10 letter word starting with te

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
teacupfuls plural of Teacupful
tear-thumb noun A name given to several species of plants of the genus Polygonum, having angular stems beset with minute reflexed prickles.
tea-saucer noun A small saucer in which a teacup is set.
teaselling of Teasel
teaze-hole noun The opening in the furnaces through which fuel is introduced.
technicals noun pl. Those things which pertain to the practical part of an art, science, or profession; technical terms; technics.
technicist noun One skilled in technics or in one or more of the practical arts.
technology noun Industrial science; the science of systematic knowledge of the industrial arts, especially of the more important manufactures, as spinning, weaving, metallurgy, etc.
teetotaler noun One pledged to entire abstinence from all intoxicating drinks.
teetotally adverb Entirely; totally.
teinoscope noun An instrument formed by combining prisms so as to correct the chromatic aberration of the light while linear dimensions of objects seen through the prisms are increased or diminished; — called also prism telescope.
telegraphy noun The science or art of constructing, or of communicating by means of, telegraphs; as, submarine telegraphy.
teleophore noun Same as Gonotheca.
teleostean adjective Of or pertaining to the teleosts., A teleostean fish.
teleostomi noun pl. An extensive division of fishes including the ordinary fishes (Teleostei) and the ganoids.
telephonic adjective Conveying sound to a great distance., Of or pertaining to the telephone; by the telephone.
telerythin noun A red crystalline compound related to, or produced from, erythrin. So called because regarded as the end of the series of erythrin compounds.
telescoped imp. & past participle of Telescope
telescopic adjective Alt. of Telescopical
telesmatic adjective Alt. of Telesmatical
tellership noun The office or employment of a teller.
tellureted noun Combined or impregnated with tellurium; tellurized.
telotrocha noun An annelid larva having telotrochal bands of cilia.
telpherage noun The conveyance of vehicles or loads by means of electricity.
temeration noun Temerity.
temperable adjective Capable of being tempered.
temperance verb t. Habitual moderation in regard to the indulgence of the natural appetites and passions; restrained or moderate indulgence; moderation; as, temperance in eating and drinking; temperance in the indulgence of joy or mirth; specifically, moderation, and sometimes abstinence, in respect to using intoxicating liquors., Moderation of passion; patience; calmness; sedateness., State with regard to heat or cold; temperature.
temperancy noun Temperance.
tempestive adjective Seasonable; timely; as, tempestive showers.
temporally adverb In a temporal manner; secularly.
temporalty noun The laity; secular people., A secular possession; a temporality.
temporized imp. & past participle of Temporize
temporizer noun One who temporizes; one who yields to the time, or complies with the prevailing opinions, fashions, or occasions; a trimmer.
temptation noun The act of tempting, or enticing to evil; seduction., The state of being tempted, or enticed to evil., That which tempts; an inducement; an allurement, especially to something evil.
tenability noun The quality or state of being tenable; tenableness.
tenaculums plural of Tenaculum
tenantable adjective Fit to be rented; in a condition suitable for a tenant.
tenantless adjective Having no tenants; unoccupied; as, a tenantless mansion.
tenant saw See Tenon saw, under Tenon.
tendencies plural of Tendency
tenderfoot noun A delicate person; one not inured to the hardship and rudeness of pioneer life.
tenderling noun One made tender by too much kindness; a fondling., One of the first antlers of a deer.
tenderloin noun A strip of tender flesh on either side of the vertebral column under the short ribs, in the hind quarter of beef and pork. It consists of the psoas muscles.
tenderness noun The quality or state of being tender (in any sense of the adjective).
tendrilled adjective Furnished with tendrils, or with such or so many, tendrils.
tenebrific adjective Rendering dark or gloomy; tenebrous; gloomy.
tenebrious adjective Tenebrous.
tenemental adjective Of or pertaining to a tenement; capable of being held by tenants.
tennantite noun A blackish lead-gray mineral, closely related to tetrahedrite. It is essentially a sulphide of arsenic and copper.
ten-strike noun A knocking down of all ten pins at one delivery of the ball., Any quick, decisive stroke or act.
tentacular adjective Of or pertaining to a tentacle or tentacles.
tentaculum noun A tentacle., One of the stiff hairs situated about the mouth, or on the face, of many animals, and supposed to be tactile organs; a tactile hair.
tenthmeter noun Alt. of Tenthmetre
tenthmetre noun A unit for the measurement of many small lengths, such that 1010 of these units make one meter; the ten millionth part of a millimeter.
