun A neutral; one who professes or practices neutrality.
neutrality noun The state or quality of being neutral; the condition of being unengaged in contests between others; state of taking no part on either side; indifference., Indifference in quality; a state neither very good nor bad., The quality or state of being neutral. See Neutral, a., 4., The condition of a nation or government which refrains from taking part, directly or indirectly, in a war between other powers., Those who are neutral; a combination of neutral powers or states.
neutralize verb t. To render neutral; to reduce to a state of neutrality., To render inert or imperceptible the peculiar affinities of, as a chemical substance; to destroy the effect of; as, to neutralize an acid with a base., To destroy the peculiar or opposite dispositions of; to reduce to a state of indifference inefficience; to counteract; as, to neutralize parties in government; to neutralize efforts, opposition, etc.
newfangled adjective Newmade; formed with the affectation of novelty., Disposed to change; inclined to novelties; given to new theories or fashions.
newsmonger noun One who deals in news; one who is active in hearing and telling news.
news-vnder noun A seller of newspapers.
nez perces A tribe of Indians, mostly inhabiting Idaho.