10 letter word starting with pa

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
pabulation noun The act of feeding, or providing food., Food; fodder; pabulum.
pachacamac noun A divinity worshiped by the ancient Peruvians as the creator of the universe.
pachometer noun An instrument for measuring thickness, as of the glass of a mirror, or of paper; a pachymeter.
pachymeter noun Same as Pachometer.
pacifiable adjective Capable of being pacified or appeased; placable.
pack herse See under 2d Pack.
pactitious adjective Setted by a pact, or agreement.
paddlecock noun The lumpfish.
paddlefish noun A large ganoid fish (Polyodon spathula) found in the rivers of the Mississippi Valley. It has a long spatula-shaped snout. Called also duck-billed cat, and spoonbill sturgeon.
paddlewood noun The light elastic wood of the Aspidosperma excelsum, a tree of Guiana having a fluted trunk readily split into planks.
padlocking present participle & vb. noun of Padlock
paganizing present participle & vb. noun of Paganize
pagination noun The act or process of paging a book; also, the characters used in numbering the pages; page number.
paideutics noun The science or art of teaching.
painstaker noun One who takes pains; one careful and faithful in all work.
palaeotype noun A system of representing all spoken sounds by means of the printing types in common use.
palaestric adjective See Palestric.
palamedeae noun pl. An order, or suborder, including the kamichi, and allied South American birds; — called also screamers. In many anatomical characters they are allied to the Anseres, but they externally resemble the wading birds.
palapteryx noun A large extinct ostrichlike bird of New Zealand.
palatalize verb t. To palatize.
palatinate noun The province or seigniory of a palatine; the dignity of a palatine., To make a palatinate of.
palavering present participle & vb. noun of Palaver
paleaceous adjective Chaffy; resembling or consisting of paleae, or chaff; furnished with chaff; as, a paleaceous receptacle.
palearctic adjective Belonging to a region of the earth’s surface which includes all Europe to the Azores, Iceland, and all temperate Asia.
paleogaean adjective Of or pertaining to the Eastern hemisphere.
paleograph noun An ancient manuscript.
paleothere noun Any species of Paleotherium.
palestrian adjective Alt. of Palestrical
palimpsest noun A parchment which has been written upon twice, the first writing having been erased to make place for the second.
palindrome noun A word, verse, or sentence, that is the same when read backward or forward; as, madam; Hannah; or Lewd did I live, & evil I did dwel.
palinodial adjective Of or pertaining to a palinode, or retraction.
palisading present participle & vb. noun of Palisade, A row of palisades set in the ground.
palisadoes plural of Palisado
palladious adjective Of, pertaining to, or containing, palladium; — used specifically to designate those compounds in which palladium has a lower valence as compared with palladic compounds.
pallbearer noun One of those who attend the coffin at a funeral; — so called from the pall being formerly carried by them.
palliament noun A dress; a robe.
palliating present participle & vb. noun of Palliate
palliation noun The act of palliating, or state of being palliated; extenuation; excuse; as, the palliation of faults, offenses, vices., Mitigation; alleviation, as of a disease., That which cloaks or covers; disguise; also, the state of being covered or disguised.
palliative adjective Serving to palliate; serving to extenuate or mitigate., That which palliates; a palliative agent.
palliatory adjective Palliative; extenuating.
pallidness noun The quality or state of being pallid; paleness; pallor; wanness.
palmaceous adjective Of or pertaining to palms; of the nature of, or resembling, palms.
palmatifid adjective Palmate, with the divisions separated but little more than halfway to the common center.
palmerworm noun Any hairy caterpillar which appears in great numbers, devouring herbage, and wandering about like a palmer. The name is applied also to other voracious insects., In America, the larva of any one of several moths, which destroys the foliage of fruit and forest trees, esp. the larva of Ypsolophus pometellus, which sometimes appears in vast numbers.
palmigrade adjective Putting the whole foot upon the ground in walking, as some mammals.
palmipedes noun pl. Same as Natatores.
palmitolic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an artificial acid of the oleic acid series, isomeric with linoleic acid.
palprbrate adjective Having eyelids.
palpitated imp. & past participle of Palpitate
paltriness noun The state or quality of being paltry.
