10 letter word starting with sar

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sarcasmous adjective Sarcastic.
sarcobases plural of Sarcobasis
sarcobasis noun A fruit consisting of many dry indehiscent cells, which contain but few seeds and cohere about a common style, as in the mallows.
sarcoblast noun A minute yellowish body present in the interior of certain rhizopods.
sarcocolla noun A gum resin obtained from certain shrubs of Africa (Penaea), — formerly thought to cause healing of wounds and ulcers.
sarcoderma noun A fleshy covering of a seed, lying between the external and internal integuments., A sarcocarp.
sarcolemma noun The very thin transparent and apparently homogeneous sheath which incloses a striated muscular fiber; the myolemma.
sarcologic adjective Alt. of Sarcological
sarcophaga noun pl. A suborder of carnivorous and insectivorous marsupials including the dasyures and the opossums., A genus of Diptera, including the flesh flies.
sarcophagi plural of Sarcophagus
sarcophagy noun The practice of eating flesh.
sarcophile noun A flesh-eating animal, especially any one of the carnivorous marsupials.
sarcosepta plural of Sarcoseptum
sardachate noun A variety of agate containing sard.
sarmentose adjective Long and filiform, and almost naked, or having only leaves at the joints where it strikes root; as, a sarmentose stem., Bearing sarments; sarmentaceous.
sarmentous adjective Sarmentose.
sarracenia noun A genus of American perennial herbs growing in bogs; the American pitcher plant.