10 letter word starting with sub

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
subashdary noun Alt. of Subashship
subashship noun The office or jurisdiction of a subahdar.
subalmoner noun An under almoner.
subangular adjective Slightly angular.
subaquatic adjective Alt. of Subaqueous
subaqueous adjective Being under water, or beneath the surface of water; adapted for use under water; submarine; as, a subaqueous helmet., Formed in or under water; as, subaqueous deposits.
subarcuate adjective Alt. of Subarcuated
subcaliber adjective Smaller than the caliber of a firearm.
subcentral adjective Under the center., Nearly central; not quite central.
subchanter noun An underchanter; a precentor’s deputy in a cathedral; a succentor.
subclavian adjective Situated under the clavicle, or collar bone; as, the subclavian arteries.
subconcave adjective Slightly concave.
subconical adjective Slightly conical.
subcordate adjective Somewhat cordate; somewhat like a heart in shape.
subcranial adjective Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the cranium; facial.
subdeanery noun Office or rank of subdean.
subdecanal adjective Of or pertaining to a subdean or subdeanery.
subdecuple adjective Containing one part of ten.
subdeposit noun That which is deposited beneath something else.
subdialect noun A subordinate dialect.
subdilated adjective Partially dilated.
subdivided imp. & past participle of Subdivide
subduction noun The act of subducting or taking away., Arithmetical subtraction.
subduement noun Subdual.
subendymal adjective Situated under the endyma.
subfibrous adjective Somewhat fibrous.
subfuscous adjective Duskish; moderately dark; brownish; tawny.
subgeneric adjective Of or pertaining to a subgenus.
subglacial adjective Pertaining or belonging to the under side of a glacier; being beneath a glacier; as, subglacial streams.
subglobose adjective Not quite globose.
subglossal adjective Situated under the tongue; sublingual.
subglottic adjective Situated below the glottis; — applied to that part of the cavity of the larynx below the true vocal cords.
subhepatic adjective Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the liver; — applied to the interlobular branches of the portal vein.
subhyaloid adjective Situated under the hyaliod membrane.
subindices plural of Subindex
subjecting present participle & vb. noun of Subject
subjection adjective The act of subjecting, or of bringing under the dominion of another; the act of subduing., The state of being subject, or under the power, control, and government of another; a state of obedience or submissiveness; as, the safety of life, liberty, and property depends on our subjection to the laws.
subjectist noun One skilled in subjective philosophy; a subjectivist.
subjective adjective Of or pertaining to a subject., Especially, pertaining to, or derived from, one’s own consciousness, in distinction from external observation; ralating to the mind, or intellectual world, in distinction from the outward or material excessively occupied with, or brooding over, one’s own internal states., Modified by, or making prominent, the individuality of a writer or an artist; as, a subjective drama or painting; a subjective writer.
subjicible adjective Capable of being subjected.
subjoining present participle & vb. noun of Subjoin
subjoinder noun An additional remark.
sub judice Before the judge, or court; not yet decided; under judicial consideration.
subjugated imp. & past participle of Subjugate
subjugator noun One who subjugates; a conqueror.
subkingdom noun One of the several primary divisions of either the animal, or vegetable kingdom, as, in zoology, the Vertebrata, Tunicata, Mollusca, Articulata, Molluscoidea, Echinodermata, Coelentera, and the Protozoa; in botany, the Phanerogamia, and the Cryptogamia.
sublapsary adjective Sublapsarian.
subletting present participle & vb. noun of Sublet
sublimable verb t. Capable of being sublimed or sublimated.
sublimated imp. & past participle of Sublimate, Refined by, or as by, sublimation; exalted; purified.
sublinguae plural of Sublingua
sublingual adjective Situated under the tongue; as, the sublingual gland., Of or pertaining to the sublingual gland; as, sublingual salvia.
sublobular adjective Situated under, or at the bases of, the lobules of the liver.
submammary adjective Situated under the mammae; as, submammary inflammation.
submarshal noun An under or deputy marshal.
submediant noun The sixth tone of the scale; the under mediant, or third below the keynote; the superdominant.
submerging present participle & vb. noun of Submerge
submersion noun The act of submerging, or putting under water or other fluid, or of causing to be overflowed; the act of plunging under water, or of drowning., The state of being put under water or other fluid, or of being overflowed or drowned.
submission noun The act of submitting; the act of yielding to power or authority; surrender of the person and power to the control or government of another; obedience; compliance., The state of being submissive; acknowledgement of inferiority or dependence; humble or suppliant behavior; meekness; resignation., Acknowledgement of a fault; confession of error., An agreement by which parties engage to submit any matter of controversy between them to the decision of arbitrators.
submissive adjective Inclined or ready to submit; acknowledging one’s inferiority; yielding; obedient; humble., Showing a readiness to submit; expressing submission; as, a submissive demeanor.
