10 letter word starting with pat

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
patagonian adjective Of or pertaining to Patagonia., A native of Patagonia.
patavinity noun The use of local or provincial words, as in the peculiar style or diction of Livy, the Roman historian; — so called from Patavium, now Padua, the place of Livy’s nativity.
patchingly adverb Knavishy; deceitfully.
patellulae plural of Patellula
patentable adjective Suitable to be patented; capable of being patented.
paternally adverb In a paternal manner.
pathematic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, emotion or suffering.
pathetical adjective Pathetic.
pathfinder noun One who discovers a way or path; one who explores untraversed regions.
pathogenic adjective Of or pertaining to pathogeny; producting disease; as, a pathogenic organism; a pathogenic bacterium.
pathognomy noun Expression of the passions; the science of the signs by which human passions are indicated.
pathologic adjective Alt. of Pathological
pathopoela noun A speech, or figure of speech, designed to move the passion.
patibulary adjective Of or pertaining to the gallows, or to execution.
patriarchy noun The jurisdiction of a patriarch; patriarchship., Government by a patriarch; patriarchism.
patriciate noun The patrician class; the aristocracy; also, the office of patriarch.
patricidal adjective Of or pertaining to patricide; parricidal.
patriotism noun Love of country; devotion to the welfare of one’s country; the virtues and actions of a patriot; the passion which inspires one to serve one’s country.
patristics noun That departnent of historical theology which treats of the lives and doctrines of the Fathers of the church.
patrolling present participle & vb. noun of Patrol
patronized imp. & past participle of Patronize
patronizer noun One who patronizes.
patronless adjective Destitute of a patron.
patronymic adjective Derived from ancestors; as, a patronymic denomination., A modification of the father’s name borne by the son; a name derived from that of a parent or ancestor; as, Pelides, the son of Peleus; Johnson, the son of John; Macdonald, the son of Donald; Paulowitz, the son of Paul; also, the surname of a family; the family name.
patterning present participle & vb. noun of Pattern