10 letter word starting with ou

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
outagamies noun pl. See lst Fox, 7.
outbalance verb t. To outweight; to exceed in weight or effect.
outbidding present participle & vb. noun of Outbid
outbreathe verb t. To breathe forth., To cause to be out of breath; to exhaust., To issue, as breath; to be breathed out; to exhale.
outbuilded of Outbuild
outcasting noun That which is cast out.
outcompass verb t. To exceed the compass or limits of.
outdweller noun One who holds land in a parish, but lives elsewhere.
outflatter verb t. To exceed in flattering.
outgeneral verb t. To exceed in generalship; to gain advantage over by superior military skill or executive ability; to outmaneuver.
outgrowing present participle & vb. noun of Outgrow
outlandish adjective Foreign; not native., Hence: Not according with usage; strange; rude; barbarous; uncouth; clownish; as, an outlandish dress, behavior, or speech.
outlawries plural of Outlawry
outmeasure verb t. To exceed in measure or extent; to measure more than.
outpassion verb t. To exceed in passion.
outrageous noun Of the nature of an outrage; exceeding the limits of right, reason, or decency; involving or doing an outrage; furious; violent; atrocious.
outromance verb t. To exceed in romantic character.
outrunning present participle & vb. noun of Outrun
outsettler noun One who settles at a distance, or away, from others.
outsparkle verb t. To exceed in sparkling.
outstretch verb t. To stretch out.
outsweeten verb t. To surpass in sweetness.
outvillain verb t. To exceed in villainy.
ouvarovite noun Chrome garnet.
oueen-post noun One of two suspending posts in a roof truss, or other framed truss of similar form. See King-post.