10 letter word starting with tu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tube-nosed adjective Having the nostrils prolonged in the form of horny tubes along the sides of the beak; — said of certain sea birds., Belonging to the Tubinares.
tubercular adjective Having tubercles; affected with tubercles; tubercled; tuberculate., Like a tubercle; as, a tubercular excrescence., Characterized by the development of tubercles; as, tubercular diathesis.
tuberculin noun A fluid containing the products formed by the growth of the tubercle bacillus in a suitable culture medium.
tuberculum noun A tubercle.
tuberosity noun The state of being tuberous., An obtuse or knoblike prominence; a protuberance.
tube-shell noun Any bivalve mollusk which secretes a shelly tube around its siphon, as the watering-shell.
tubicinate verb i. To blow a trumpet.
tubicolous adjective Inhabiting a tube; as, tubicolous worms.
tubiporite noun Any fossil coral of the genus Syringopora consisting of a cluster of upright tubes united together by small transverse tubules.
tubulariae noun pl. See Tubularida.
tubularian noun Any hydroid belonging to the suborder Tubularida., Of or pertaining to the tubularians.
tubularida noun pl. An extensive division of Hydroidea; the tubularians; — called also Athecata, Gymnoblastea, and Tubulariae.
tubulation noun The act of shaping or making a tube, or of providing with a tube; also, a tube or tubulure; as, the tubulation of a retort.
tubulature noun A tubulure.
tubulicole noun Any hydroid which has tubular chitinous stems.
tubuliform adjective Having the form of a small tube.
tubulipore noun Any one of numerous species of Bryozoa belonging to Tubulipora and allied genera, having tubular calcareous calicles.
tufthunter noun A hanger-on to noblemen, or persons of quality, especially in English universities; a toady. See 1st Tuft, 3.
tuitionary adjective Of or pertaining to tuition.
tula metal An alloy of silver, copper, and lead made at Tula in Russia.
tumbledung noun Any one of numerous species of scaraboid beetles belonging to Scarabaeus, Copris, Phanaeus, and allied genera. The female lays her eggs in a globular mass of dung which she rolls by means of her hind legs to a burrow excavated in the earth in which she buries it.
tumblerful noun As much as a tumbler will hold; enough to fill a tumbler.
tumbleweed noun Any plant which habitually breaks away from its roots in the autumn, and is driven by the wind, as a light, rolling mass, over the fields and prairies; as witch grass, wild indigo, Amarantus albus, etc.
tumulosity noun The quality or state of being tumulous; hilliness.
tumultuary adjective Attended by, or producing, a tumult; disorderly; promiscuous; confused; tumultuous., Restless; agitated; unquiet.
tumultuate verb i. To make a tumult.
tumultuous adjective Full of tumult; characterized by tumult; disorderly; turbulent., Conducted with disorder; noisy; confused; boisterous; disorderly; as, a tumultuous assembly or meeting., Agitated, as with conflicting passions; disturbed., Turbulent; violent; as, a tumultuous speech.
tungstenic adjective Of or pertaining to tungsten; containing tungsten; as, tungstenic ores.
tunicaries plural of Tunicary
tunnelling of Tunnel
turban-top noun A kind of fungus with an irregularly wrinkled, somewhat globular pileus (Helvella, / Gyromitra, esculenta.).
turbidness noun The quality or state of being turbid; muddiness; foulness.
turbillion noun A whirl; a vortex.
turbinated adjective Whirling in the manner of a top., Shaped like a top, or inverted cone; narrow at the base, and broad at the apex; as, a turbinated ovary, pericarp, or root., Turbinal., Spiral with the whorls decreasing rapidly from a large base to a pointed apex; — said of certain shells.
turbinella noun A genus of large marine gastropods having a thick heavy shell with conspicuous folds on the columella.
turbulence noun The quality or state of being turbulent; a disturbed state; tumult; disorder; agitation.
turbulency noun Turbulence.
tureenfuls plural of Tureenful
turgescing present participle & vb. noun of Turgesce
turgescent adjective Becoming turgid or inflated; swelling; growing big.
turmoiling present participle & vb. noun of Turmoil
turnbroach noun A turnspit.
turnpiking present participle & vb. noun of Turnpike
turnverein noun A company or association of gymnasts and athletes.
turpentine noun A semifluid or fluid oleoresin, primarily the exudation of the terebinth, or turpentine, tree (Pistacia Terebinthus), a native of the Mediterranean region. It is also obtained from many coniferous trees, especially species of pine, larch, and fir.
turritella noun Any spiral marine gastropod belonging to Turritella and allied genera. These mollusks have an elongated, turreted shell, composed of many whorls. They have a rounded aperture, and a horny multispiral operculum.
turtledove noun Any one of numerous species of pigeons belonging to Turtur and allied genera, native of various parts of the Old World; especially, the common European species (Turtur vulgaris), which is noted for its plaintive note, affectionate disposition, and devotion to its mate., Any one of several species of pigeons more or less resembling the true turtledoves, as the American mourning dove (see under Dove), and the Australian turtledove (Stictopelia cuneata).
turtlehead noun An American perennial herb (Chelone glabra) having white flowers shaped like the head of a turtle. Called also snakehead, shell flower, and balmony.
tuscaroras noun pl. A tribe of North American Indians formerly living on the Neuse and Tar rivers in North Carolina. They were conquered in 1713, after which the remnant of the tribe joined the Five Nations, thus forming the Six Nations. See Six Nations, under Six.
tusk-shell noun See 2d Tusk, n., 2.
tussicular adjective Of or pertaining to a cough.