10 letter word starting with san

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sanability noun The quality or state of being sanable; sanableness; curableness.
sanatorium noun An establishment for the treatment of the sick; a resort for invalids. See Sanitarium.
sance-bell noun Alt. of Sancte bell
sanctified adjective Made holy; also, made to have the air of sanctity; sanctimonious., of Sanctify
sanctifier noun One who sanctifies, or makes holy; specifically, the Holy Spirit.
sanctimony noun Holiness; devoutness; scrupulous austerity; sanctity; especially, outward or artificial saintliness; assumed or pretended holiness; hypocritical devoutness.
sanctioned imp. & past participle of Sanction
sanctitude noun Holiness; sacredness; sanctity.
sanctities plural of Sanctity
sandalwood noun The highly perfumed yellowish heartwood of an East Indian and Polynesian tree (Santalum album), and of several other trees of the same genus, as the Hawaiian Santalum Freycinetianum and S. pyrularium, the Australian S. latifolium, etc. The name is extended to several other kinds of fragrant wood., Any tree of the genus Santalum, or a tree which yields sandalwood., The red wood of a kind of buckthorn, used in Russia for dyeing leather (Rhamnus Dahuricus).
sandbagger noun An assaulter whose weapon is a sand bag. See Sand bag, under Sand.
sand-blind adjective Having defective sight; dim-sighted; purblind.
sanderling noun A small gray and brown sandpiper (Calidris arenaria) very common on sandy beaches in America, Europe, and Asia. Called also curwillet, sand lark, stint, and ruddy plover.
sandhiller noun A nickname given to any “poor white” living in the pine woods which cover the sandy hills in Georgia and South Carolina.
sandnecker noun A European flounder (Hippoglossoides limandoides); — called also rough dab, long fluke, sand fluke, and sand sucker.
sandwiched imp. & past participle of Sandwich
sang-froid noun Freedom from agitation or excitement of mind; coolness in trying circumstances; indifference; calmness.
sanguifier noun A producer of blood.
sanguinary adjective Attended with much bloodshed; bloody; murderous; as, a sanguinary war, contest, or battle., Bloodthirsty; cruel; eager to shed blood., The yarrow., The Sanguinaria.
sanguinely adverb In a sanguine manner.
sanguinity noun The quality of being sanguine; sanguineness.
sanguisuge noun A bloodsucker, or leech.
sanhedrist noun A member of the sanhedrin.
sanitarian adjective Of or pertaining to health, or the laws of health; sanitary., An advocate of sanitary measures; one especially interested or versed in sanitary measures.
sanitarist noun A sanitarian.
sanitarium noun A health station or retreat; a sanatorium.
sanitation noun The act of rendering sanitary; the science of sanitary conditions; the preservation of health; the use of sanitary measures; hygiene.
sanskritic adjective Sanskrit.
sans-souci adverb Without care; free and easy.
santoninic adjective Of or pertaining to santonin; — used specifically to designate an acid not known in the free state, but obtained in its salts.