10 letter word starting with sea

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sea anchor See Drag sail, under 4th Drag.
sea barrow A sea purse.
sea breach A breaking or overflow of a bank or a dike by the sea.
sea canary The beluga, or white whale.
sea dragon A dragonet, or sculpin., The pegasus.
sea fennel Samphire.
sea flewer A sea anemone, or any related anthozoan.
sea girkin Any small holothurian resembling in form a gherkin.
sea ginger A hydroid coral of the genus Millepora, especially M. alcicornis, of the West Indies and Florida. So called because it stings the tongue like ginger. See Illust. under Millepore.
sea hulver Sea holly.
sea-island adjective Of or pertaining to certain islands along the coast of South Carolina and Georgia; as, sea-island cotton, a superior cotton of long fiber produced on those islands.
sea lawyer The gray snapper. See under Snapper.
seal-brown adjective Of a rich dark brown color, like the fur of the fur seal after it is dyed.
sea letter The customary certificate of national character which neutral merchant vessels are bound to carry in time of war; a passport for a vessel and cargo.
seamanlike adjective Having or showing the skill of a practical seaman.
seamanship noun The skill of a good seaman; the art, or skill in the art, of working a ship.
sea mantis A squilla.
seamstress noun A woman whose occupation is sewing; a needlewoman.
sea needle See Garfish (a).
sea nettle A jellyfish, or medusa.
seannachie noun A bard among the Highlanders of Scotland, who preserved and repeated the traditions of the tribes; also, a genealogist.
sea orange A large American holothurian (Lophothuria Fabricii) having a bright orange convex body covered with finely granulated scales. Its expanded tentacles are bright red.
sea pigeon The common guillemot.
sea plover the black-bellied plover.
searchable adjective Capable of being searched.
searchless adjective Impossible to be searched; inscrutable; impenetrable.
searedness noun The state of being seared or callous; insensibility.
sea robber A pirate; a sea rover.
sea rocket See under Rocket.
sea-roving adjective Cruising at random on the ocean.
sea salmon A young pollock., The spotted squeteague., See Sea bass (b).
sea slater Any isopod crustacean of the genus Ligia.
seasonable adjective Occurring in good time, in due season, or in proper time for the purpose; suitable to the season; opportune; timely; as, a seasonable supply of rain.
seasonless adjective Without succession of the seasons.
sea spider Any maioid crab; a spider crab. See Maioid, and Spider crab, under Spider., Any pycnogonid.
sea squirt An ascidian. See Illust. under Tunicata.
sea thongs A kind of blackish seaweed (Himanthalia lorea) found on the northern coasts of the Atlantic. It has a thonglike forking process rising from a top-shaped base.
sea turtle Any one of several very large species of chelonians having the feet converted into paddles, as the green turtle, hawkbill, loggerhead, and leatherback. They inhabit all warm seas., The sea pigeon, or guillemot.
sea urchin Any one of numerous species of echinoderms of the order Echinoidea.
sea-walled adjective Surrounded, bounded, or protected by the sea, as if by a wall.
sea willow A gorgonian coral with long flexible branches.