10 letter word starting with the

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
theatrical adjective Of or pertaining to a theater, or to the scenic representations; resembling the manner of dramatic performers; histrionic; hence, artificial; as, theatrical performances; theatrical gestures.
thecaphore noun A surface or organ bearing a theca, or covered with thecae., See Basigynium.
thecophora noun pl. A division of hydroids comprising those which have the hydranths in thecae and the gonophores in capsules. The campanularians and sertularians are examples. Called also Thecata. See Illust. under Hydroidea.
theistical adjective Of or pertaining to theism, or a theist; according to the doctrine of theists.
themselves pronoun The plural of himself, herself, and itself. See Himself, Herself, Itself.
thenardite noun Anhydrous sodium sulphate, a mineral of a white or brown color and vitreous luster.
thencefrom adverb From that place.
theobromic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid extracted from cacao butter (from the Theobroma Cacao), peanut oil (from Arachis hypogaea), etc., as a white waxy crystalline substance.
theocratic adjective Alt. of Theocratical
theodolite noun An instrument used, especially in trigonometrical surveying, for the accurate measurement of horizontal angles, and also usually of vertical angles. It is variously constructed.
theogonism noun Theogony.
theogonist noun A writer on theogony.
theologian noun A person well versed in theology; a professor of theology or divinity; a divine.
theologics noun Theology.
theologist noun A theologian.
theologize verb t. To render theological; to apply to divinity; to reduce to a system of theology., To frame a system of theology; to theorize or speculate upon theological subjects.
theologies plural of Theology
theopathic adjective Of or pertaining to a theopathy.
theophanic adjective Of or pertaining to a theopany; appearing to man, as a god.
theoretics noun The speculative part of a science; speculation.
theorizing present participle & vb. noun of Theorize
theosopher noun A theosophist.
theosophic adjective Alt. of Theosophical
thereabout adverb Alt. of Thereabouts
thereafter adverb After that; afterward., According to that; accordingly., Of that sort.
thereagain adverb In opposition; against one’s course.
thereology noun Therapeutios.
thereunder adverb Under that or this.
therewhile adverb At that time; at the same time.
theriodont noun One of the Theriodontia. Used also adjectively.
theriotomy noun Zootomy.
thermology noun A discourse on, or an account of, heat.
thermolyze verb t. To subject to thermolysis; to dissociate by heat.
thermopile noun An instrument of extreme sensibility, used to determine slight differences and degrees of heat. It is composed of alternate bars of antimony and bismuth, or any two metals having different capacities for the conduction of heat, connected with an astatic galvanometer, which is very sensibly affected by the electric current induced in the system of bars when exposed even to the feeblest degrees of heat.
thermostat noun A self-acting apparatus for regulating temperature by the unequal expansion of different metals, liquids, or gases by heat, as in opening or closing the damper of a stove, or the like, as the heat becomes greater or less than is desired.
thermotics noun The science of heat.
thermotype noun A picture (as of a slice of wood) obtained by first wetting the object slightly with hydrochloric or dilute sulphuric acid, then taking an impression with a press, and next strongly heating this impression.
thermotypy noun The art or process of obtaining thermotypes.
thessalian adjective Of or pertaining to Thessaly in Greece., A native or inhabitant of Thessaly.
theurgical adjective Of or pertaining to theurgy; magical.