10 letter word starting with penta

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
pentabasic adjective Capable of uniting with five molecules of a monacid base; having five acid hydrogen atoms capable of substitution by a basic radical; — said of certain acids.
pentachord noun An ancient instrument of music with five strings., An order or system of five sounds.
pentacrons plural of Pentacron
pentagonal adjective Having five corners or angles.
pentagynia noun pl. A Linnaean order of plants, having five styles or pistils.
pentameran noun One of the Pentamera.
pentamerus noun A genus of extinct Paleozoic brachiopods, often very abundant in the Upper Silurian.
pentameter noun A verse of five feet., Having five metrical feet.
pentandria noun pl. A Linnaean class of plants having five separate stamens.
pentaptote noun A noun having five cases.
pentaptych noun A picture, or combination of pictures, consisting of a centerpiece and double folding doors or wings, as for an altarpiece.
pentaspast noun A purchase with five pulleys.
pentastich noun A composition consisting of five verses.
pentastyle adjective Having five columns in front; — said of a temple or portico in classical architecture., A portico having five columns.
pentateuch noun The first five books of the Old Testament, collectively; — called also the Law of Moses, Book of the Law of Moses, etc.
pentathlon noun A fivefold athletic performance peculiar to the great national games of the Greeks, including leaping, foot racing, wrestling, throwing the discus, and throwing the spear.
pentatomic adjective Having five atoms in the molecule., Having five hydrogen atoms capable of substitution.