10 letter word starting with to

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tobogganed imp. & past participle of Toboggan
tobogganer noun Alt. of Tobogganist
toilinette noun A cloth, the weft of which is of woolen yarn, and the warp of cotton and silk, — used for waistcoats.
tolerating present participle & vb. noun of Tolerate
toleration noun The act of tolerating; the allowance of that which is not wholly approved., Specifically, the allowance of religious opinions and modes of worship in a state when contrary to, or different from, those of the established church or belief., Hence, freedom from bigotry and severity in judgment of the opinions or belief of others, especially in respect to religious matters.
tollhouses plural of Tollhouse
tolutation noun A pacing or ambling.
tomahawked imp. & past participle of Tomahawk
tomfoolery noun Folly; trifling.
tomopteris noun A genus of transparent marine annelids which swim actively at the surface of the sea. They have deeply divided or forked finlike organs (parapodia). This genus is the type of the order, or suborder, Gymnocopa.
tonca bean See Tonka bean.
tonguebird noun The wryneck.
tonguefish noun A flounder (Symphurus plagiusa) native of the southern coast of the United States.
tongueless adjective Having no tongue., Hence, speechless; mute., Unnamed; not spoken of.
tongue-pad noun A great talker.
tonguester noun One who uses his tongue; a talker; a story-teller; a gossip.
tongue-tie noun Impeded motion of the tongue because of the shortness of the fraenum, or of the adhesion of its margins to the gums., To deprive of speech or the power of speech, or of distinct articulation.
tongueworm noun Any species of Linguatulina.
tonka bean The seed of a leguminous tree (Dipteryx odorata), native of Guiana. It has a peculiarly agreeable smell, and is employed in the scenting of snuff. Called also tonquin bean.
tonsilitic adjective Tonsilar.
tonsilitis noun Inflammation of the tonsil; quinsy.
tool-stock noun The part of a tool-rest in which a cutting tool is clamped.
toothbrush noun A brush for cleaning the teeth.
toothleted adjective Having a toothlet or toothlets; as, a toothleted leaf.
toothshell noun Any species of Dentalium and allied genera having a tooth-shaped shell. See Dentalium.
toparchies plural of Toparchy
topazolite noun A topaz-yellow variety of garnet.
topgallant adjective Situated above the topmast and below the royal mast; designatb, or pertaining to, the third spars in order from the deck; as, the topgallant mast, yards, braces, and the like. See Illustration of Ship., Fig.: Highest; elevated; splendid., A topgallant mast or sail., Fig.: Anything elevated or splendid.
tophaceous adjective Gritty; sandy; rough; stony.
top-hamper noun The upper rigging, spars, etc., of a ship.
topography noun The description of a particular place, town, manor, parish, or tract of land; especially, the exact and scientific delineation and description in minute detail of any place or region.
top-shaped adjective Having the shape of a top; (Bot.) cone-shaped, with the apex downward; turbinate.
topsoiling noun The act or art of taking off the top soil of land before an excavation or embankment is begun.
top-tackle noun A tackle used in hoisting and lowering the topmast.
torbernite noun A mineral occurring in emerald-green tabular crystals having a micaceous structure. It is a hydrous phosphate of uranium and copper. Called also copper uranite, and chalcolite.
torchlight noun The light of a torch, or of torches. Also adjectively; as, a torchlight procession.
tormenting present participle & vb. noun of Torment, Causing torment; as, a tormenting dream.
tormentful adjective Full of torment; causing, or accompainied by, torment; excruciating.
tormentise noun Torture; torment.
toppescent adjective Becoming torpid or numb.
torpidness noun The qualityy or state of being torpid.
torpifying present participle & vb. noun of Torpify
torporific adjective Tending to produce torpor.
torrefying present participle & vb. noun of Torrefy
torrential adjective Alt. of Torrentine
torrentine adjective Of or pertaining to a torrent; having the character of a torrent; caused by a torrent .
torridness noun The quality or state of being torrid or parched.
tortiously adverb In a tortous manner.
tortuoslty noun the quality or state of being tortuous.
torturable adjective Capable of being tortured.
torturing. present participle & vb. noun of Torture
torulaform adjective Having the appearance of a torula; in the form of a little chain; as, a torulaform string of micrococci.
touchiness noun The quality or state of being touchy peevishness; irritability; irascibility.
touchstone noun Lydian stone; basanite; — so called because used to test the purity of gold and silver by the streak which is left upon the stone when it is rubbed by the metal. See Basanite., Any test or criterion by which the qualities of a thing are tried.
tough-cake noun See Tough-pitch (b).
toughening present participle & vb. noun of Toughen
tough-head noun The ruddy duck.
tourmaline noun A mineral occurring usually in three-sided or six-sided prisms terminated by rhombohedral or scalenohedral planes. Black tourmaline (schorl) is the most common variety, but there are also other varieties, as the blue (indicolite), red (rubellite), also green, brown, and white. The red and green varieties when transparent are valued as jewels.
tournament noun A mock fight, or warlike game, formerly in great favor, in which a number of combatants were engaged, as an exhibition of their address and bravery; hence, figuratively, a real battle., Any contest of skill in which there are many contestents for championship; as, a chess tournament.
tourniquet noun An instrument for arresting hemorrhage. It consists essentially of a pad or compress upon which pressure is made by a band which is tightened by a screw or other means.
towardness noun Quality or state of being toward.
town-crier noun A town officer who makes proclamations to the people; the public crier of a town.
townpeople noun The inhabitants of a town or city, especially in distinction from country people; townsfolk.
toxicology noun The science which treats of poisons, their effects, antidotes, and recognition; also, a discourse or treatise on the science.
toxiphobia noun An insane or greatly exaggerated dread of poisons.
toxoglossa nounpl. A division of marine gastropod mollusks in which the radula are converted into poison fangs. The cone shells (Conus), Pleurotoma, and Terebra, are examples. See Illust. of Cone, n., 4, Pleurotoma, and Terebra.