10 letter word starting with sh

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
shabbiness noun The quality or state of being sghabby.
shackatory noun A hound.
shadowless adjective Having no shadow.
shagginess noun The quality or state of being shaggy; roughness; shaggedness.
shagreened adjective Made or covered with the leather called shagreen., Covered with rough scales or points like those on shagreen.
shamefaced noun Easily confused or put out of countenance; diffident; bashful; modest.
shampooing present participle & vb. noun of Shampoo
shandrydan noun A jocosely depreciative name for a vehicle.
shandygaff noun A mixture of strong beer and ginger beer.
shanghaied imp. & past participle of Shanghai
sharpening present participle & vb. noun of Sharpen
shattering present participle & vb. noun of Shatter
shearwater noun Any one of numerous species of long-winged oceanic birds of the genus Puffinus and related genera. They are allied to the petrels, but are larger. The Manx shearwater (P. Anglorum), the dusky shearwater (P. obscurus), and the greater shearwater (P. major), are well-known species of the North Atlantic. See Hagdon.
sheathbill noun Either one of two species of birds composing the genus Chionis, and family Chionidae, native of the islands of the Antarctic seas.
sheathfish noun Same as Sheatfish.
sheathless adjective Without a sheath or case for covering; unsheathed.
shecklaton noun A kind of gilt leather. See Checklaton.
sheepberry noun The edible fruit of a small North American tree of the genus Viburnum (V. Lentago), having white flowers in flat cymes; also, the tree itself. Called also nannyberry.
sheepbiter noun One who practices petty thefts.
sheepshank noun A hitch by which a rope may be temporarily shortened.
sheepshead noun A large and valuable sparoid food fish (Archosargus, / Diplodus, probatocephalus) found on the Atlantic coast of the United States. It often weighs from ten to twelve pounds.
sheepsplit noun A split of a sheepskin; one of the thin sections made by splitting a sheepskin with a cutting knife or machine.
sheerwater noun The shearwater.
shellapple noun See Sheldafle.
shell-less adjective Having no shell.
shellproof adjective Capable of resisting bombs or other shells; bombproof.
sheltering present participle & vb. noun of Shelter
shepherded imp. & past participle of Shepherd
shepherdia noun A genus of shrubs having silvery scurfy leaves, and belonging to the same family as Elaeagnus; also, any plant of this genus. See Buffalo berry, under Buffalo.
shepherdly adjective Resembling, or becoming to, a shepherd; pastoral; rustic.
sheriffdom noun Alt. of Sheriffwick
shibboleth noun A word which was made the criterion by which to distinguish the Ephraimites from the Gileadites. The Ephraimites, not being able to pronounce sh, called the word sibboleth. See Judges xii., Also in an extended sense., Hence, the criterion, test, or watchword of a party; a party cry or pet phrase.
shieldless adjective Destitute of a shield, or of protection.
shieldtail noun Any species of small burrowing snakes of the family Uropeltidae, native of Ceylon and Southern Asia. They have a small mouth which can not be dilated.
shiftiness noun The quality or state of being shifty.
shiftingly adverb In a shifting manner.
shimmering present participle & vb. noun of Shimmer, A gleam or glimmering.
shinhopple noun The hobblebush.
shipholder noun A shipowner.
shipmaster noun The captain, master, or commander of a ship.
shipwright noun One whose occupation is to construct ships; a builder of ships or other vessels.
shoaliness noun The quality or state of being shoaly; little depth of water; shallowness.
shock-head adjective Shock-headed.
shoemaking noun The business of a shoemaker.
shopkeeper noun A trader who sells goods in a shop, or by retail; — in distinction from one who sells by wholesale.
shoplifter noun One who steals anything in a shop, or takes goods privately from a shop; one who, under pretense of buying goods, takes occasion to steal.
shopwalker noun One who walks about in a shop as an overseer and director. Cf. Floorwalker.
shortening present participle & vb. noun of Shorten, The act of making or becoming short or shorter., That which renders pastry short or friable, as butter, lard, etc.
shot-proof adjective Impenetrable by shot.
shouldered imp. & past participle of Shoulder, Having shoulders; — used in composition; as, a broad-shouldered man.
shoveboard noun Alt. of Shovegroat
shovegroat noun The same as Shovelboard.
shovelling of Shovel
shovelbill noun The shoveler.
shovelfuls plural of Shovelful
shovelhead noun A shark (Sphryna tiburio) allied to the hammerhead, and native of the warmer parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; — called also bonnet shark.
shovelnose noun The common sand shark. See under Snad., A small California shark (Heptranchias maculatus), which is taken for its oil., A Pacific Ocean shark (Hexanchus corinus)., A ganoid fish of the Sturgeon family (Scaphirhynchus platyrhynchus) of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers; — called also white sturgeon.
showerless adjective Rainless; freo from showers.
shrewmouse noun A shrew; especially, the erd shrew.
shrievalty noun The office, or sphere of jurisdiction, of a sheriff; sheriffalty.
shrillness noun The quality or state of being shrill.
shrivelled of Shrivel
shriveling present participle & vb. noun of Shrivel
shroudless adjective Without a shroud.
shrovetide noun The days immediately preceding Ash Widnesday, especially the period between the evening before Quinguagesima Sunday and the morning of Ash Wednesday.
shuddering present participle & vb. noun of Shudder
shufflecap noun A play performed by shaking money in a hat or cap.