paludament noun See Paludamentum.
paludicole adjective Marsh-inhabiting; belonging to the Paludicolae
paludinous adjective Paludinal. (b) Like or pertaining to the genus Paludina., Of or pertaining to a marsh or fen.
palustrine adjective Of, pertaining to, or living in, a marsh or swamp; marshy.
panama hat A fine plaited hat, made in Central America of the young leaves of a plant (Carludovica palmata).
pancratian adjective Pancratic; athletic.
pancratist noun An athlete; a gymnast.
pancratium noun An athletic contest involving both boxing and wrestling., A genus of Old World amaryllideous bulbous plants, having a funnel-shaped perianth with six narrow spreading lobes. The American species are now placed in the related genus Hymenocallis.
pancreatic adjective Of or pertaining to the pancreas; as, the pancreatic secretion, digestion, ferments.
pancreatin noun One of the digestive ferments of the pancreatic juice; also, a preparation containing such a ferment, made from the pancreas of animals, and used in medicine as an aid to digestion.
pandermite noun A hydrous borate of lime, near priceite.
panegyrist noun One who delivers a panegyric; a eulogist; one who extols or praises, either by writing or speaking.
panegyrize verb t. To praise highly; to extol in a public speech; to write or deliver a panegyric upon; to eulogize., To indulge in panegyrics.
panelation noun The act of impaneling a jury.
pangenesis noun An hypothesis advanced by Darwin in explanation of heredity.
pangenetic adjective Of or pertaining to pangenesis.
paniculate adjective Alt. of Paniculated
panivorous adjective Eating bread; subsisting on bread.
panomphean adjective Uttering ominous or prophetic voices; divining.
panopticon noun A prison so contructed that the inspector can see each of the prisoners at all times, without being seen., A room for the exhibition of novelties.
pansclavic Alt. of Pansclavonian
panslavism noun A scheme or desire to unite all the Slavic races into one confederacy.
panslavist noun One who favors Panslavism.
panspermic adjective Of or pertaining to panspermy; as, the panspermic hypothesis.
pantagraph noun See Pantograph.
pantamorph noun That which assumes, or exists in, all forms.
pantascope noun A pantascopic camera.
pantheress noun A female panther.
pantherine adjective Like a panther, esp. in color; as, the pantherine snake (Ptyas mucosus) of Brazil.
pantograph noun An instrument for copying plans, maps, and other drawings, on the same, or on a reduced or an enlarged, scale.
pantometer noun An instrument for measuring angles for determining elevations, distances, etc.
pantometry noun Universal measurement.
pantomimic adjective Alt. of Pantomimical
pantophagy noun The habit or power of eating all kinds of food.
papaphobia noun Intense fear or dread of the pope, or of the Roman Catholic Church.
papaverine noun An alkaloid found in opium. It has a weaker therapeutic action than morphine.
papaverous adjective Of or pertaining to the poppy; of the nature of the poppy.
papiliones noun pl. The division of Lepidoptera which includes the butterflies.
papistical adjective Of or pertaining to the Church of Rome and its doctrines and ceremonies; pertaining to popery; popish; — used disparagingly.
parabolism noun The division of the terms of an equation by a known quantity that is involved in the first term.
parabolist noun A narrator of parables.
paraboloid noun The solid generated by the rotation of a parabola about its axis; any surface of the second order whose sections by planes parallel to a given line are parabolas.
parachrose adjective Changing color by exposure
paraconine noun A base resembling and isomeric with conine, and obtained as a colorless liquid from butyric aldehyde and ammonia.
paracymene noun Same as Cymene.
paradisaic adjective Alt. of Paradisaical
paradisean adjective Paradisiacal.
paradisiac adjective Alt. of Paradisiacal
paradisial adjective Alt. of Paradisian
paradisian adjective Paradisiacal.
paradoxist noun One who proposes a paradox.
paradoxure noun Any species of Paradoxurus, a genus of Asiatic viverrine mammals allied to the civet, as the musang, and the luwack or palm cat (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). See Musang.
paraglossa noun One of a pair of small appendages of the lingua or labium of certain insects. See Illust. under Hymenoptera.
