10 letter word starting with super

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
superadded imp. & past participle of Superadd
superaltar noun A raised shelf or stand on the back of an altar, on which different objects can be placed; a predella or gradino.
superbiate verb t. To make (a person) haughty.
supercargo noun An officer or person in a merchant ship, whose duty is to manage the sales, and superintend the commercial concerns, of the voyage.
superchery noun Deceit; fraud; imposition.
superexalt verb t. To exalt to a superior degree; to exalt above others.
superhuman adjective Above or beyond what is human; sometimes, divine; as, superhuman strength; superhuman wisdom.
superiorly adverb In a superior position or manner.
superlunar adjective Alt. of Superlunary
superorder noun A group intermediate in importance between an order and a subclass.
superoxide noun See Peroxide.
superplant noun A plant growing on another, as the mistletoe; an epiphyte.
superposed imp. & past participle of Superpose
superregal adjective More than regal; worthy of one greater than a king.
superroyal adjective Larger than royal; — said of a particular size of printing and writing paper. See the Note under Paper, n.
superseded imp. & past participle of Supersede
supersolar adjective Above the sun.
supertonic noun The note next above the keynote; the second of the scale.
supervened imp. & past participle of Supervene
supervisal noun Supervision.
supervised imp. & past participle of Supervise
supervisor noun One who supervises; an overseer; an inspector; a superintendent; as, a supervisor of schools., A spectator; a looker-on.