10 letter word starting with sal

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
salability noun The quality or condition of being salable; salableness.
salaeratus noun See Saleratus.
salamander noun Any one of numerous species of Urodela, belonging to Salamandra, Amblystoma, Plethodon, and various allied genera, especially those that are more or less terrestrial in their habits., The pouched gopher (Geomys tuza) of the Southern United States., A culinary utensil of metal with a plate or disk which is heated, and held over pastry, etc., to brown it., A large poker., Solidified material in a furnace hearth.
salamstone noun A kind of blue sapphire brought from Ceylon.
saleswomen plural of Saleswoman
saleswoman noun A woman whose occupation is to sell goods or merchandise.
salicylate noun A salt of salicylic acid.
salicylide noun A white crystalline substance obtained by dehydration of salicylic acid.
salicylite noun A compound of salicylal; — named after the analogy of a salt.
salicylous adjective Pertaining to, or designating, a substance formerly called salicylous acid, and now salicylal.
saliferous adjective Producing, or impregnated with, salt.
salifiable adjective Capable of neutralizing an acid to form a salt; — said of bases; thus, ammonia is salifiable.
salination noun The act of washing with salt water.
salineness noun The quality or state of being salt; saltness.
saliniform adjective Having the form or the qualities of a salt, especially of common salt.
salisburia noun The ginkgo tree (Ginkgo biloba, or Salisburia adiantifolia).
salivating present participle & vb. noun of Salivate
salivation noun The act or process of salivating; an excessive secretion of saliva, often accompanied with soreness of the mouth and gums; ptyalism.
sallenders noun pl. An eruption on the hind leg of a horse.
sallowness noun The quality or condition of being sallow.
sally lunn A tea cake slighty sweetened, and raised with yeast, baked in the form of biscuits or in a thin loaf, and eaten hot with butter.
salmagundi noun A mixture of chopped meat and pickled herring, with oil, vinegar, pepper, and onions., Hence, a mixture of various ingredients; an olio or medley; a potpourri; a miscellany.
salso-acid adjective Having a taste compounded of saltness and acidity; both salt and acid.
saltarella noun See Saltarello.
saltarello noun A popular Italian dance in quick 3-4 or 6-8 time, running mostly in triplets, but with a hop step at the beginning of each measure. See Tarantella.
saltatoria noun pl. A division of Orthoptera including grasshoppers, locusts, and crickets.
saltcellar noun Formerly a large vessel, now a small vessel of glass or other material, used for holding salt on the table.
salt-green adjective Sea-green in color.
saltigrade adjective Having feet or legs formed for leaping., One of the Saltigradae, a tribe of spiders which leap to seize their prey.
salt rheum A popular name, esp. in the United States, for various cutaneous eruptions, particularly for those of eczema. See Eczema.
salubrious adjective Favorable to health; healthful; promoting health; as, salubrious air, water, or climate.
salutation noun The act of saluting, or paying respect or reverence, by the customary words or actions; the act of greeting, or expressing good will or courtesy; also, that which is uttered or done in saluting or greeting.
salutatory adjective Containing or expressing salutations; speaking a welcome; greeting; — applied especially to the oration which introduces the exercises of the Commencements, or similar public exhibitions, in American colleges., A place for saluting or greeting; a vestibule; a porch., The salutatory oration.