paragnathi plural of Paragnathus
paragonite noun A kind of mica related to muscovite, but containing soda instead of potash. It is characteristic of the paragonite schist of the Alps.
para grass A valuable pasture grass (Panicum barbinode) introduced into the Southern United States from Brazil.
paraguayan adjective Of or pertaining to Paraguay., A native or inhabitant of Paraguay.
paralactic adjective Designating an acid called paralactic acid. See Lactic acid, under Lactic.
paralbumin noun A proteidlike body found in the fluid from ovarian cysts and elsewhere. It is generally associated with a substance related to, if not identical with, glycogen.
paralepsis noun See Paraleipsis.
paralipsis noun See Paraleipsis.
paralleled imp. & past participle of Parallel
parallelly adverb In a parallel manner; with parallelism.
paralogism noun A reasoning which is false in point of form, that is, which is contrary to logical rules or formulae; a formal fallacy, or pseudo-syllogism, in which the conclusion does not follow from the premises.
paralogize verb i. To reason falsely; to draw conclusions not warranted by the premises.
paralyzing present participle & vb. noun of Paralyze
paramaleic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from malic acid, and now called fumaric acid.
paramitome noun The fluid portion of the protoplasm of a cell.
parapectin noun A gelatinous modification of pectin.
parapherna noun pl. The property of a woman which, on her marriage, was not made a part of her dower, but remained her own.
paraphagma noun One of the outer divisions of an endosternite of Crustacea.
paraphrase noun A restatement of a text, passage, or work, expressing the meaning of the original in another form, generally for the sake of its clearer and fuller exposition; a setting forth the signification of a text in other and ampler terms; a free translation or rendering; — opposed to metaphrase., To express, interpret, or translate with latitude; to give the meaning of a passage in other language., To make a paraphrase.
paraphrast noun A paraphraser.
paraphyses plural of Paraphysis
paraphysis noun A minute jointed filament growing among the archegonia and antheridia of mosses, or with the spore cases, etc., of other flowerless plants.
paraplegia noun Alt. of Paraplegy
parapleura noun A chitinous piece between the metasternum and the pleuron of certain insects.
parapodium noun One of the lateral appendages of an annelid; — called also foot tubercle.
parapterum noun A special plate situated on the sides of the mesothorax and metathorax of certain insects.
parascenia plural of Parascenium
paraselene noun A mock moon; an image of the moon which sometimes appears at the point of intersection of two lunar halos. Cf. Parhelion.
parasitism noun The state or behavior of a parasite; the act of a parasite., The state of being parasitic.
parastichy noun A secondary spiral in phyllotaxy, as one of the evident spirals in a pine cone.
paratactic adjective Of pertaining to, or characterized by, parataxis.
paratheses plural of Parathesis
parathesis noun The placing of two or more nouns in the same case; apposition., A parenthetical notice, usually of matter to be afterward expanded., The matter contained within brackets., A commendatory prayer.
parathetic adjective Of or pertaining to parathesis.
paraxylene noun A hydrocarbon of the aromatic series obtained as a colorless liquid by the distillation of camphor with zinc chloride. It is one of the three metamers of xylene. Cf. Metamer, and Xylene.
parboiling present participle & vb. noun of Parboil
parbuckled imp. & past participle of Parbuckle
parcelling of Parcel
pardonable adjective Admitting of pardon; not requiring the excution of penalty; venial; excusable; — applied to the offense or to the offender; as, a pardonable fault, or culprit.
pardonably adverb In a manner admitting of pardon; excusably.
parenchyma noun The soft celluar substance of the tissues of plants and animals, like the pulp of leaves, to soft tissue of glands, and the like.
parentally adverb In a parental manner.
parenthood noun The state of a parent; the office or character of a parent.
parentless adjective Deprived of parents.
parethmoid adjective Near or beside the ethmoid bone or cartilage; — applied especially to a pair of bones in the nasal region of some fishes, and to the ethmoturbinals in some higher animals., A parethmoid bone.
pargeboard noun See Bargeboard.
parisienne noun A female native or resident of Paris.
parisology noun The use of equivocal or ambiguous words.
