10 letter word starting with pla

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
placarding present participle & vb. noun of Placard
placentary adjective Having reference to the placenta; as, the placentary system of classification.
placidness noun The quality or state of being placid.
placodermi noun pl. An extinct group of fishes, supposed to be ganoids. The body and head were covered with large bony plates. See Illust. under Pterichthys, and Coccosteus.
placoidian noun One of the placoids.
placophora noun pl. A division of gastropod Mollusca, including the chitons. The back is covered by eight shelly plates. Called also Polyplacophora. See Illust. under Chiton, and Isopleura.
plagiarism noun The act or practice of plagiarizing., That which plagiarized.
plagiarist noun One who plagiarizes; or purloins the words, writings, or ideas of another, and passes them off as his own; a literary thief; a plagiary.
plagiarize verb t. To steal or purloin from the writings of another; to appropriate without due acknowledgement (the ideas or expressions of another).
plagiaries plural of Plagiary
plagionite noun A sulphide of lead and antimony, of a blackish lead-gray color and metallic luster.
plagueless adjective Free from plagues or the plague.
plain-laid adjective Consisting of strands twisted together in the ordinary way; as, a plain-laid rope. See Illust. of Cordage.
plaintless adjective Without complaint; unrepining.
planarioid adjective Like the planarians.
planchette noun A circumferentor. See Circumferentor., A small tablet of wood supported on casters and having a pencil attached. The characters produced by the pencil on paper, while the hand rests on the instrument and it is allowed to move, are sometimes translated as of oracular or supernatural import.
planetical adjective Of or pertaining to planets.
plane tree Same as 1st Plane.
planimeter noun An instrument for measuring the area of any plane figure, however irregular, by passing a tracer around the bounding line; a platometer.
planimetry noun The mensuration of plane surfaces; — distinguished from stereometry, or the mensuration of volumes.
planishing present participle & vb. noun of Planish, a. & vb. n. from Planish, v. t.
planoblast noun Any free-swimming gonophore of a hydroid; a hydroid medusa.
planometer noun An instrument for gauging or testing a plane surface. See Surface gauge, under Surface.
planometry noun The art or process of producing or gauging a plane surface.
plantation noun The act or practice of planting, or setting in the earth for growth., The place planted; land brought under cultivation; a piece of ground planted with trees or useful plants; esp., in the United States and West Indies, a large estate appropriated to the production of the more important crops, and cultivated by laborers who live on the estate; as, a cotton plantation; a coffee plantation., An original settlement in a new country; a colony.
plant-cane noun A stalk or shoot of sugar cane of the first growth from the cutting. The growth of the second and following years is of inferior quality, and is called rattoon.
plasmation noun The act of forming or molding.
plasmature noun Form; mold.
plasmodial adjective Of or pertaining to, or like, a plasmodium; as, the plasmodial form of a life cycle.
plasmodium noun A jellylike mass of free protoplasm, without any union of amoeboid cells, and endowed with life and power of motion., A naked mobile mass of protoplasm, formed by the union of several amoebalike young, and constituting one of the stages in the life cycle of Mycetozoa and other low organisms.
plastering present participle & vb. noun of Plaster, Same as Plaster, n., 2., The act or process of overlaying with plaster., A covering of plaster; plasterwork.
plasticity noun The quality or state of being plastic., Plastic force.
plastidule noun One of the small particles or organic molecules of protoplasm.
platetrope noun One of a pair of a paired organs.
platinized imp. & past participle of Platinize
platometer noun See Planimeter.
platonical adjective Of or pertaining to Plato, or his philosophy, school, or opinions., Pure, passionless; nonsexual; philosophical.
platonized imp. & past participle of Platonize
platonizer noun One who Platonizes.
platymeter noun An apparatus for measuring the capacity of condensers, or the inductive capacity of dielectrics.
platyptera noun pl. A division of Pseudoneuroptera including the species which have four broad, flat wings, as the termites, or white-ants, and the stone flies (Perla).
platyrhine adjective Having the nose broad; — opposed to leptorhine., One of the Platyrhini.
platyrhini noun pl. A division of monkeys, including the American species, which have a broad nasal septum, thirty-six teeth, and usually a prehensile tail. See Monkey.
plauditory adjective Applauding; commending.
playfellow noun A companion in amusements or sports; a playmate.
playground noun A piece of ground used for recreation; as, the playground of a school.
playwright noun A maker or adapter of plays.
playwriter noun A writer of plays; a dramatist; a playwright.