teracrylic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid of the acrylic series, obtained by the distillation of terpenylic acid, as an only substance having a peculiar cheesy odor.
teratogeny noun The formation of monsters.
teratology noun That branch of biological science which treats of monstrosities, malformations, or deviations from the normal type of structure, either in plants or animals., Affectation of sublimity; bombast.
tercellene noun A small male hawk.
tergeminal adjective Alt. of Tergeminate
termagancy noun The quality or state of being termagant; turbulence; tumultuousness; as, a violent termagancy of temper.
terminable adjective Capable of being terminated or bounded; limitable.
terminalia noun pl. A festival celebrated annually by the Romans on February 23 in honor of Terminus, the god of boundaries.
terminated imp. & past participle of Terminate
terminator noun One who, or that which, terminates., The dividing line between the illuminated and the unilluminated part of the moon.
terneplate adjective Thin iron sheets coated with an alloy of lead and tin; — so called because made up of three metals.
terpenylic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid, C8H12O4 (called also terpentic acid), homologous with terebic acid, and obtained as a white crystalline substance by the oxidation of oil of turpentine with chromic acid.
terreplein noun The top, platform, or horizontal surface, of a rampart, on which the cannon are placed. See Illust. of Casemate.
terricolae noun pl. A division of annelids including the common earthworms and allied species.
terrifical adjective Terrific.
terrifying present participle & vb. noun of Terrify
terrorless adjective Free from terror.
tersanctus noun An ancient ascription of praise (containing the word “Holy” — in its Latin form, “Sanctus” — thrice repeated), used in the Mass of the Roman Catholic Church and before the prayer of consecration in the communion service of the Church of England and the Protestant Episcopal Church. Cf. Trisagion.
ter-tenant noun See Terre-tenant.
tertiaries plural of Tertiary
terza rima A peculiar and complicated system of versification, borrowed by the early Italian poets from the Troubadours.
tessellata noun pl. A division of Crinoidea including numerous fossil species in which the body is covered with tessellated plates.
tessellate verb t. To form into squares or checkers; to lay with checkered work., Tessellated.
testaceous adjective Of or pertaining to shells; consisted of a hard shell, or having a hard shell., Having a dull red brick color or a brownish yellow color.
testicular adjective Of or pertaining to the testicle.
testifying present participle & vb. noun of Testify
testudinal adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a tortoise.
testudines plural of Testudo
tetchiness noun See Techiness.
tetrabasic adjective Capable of neutralizing four molecules of a monacid base; having four hydrogen atoms capable of replacement by bases; quadribasic; — said of certain acids; thus, normal silicic acid, Si(OH)4, is a tetrabasic acid.
tetraboric adjective Same as Pyroboric.
tetrachord noun A scale series of four sounds, of which the extremes, or first and last, constituted a fourth. These extremes were immutable; the two middle sounds were changeable.
tetracolon noun A stanza or division in lyric poetry, consisting of four verses or lines.
tetragonal adjective Of or pertaining to a tetragon; having four angles or sides; thus, the square, the parallelogram, the rhombus, and the trapezium are tetragonal fingers., Having four prominent longitudinal angles., Designating, or belonging to, a certain system of crystallization; dimetric. See Tetragonal system, under Crystallization.
tetragynia noun pl. A Linnaean order of plants having four styles.
tetrameter noun A verse or line consisting of four measures, that is, in iambic, trochaic, and anapestic verse, of eight feet; in other kinds of verse, of four feet.
tetramorph noun The union of the four attributes of the Evangelists in one figure, which is represented as winged, and standing on winged fiery wheels, the wings being covered with eyes. The representations of it are evidently suggested by the vision of Ezekiel (ch. i.)
tetrandria noun pl. A Linnaean class of plants having four stamens.
tetraptote noun A noun that has four cases only.
tetraspore noun A nonsexual spore, one of a group of four regularly occurring in red seaweeds.
tetrastich noun A stanza, epigram, or poem, consisting of four verses or lines.
tetrastyle adjective Having four columns in front; — said of a temple, portico, or colonnade., A tetrastyle building.
tetratomic adjective Consisting of four atoms; having four atoms in the molecule, as phosphorus and arsenic., Having a valence of four; quadrivalent; tetravalent; sometimes, in a specific sense, having four hydroxyl groups, whether acid or basic.
tetterwort noun A plant used as a remedy for tetter, — in England the calendine, in America the bloodroot.
textualist noun A textman; a textuary.
textuarist noun A textuary.