parkleaves noun A European species of Saint John’s-wort; the tutsan. See Tutsan.
parliament noun A parleying; a discussion; a conference., A formal conference on public affairs; a general council; esp., an assembly of representatives of a nation or people having authority to make laws., The assembly of the three estates of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, viz., the lords spiritual, lords temporal, and the representatives of the commons, sitting in the House of Lords and the House of Commons, constituting the legislature, when summoned by the royal authority to consult on the affairs of the nation, and to enact and repeal laws., In France, before the Revolution of 1789, one of the several principal judicial courts.
parnassian adjective Of or pertaining to Parnassus., Any one of numerous species of butterflies belonging to the genus Parnassius. They inhabit the mountains, both in the Old World and in America.
paromology noun A concession to an adversary in order to strengthen one’s own argument.
paronomasy noun Paronomasia.
paronychia noun A whitlow, or felon.
paronymous adjective Having the same derivation; allied radically; conjugate; — said of certain words, as man, mankind, manhood, etc., Having a similar sound, but different orthography and different meaning; — said of certain words, as al/ and awl; hair and hare, etc.
parostosis noun Ossification which takes place in purely fibrous tracts; the formation of bone outside of the periosteum.
parostotic adjective Pertaining to parostosis.
parovarium noun A group of tubules, a remnant of the Wolffian body, often found near the ovary or oviduct; the epoophoron.
paroxysmal adjective Of the nature of a paroxysm; characterized or accompanied by paroxysms; as, a paroxysmal pain; paroxysmal temper.
paroxytone adjective A word having an acute accent on the penultimate syllable.
parquetage noun See Parquetry.
parricidal adjective Of or pertaining to parricide; guilty of parricide.
parsonical adjective Of or pertaining to a parson; clerical.
partheniad noun A poem in honor of a virgin.
partialism noun Partiality; specifically (Theol.), the doctrine of the Partialists.
partialist noun One who is partial., One who holds that the atonement was made only for a part of mankind, that is, for the elect.
partiality noun The quality or state of being partial; inclination to favor one party, or one side of a question, more than the other; undue bias of mind., A predilection or inclination to one thing rather than to others; special taste or liking; as, a partiality for poetry or painting.
partialize verb t. & i. To make or be partial.
participle noun A part of speech partaking of the nature both verb and adjective; a form of a verb, or verbal adjective, modifying a noun, but taking the adjuncts of the verb from which it is derived. In the sentences: a letter is written; being asleep he did not hear; exhausted by toil he will sleep soundly, — written, being, and exhaustedare participles., Anything that partakes of the nature of different things.
particular adjective Relating to a part or portion of anything; concerning a part separated from the whole or from others of the class; separate; sole; single; individual; specific; as, the particular stars of a constellation., Of or pertaining to a single person, class, or thing; belonging to one only; not general; not common; hence, personal; peculiar; singular., Separate or distinct by reason of superiority; distinguished; important; noteworthy; unusual; special; as, he brought no particular news; she was the particular belle of the party., Concerned with, or attentive to, details; minute; circumstantial; precise; as, a full and particular account of an accident; hence, nice; fastidious; as, a man particular in his dress., Containing a part only; limited; as, a particular estate, or one precedent to an estate in remainder., Holding a particular estate; as, a particular tenant., Forming a part of a genus; relatively limited in extension; affirmed or denied of a part of a subject; as, a particular proposition; — opposed to universal: e. g. (particular affirmative) Some men are wise; (particular negative) Some men are not wise., A separate or distinct member of a class, or part of a whole; an individual fact, point, circumstance, detail, or item, which may be considered separately; as, the particulars of a story., Special or personal peculiarity, trait, or character; individuality; interest, etc., One of the details or items of grounds of claim; — usually in the pl.; also, a bill of particulars; a minute account; as, a particular of premises.
parturiate verb i. To bring forth young.
parturient adjective Bringing forth, or about to bring forth, young; fruitful.
parturious adjective Parturient.
pasigraphy noun A system of universal writing, or a manner of writing that may be understood and used by all nations.
pasquilant noun A lampooner; a pasquiler.
pasquinade noun A lampoon or satirical writing., To lampoon, to satirize.
