10 letter word starting with pi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
pianissimo adjective Very soft; — a direction to execute a passage as softly as possible. (Abbrev. pp.)
pianoforte adjective A well-known musical instrument somewhat resembling the harpsichord, and consisting of a series of wires of graduated length, thickness, and tension, struck by hammers moved by keys.
pianograph noun A form of melodiograph applied to a piano.
picaresque adjective Applied to that class of literature in which the principal personage is the Spanish picaro, meaning a rascal, a knave, a rogue, an adventurer.
picayunish adjective Petty; paltry; mean; as, a picayunish business.
piccadilly noun A high, stiff collar for the neck; also, a hem or band about the skirt of a garment, — worn by men in the 17th century.
piccalilli noun A pickle of various vegetables with pungent species, — originally made in the East Indies.
pichiciago noun A small, burrowing, South American edentate (Chlamyphorus truncatus), allied to the armadillos. The shell is attached only along the back.
piciformes noun pl. A group of birds including the woodpeckers, toucans, barbets, colies, kingfishes, hornbills, and some other related groups.
pickaninny noun A small child; especially, a negro or mulatto infant.
pickedness noun The state of being sharpened; pointedness., Fineness; spruceness; smartness.
pickeering present participle & vb. noun of Pickeer
pick-fault noun One who seeks out faults.
pickpocket noun One who steals purses or other articles from pockets.
picnicking present participle & vb. noun of Picnic
picrotoxin noun A bitter white crystalline substance found in the cocculus indicus. It is a peculiar poisonous neurotic and intoxicant, and consists of a mixture of several neutral substances.
pictograph noun A picture or hieroglyph representing and expressing an idea.
pictorical adjective Pictorial.
picturable adjective Capable of being pictured, or represented by a picture.
picturized imp. & past participle of Picturize
pierceable adjective That may be pierced.
piezometer noun An instrument for measuring the compressibility of liquids., A gauge connected with a water main to show the pressure at that point.
pigeonfoot noun The dove’s-foot geranium (Geranium molle).
pigeonhole noun A small compartment in a desk or case for the keeping of letters, documents, etc.; — so called from the resemblance of a row of them to the compartments in a dovecote., To place in the pigeonhole of a case or cabinet; hence, to put away; to lay aside indefinitely; as, to pigeonhole a letter or a report.
pigeontoed adjective Having the toes turned in.
pig-headed adjective Having a head like a pig; hence, figuratively: stupidity obstinate; perverse; stubborn.
pigmentary adjective Of or pertaining to pigments; furnished with pigments.
pigmentous adjective Pigmental.
pigwidgeon noun A cant word for anything petty or small. It is used by Drayton as the name of a fairy.
pilastered adjective Furnished with pilasters.
pilorhizae plural of Pileorhiza
pileorhiza noun A cap of cells which covers the growing extremity of a root; a rootcap.
pilgrimage noun The journey of a pilgrim; a long journey; especially, a journey to a shrine or other sacred place. Fig., the journey of human life., A tedious and wearisome time.
pilgrimize verb i. To wander as a pilgrim; to go on a pilgrimage.
piliferous adjective Bearing a single slender bristle, or hair., Beset with hairs.
piligerous adjective Bearing hair; covered with hair or down; piliferous.
pillorying present participle & vb. noun of Pillory
pillowcase noun A removable case or covering for a pillow, usually of white linen or cotton cloth.
pi–a cloth A fine material for ladies’ shawls, scarfs, handkerchiefs, etc., made from the fiber of the pineapple leaf, and perhaps from other fibrous tropical leaves. It is delicate, soft, and transparent, with a slight tinge of pale yellow.
pinakothek noun Pinacotheca.
pinchingly adverb In a pinching way.
pinchpenny noun A miserly person.
pincushion noun A small cushion, in which pins may be stuck for use.
pindarical adjective Pindaric.
pinenchyma noun Tabular parenchyma, a form of cellular tissue in which the cells are broad and flat, as in some kinds of epidermis.
pinfeather noun A feather not fully developed; esp., a rudimentary feather just emerging through the skin.
pinguicula noun See Butterwort.
pinguitude noun Fatness; a growing fat; obesity.
pink stern See Chebacco, and 1st Pink.
pinnacling present participle & vb. noun of Pinnacle
pinnatifid adjective Divided in a pinnate manner, with the divisions not reaching to the midrib.
pinnatiped adjective Having the toes bordered by membranes; fin-footed, as certain birds., Any bird which has the toes bordered by membranes.
pinnigrada noun pl. Same as Pinnipedia.
pinnigrade noun An animal of the seal tribe, moving by short feet that serve as paddles.
pinnipedes noun pl. Same as Steganopodes.
pinnipedia noun pl. A suborder of aquatic carnivorous mammals including the seals and walruses; — opposed to Fissipedia.
pinnothere noun A crab of the genus pinnotheres. See Oyster crab, under Oyster.
pinnulated adjective Having pinnules.
pin-tailed adjective Having a tapered tail, with the middle feathers longest; — said of birds.
pioneering present participle & vb. noun of Pioneer
pipal tree Same as Peepul tree.
pipe layer One who lays conducting pipes in the ground, as for water, gas, etc., A politician who works in secret; — in this sense, usually written as one word.
pipelaying Alt. of Pipe laying
piperidine noun An oily liquid alkaloid, C5H11N, having a hot, peppery, ammoniacal odor. It is related to pyridine, and is obtained by the decomposition of piperine.
piperylene noun A hydrocarbon obtained by decomposition of certain piperidine derivatives.
pipsissewa noun A low evergreen plant (Chimaphila umbellata), with narrow, wedge-lanceolate leaves, and an umbel of pretty nodding fragrant blossoms. It has been used in nephritic diseases. Called also prince’s pine.
pirouetted imp. & past participle of Pirouette
pistillate adjective Having a pistil or pistils; — usually said of flowers having pistils but no stamens.
pistillida plural of Pistillidium
pistillody noun The metamorphosis of other organs into pistils.
pitch-dark adjective Dark as a pitch; pitch-black.
pitcherful noun The quantity a pitcher will hold.
pitchiness noun Blackness, as of pitch; darkness.
pitchstone noun An igneous rock of semiglassy nature, having a luster like pitch.
pitfalling adjective Entrapping; insnaring.
pityriasis noun A superficial affection of the skin, characterized by irregular patches of thin scales which are shed in branlike particles.