10 letter word starting with pal

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
palaeotype noun A system of representing all spoken sounds by means of the printing types in common use.
palaestric adjective See Palestric.
palamedeae noun pl. An order, or suborder, including the kamichi, and allied South American birds; — called also screamers. In many anatomical characters they are allied to the Anseres, but they externally resemble the wading birds.
palapteryx noun A large extinct ostrichlike bird of New Zealand.
palatalize verb t. To palatize.
palatinate noun The province or seigniory of a palatine; the dignity of a palatine., To make a palatinate of.
palavering present participle & vb. noun of Palaver
paleaceous adjective Chaffy; resembling or consisting of paleae, or chaff; furnished with chaff; as, a paleaceous receptacle.
palearctic adjective Belonging to a region of the earth’s surface which includes all Europe to the Azores, Iceland, and all temperate Asia.
paleogaean adjective Of or pertaining to the Eastern hemisphere.
paleograph noun An ancient manuscript.
paleothere noun Any species of Paleotherium.
palestrian adjective Alt. of Palestrical
palimpsest noun A parchment which has been written upon twice, the first writing having been erased to make place for the second.
palindrome noun A word, verse, or sentence, that is the same when read backward or forward; as, madam; Hannah; or Lewd did I live, & evil I did dwel.
palinodial adjective Of or pertaining to a palinode, or retraction.
palisading present participle & vb. noun of Palisade, A row of palisades set in the ground.
palisadoes plural of Palisado
palladious adjective Of, pertaining to, or containing, palladium; — used specifically to designate those compounds in which palladium has a lower valence as compared with palladic compounds.
pallbearer noun One of those who attend the coffin at a funeral; — so called from the pall being formerly carried by them.
palliament noun A dress; a robe.
palliating present participle & vb. noun of Palliate
palliation noun The act of palliating, or state of being palliated; extenuation; excuse; as, the palliation of faults, offenses, vices., Mitigation; alleviation, as of a disease., That which cloaks or covers; disguise; also, the state of being covered or disguised.
palliative adjective Serving to palliate; serving to extenuate or mitigate., That which palliates; a palliative agent.
palliatory adjective Palliative; extenuating.
pallidness noun The quality or state of being pallid; paleness; pallor; wanness.
palmaceous adjective Of or pertaining to palms; of the nature of, or resembling, palms.
palmatifid adjective Palmate, with the divisions separated but little more than halfway to the common center.
palmerworm noun Any hairy caterpillar which appears in great numbers, devouring herbage, and wandering about like a palmer. The name is applied also to other voracious insects., In America, the larva of any one of several moths, which destroys the foliage of fruit and forest trees, esp. the larva of Ypsolophus pometellus, which sometimes appears in vast numbers.
palmigrade adjective Putting the whole foot upon the ground in walking, as some mammals.
palmipedes noun pl. Same as Natatores.
palmitolic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an artificial acid of the oleic acid series, isomeric with linoleic acid.
palprbrate adjective Having eyelids.
palpitated imp. & past participle of Palpitate
paltriness noun The state or quality of being paltry.
paludament noun See Paludamentum.
paludicole adjective Marsh-inhabiting; belonging to the Paludicolae
paludinous adjective Paludinal. (b) Like or pertaining to the genus Paludina., Of or pertaining to a marsh or fen.
palustrine adjective Of, pertaining to, or living in, a marsh or swamp; marshy.