passageway noun A way for passage; a hall. See Passage, 5.
passegarde noun A ridge or projecting edge on a shoulder piece to turn the blow of a lance or other weapon from the joint of the armor.
passiflora noun A genus of plants, including the passion flower. It is the type of the order Passifloreae, which includes about nineteen genera and two hundred and fifty species.
passioning p. pr & vb. noun of Passion
passionary noun A book in which are described the sufferings of saints and martyrs.
passionate adjective Capable or susceptible of passion, or of different passions; easily moved, excited or agitated; specifically, easily moved to anger; irascible; quick-tempered; as, a passionate nature., Characterized by passion; expressing passion; ardent in feeling or desire; vehement; warm; as, a passionate friendship., Suffering; sorrowful., To affect with passion; to impassion., To express feelingly or sorrowfully.
passionist noun A member of a religious order founded in Italy in 1737, and introduced into the United States in 1852. The members of the order unite the austerities of the Trappists with the activity and zeal of the Jesuits and Lazarists. Called also Barefooted Clerks of the Most Holy Cross.
pasteboard noun A stiff thick kind of paper board, formed of several single sheets pasted one upon another, or of paper macerated and pressed into molds, etc., A board on which pastry dough is rolled; a molding board.
pasteurism noun A method of treatment, devised by Pasteur, for preventing certain diseases, as hydrophobia, by successive inoculations with an attenuated virus of gradually increasing strength., Pasteurization.
pasteurize verb t. To subject to pasteurization., To treat by pasteurism.
pastorally adverb In a pastoral or rural manner., In the manner of a pastor.
pastorless adjective Having no pastor.
pastorling noun An insignificant pastor.
pastorship noun Pastorate.
pasturable adjective Fit for pasture.
patagonian adjective Of or pertaining to Patagonia., A native of Patagonia.
patavinity noun The use of local or provincial words, as in the peculiar style or diction of Livy, the Roman historian; — so called from Patavium, now Padua, the place of Livy’s nativity.
patchingly adverb Knavishy; deceitfully.
patellulae plural of Patellula
patentable adjective Suitable to be patented; capable of being patented.
paternally adverb In a paternal manner.
pathematic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, emotion or suffering.
pathetical adjective Pathetic.
pathfinder noun One who discovers a way or path; one who explores untraversed regions.
pathogenic adjective Of or pertaining to pathogeny; producting disease; as, a pathogenic organism; a pathogenic bacterium.
pathognomy noun Expression of the passions; the science of the signs by which human passions are indicated.
pathologic adjective Alt. of Pathological
pathopoela noun A speech, or figure of speech, designed to move the passion.
patibulary adjective Of or pertaining to the gallows, or to execution.
patriarchy noun The jurisdiction of a patriarch; patriarchship., Government by a patriarch; patriarchism.
patriciate noun The patrician class; the aristocracy; also, the office of patriarch.
patricidal adjective Of or pertaining to patricide; parricidal.
patriotism noun Love of country; devotion to the welfare of one’s country; the virtues and actions of a patriot; the passion which inspires one to serve one’s country.
patristics noun That departnent of historical theology which treats of the lives and doctrines of the Fathers of the church.
patrolling present participle & vb. noun of Patrol
patronized imp. & past participle of Patronize
patronizer noun One who patronizes.
patronless adjective Destitute of a patron.
patronymic adjective Derived from ancestors; as, a patronymic denomination., A modification of the father’s name borne by the son; a name derived from that of a parent or ancestor; as, Pelides, the son of Peleus; Johnson, the son of John; Macdonald, the son of Donald; Paulowitz, the son of Paul; also, the surname of a family; the family name.
patterning present participle & vb. noun of Pattern
pauciloquy noun Brevity in speech.
paulianist noun A follower of Paul of Samosata, a bishop of Antioch in the third century, who was deposed for denying the divinity of Christ.
pauperized imp. & past participle of Pauperize
pavilioned imp. & past participle of Pavilion
pawnbroker noun One who makes a business of lending money on the security of personal property pledged or deposited in his keeping.
payndemain noun The finest and whitest bread made in the Middle Ages; — called also paynemain, payman.