10 letter word starting with no

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
nobilitate verb t. To make noble; to ennoble; to exalt.
noblewomen plural of Noblewoman
noblewoman noun A female of noble rank; a peeress.
noctambulo noun A noctambulist.
noctilucae plural of Noctiluca
noctilucin noun A fatlike substance in certain marine animals, to which they owe their phosphorescent properties.
noctograph noun A kind of writing frame for the blind., An instrument or register which records the presence of watchmen on their beats.
nodosarine adjective Resembling in form or structure a foraminiferous shell of the genus Nodosaria., A foraminifer of the genus Nodosaria or of an allied genus.
noematical adjective Of or pertaining to the understanding.
nol. pros. An abbrev. of Nolle prosequi.
nomadizing present participle & vb. noun of Nomadize
nomarchies plural of Nomarchy
nominalism noun The principles or philosophy of the Nominalists.
nominalist noun One of a sect of philosophers in the Middle Ages, who adopted the opinion of Roscelin, that general conceptions, or universals, exist in name only.
nominalize verb t. To convert into a noun.
nominating present participle & vb. noun of Nominate
nominately adverb By name; particularly; namely.
nomination noun The act of naming or nominating; designation of a person as a candidate for office; the power of nominating; the state of being nominated., The denomination, or name.
nominative adjective Giving a name; naming; designating; — said of that case or form of a noun which stands as the subject of a finite verb., The nominative case.
nomography noun A treatise on laws; an exposition of the form proper for laws.
nomothetic adjective Alt. of Nomothetical
nonability noun Want of ability., An exception taken against a plaintiff in a cause, when he is unable legally to commence a suit.
nonarrival noun Failure to arrive.
nonchalant adjective Indifferent; careless; cool.
non compos Alt. of Non compos mentis
nonconstat noun It does not appear; it is not plain or clear; it does not follow.
noncontent noun One who gives a negative vote; — sometimes abridged into noncon. or non con.
nonelastic adjective Not having elasticity.
nonjoinder noun The omission of some person who ought to have been made a plaintiff or defendant in a suit, or of some cause of action which ought to be joined.
non liquet It is not clear; — a verdict given by a jury when a matter is to be deferred to another day of trial.
nonnatural adjective Not natural; unnatural.
nonpayment noun Neglect or failure to pay.
nonplussed of Nonplus
nonplusing present participle & vb. noun of Nonplus
nonprossed imp. & past participle of Non-pros
nonsolvent adjective Not solvent; insolvent., An insolvent.
nonsparing adjective Sparing none.
nonsuiting present participle & vb. noun of Nonsuit
nontronite noun A greenish yellow or green mineral, consisting chiefly of the hydrous silicate of iron.
noological adjective Of or pertaining to noology.
norbertine noun See Premonstrant.
noropianic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid of the aromatic series obtained from opianic acid.
northerner noun One born or living in the north., A native or inhabitant of the Northern States; — contradistinguished from Southerner.
northernly adverb Northerly.
northwards adverb Toward the north, or toward a point nearer to the north than to the east or west point.
nosocomial adjective Of or pertaining to a hospital; as, nosocomial atmosphere.
nosography noun A description or classification of diseases.
nosologist noun One versed in nosology.
nosopoetic adjective Producing diseases.
notability noun Quality of being notable., A notable, or remarkable, person or thing; a person of note., A notable saying.
notarially adverb In a notarial manner.
notchboard noun The board which receives the ends of the steps in a staircase.
note paper Writing paper, not exceeding in size, when folded once, five by eight inches.
noteworthy adjective Worthy of observation or notice; remarkable.
nothingism noun Nihility; nothingness.
noticeable adjective Capable of being observed; worthy of notice; likely to attract observation; conspicous.
noticeably adverb In a noticeable manner.
notidanian noun Any one of several species of sharks of the family Notidanidae, or Hexanchidae. Called also cow sharks. See Shark.
notionally adverb In mental apprehension; in conception; not in reality.
notopodium noun The dorsal lobe or branch of a parapodium. See Parapodium.
notorhizal adjective Having the radicle of the embryo lying against the back of one of the cotyledons; incumbent.
nott-pated adjective Same as Nott-headed.
nourishing present participle & vb. noun of Nourish, Promoting growth; nutritious,
novaculite noun A variety of siliceous slate, of which hones are made; razor stone; Turkey stone; hone stone; whet slate.
novelizing present participle & vb. noun of Novelize
noviceship noun The state of being a novice; novitiate.