submitting present participle & vb. noun of Submit
subnascent adjective Growing underneath.
subnuvolar adjective Under the clouds; attended or partly covered or obscured by clouds; somewhat cloudy.
suboctuple adjective Containing one part of eight; having the ratio of one to eight.
subofficer noun An under or subordinate officer.
suborbital adjective Alt. of Suborbitar
suborbitar adjective Situated under or below the orbit.
subpleural adjective Situated under the pleural membrane.
subpoenaed imp. & past participle of Subpoena
subreption noun The act of obtaining a favor by surprise, or by unfair representation through suppression or fraudulent concealment of facts.
subreptive adjective Surreptitious.
subriguous adjective Watered or wet beneath; well-watered.
subscribed imp. & past participle of Subscribe
subscriber noun One who subscribes; one who contributes to an undertaking by subscribing., One who enters his name for a paper, book, map, or the like.
subsellium noun One of the stalls of the lower range where there are two ranges. See Illust. of Stall.
subsequent adjective Following in time; coming or being after something else at any time, indefinitely; as, subsequent events; subsequent ages or years; a period long subsequent to the foundation of Rome., Following in order of place; succeeding; as, a subsequent clause in a treaty.
subserving present participle & vb. noun of Subserve
subsesqui- A prefix (also used adjectively) denoting the combination of constituents (especially electro-negative and electro-positive bodies) in the proportion of two to three; as, a subsesqui acetate, i. e., a salt having two equivalents of acetic acid to three of the base.
subsidence noun Alt. of Subsidency
subsidency noun The act or process of subsiding.
subsidiary adjective Furnishing aid; assisting; auxiliary; helping; tributary; especially, aiding in an inferior position or capacity; as, a subsidiary stream., Of or pertaining to a subsidy; constituting a subsidy; being a part of, or of the nature of, a subsidy; as, subsidiary payments to an ally., One who, or that which, contributes aid or additional supplies; an assistant; an auxiliary.
subsidized imp. & past participle of Subsidize
subsigning present participle & vb. noun of Subsign
subsisting present participle & vb. noun of Subsist
subsistent adjective Having real being; as, a subsistent spirit., Inherent; as, qualities subsistent in matter.
subspecies noun A group somewhat lessdistinct than speciesusually are, but based on characters more important than those which characterize ordinary varieties; often, a geographical variety or race.
subspinous adjective Subvertebral., Situated beneath a spinous process, as that of the scapula; as, subspinous dislocation of the humerus.
substitute noun One who, or that which, is substituted or put in the place of another; one who acts for another; that which stands in lieu of something else, a person who enlists for military service in the place of a conscript or drafted man., To put in the place of another person or thing; to exchange.
substratum noun That which is laid or spread under; that which underlies something, as a layer of earth lying under another; specifically (Agric.), the subsoil., The permanent subject of qualities or cause of phenomena; substance.
subsultive adjective Subsultory.
subsultory adjective Bounding; leaping; moving by sudden leaps or starts.
subsumable adjective Capable of being subsumed.
subtangent noun The part of the axis contained between the ordinate and tangent drawn to the same point in a curve.
subtending present participle & vb. noun of Subtend
subterfuge noun That to which one resorts for escape or concealment; an artifice employed to escape censure or the force of an argument, or to justify opinions or conduct; a shift; an evasion.
subterrane noun A cave or room under ground.
subterrany adjective Subterranean., A subterranean place.
subterrene adjective Subterraneous.
subtiliate verb t. To make thin or rare.
subtilized imp. & past participle of Subtilize
subtilizer noun One who subtilizes.
subtleness noun The quality or state of being subtle; subtlety.
subtleties plural of Subtlety
subtracted imp. & past participle of Subtract
subtracter noun One who subtracts., The subtrahend.
subtrahend noun The sum or number to be subtracted, or taken from another.
subtruding present participle & vb. noun of Subtrude
subtypical adjective Deviating somewhat from the type of a species, genus, or other group; slightly aberrant.
subuliform adjective Subulate.
subulipalp noun One of a group of carabid beetles having slender palpi.
subumbonal adjective Beneath or forward of the umbos of a bivalve shell.
subvaginal adjective Situated under or inside a sheath or vaginal membrane; as, the subvaginal, or subdural, spaces about the optic nerve.
subvariety noun A subordinate variety, or a division of a variety.
subvention noun The act of coming under., The act of relieving, as of a burden; support; aid; assistance; help., A government aid or bounty., To subventionize.
subversion noun The act of overturning, or the state of being overturned; entire overthrow; an overthrow from the foundation; utter ruin; destruction; as, the subversion of a government; the subversion of despotic power; the subversion of the constitution.
subversive adjective Tending to subvert; having a tendency to overthrow and ruin.
subverting present participle & vb. noun of Subvert