10 letter word starting with u

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
ubiquarian adjective Ubiquitous.
ubiquitist noun Alt. of Ubiquitarian, Same as Ubiquist.
ubiquitary adjective Ubiquitous., One who exists everywhere., A ubiquist.
ubiquitous adjective Existing or being everywhere, or in all places, at the same time; omnipresent.
ularburong noun A large East Indian nocturnal tree snake (Dipsas dendrophila). It is not venomous.
ulcerating present participle & vb. noun of Ulcerate
ulceration noun The process of forming an ulcer, or of becoming ulcerous; the state of being ulcerated; also, an ulcer.
ulcerative adjective Of or pertaining to ulcers; as, an ulcerative process.
ullmannite noun A brittle mineral of a steel-gray color and metallic luster, containing antimony, arsenic, sulphur, and nickel.
ulodendron noun A genus of fossil trees.
ulotrichan adjective Of or pertaining to the Ulotrichi., One of the Ulotrichi.
ulteriorly adverb More distantly or remotely.
ultimating present participle & vb. noun of Ultimate
ultimately adverb As a final consequence; at last; in the end; as, afflictions often tend to correct immoral habits, and ultimately prove blessings.
ultimation noun State of being ultimate; that which is ultimate, or final; ultimatum.
ultimatums plural of Ultimatum
ultroneous adjective Spontaneous; voluntary.
umbellated adjective Bearing umbels; pertaining to an umbel; umbel-like; as, umbellate plants or flowers.
umbellifer noun A plant producing an umbel or umbels.
umbilicate adjective Alt. of Umbilicated
umbrageous adjective Forming or affording a shade; shady; shaded; as, umbrageous trees or foliage., Not easily perceived, as if from being darkened or shaded; obscure., Feeling jealousy or umbrage; taking, or disposed to take, umbrage; suspicious.
umbratical adjective Of or pertaining to the shade or darkness; shadowy; unreal; secluded; retired.
umbratious adjective Suspicious; captious; disposed to take umbrage.
umpireship noun Umpirage; arbitrament.
unableness noun Inability.
unabridged adjective Not abridged, or shortened; full; complete; entire; whole.
unaccurate adjective Inaccurate.
unaffected adjective Not affected or moved; destitute of affection or emotion; uninfluenced., Free from affectation; plain; simple; natural; real; sincere; genuine; as, unaffected sorrow.
unambition noun The absence of ambition.
unanswered adjective Not answered; not replied; as, an unanswered letter., Not refuted; as, an unanswered argument., Not responded to in kind; unrequited; as, unanswered affection.
unappalled adjective Not appalled; not frightened; dauntless; undaunted.
unapproved adjective Not approved., Not proved.
unartistic adjective Inartistic.
unassuming adjective Not assuming; not bold or forward; not arrogant or presuming; humble; modest; retiring; as, an unassuming youth; unassuming manners.
unatonable adjective Not capable of being brought into harmony; irreconcilable., Incapable of being atoned for; inexpiable.
unattached adjective Not attached; not adhering; having no engagement; free., Not assigned to any company or regiment., Not taken or arrested.
unbalanced adjective Not balanced; not in equipoise; having no counterpoise, or having insufficient counterpoise., Not adjusted; not settled; not brought to an equality of debt and credit; as, an unbalanced account; unbalanced books., Being, or being thrown, out of equilibrium; hence, disordered or deranged in sense; unsteady; unsound; as, an unbalanced mind.
unbecoming adjective Not becoming; unsuitable; unfit; indecorous; improper.
unbedinned adjective Not filled with din.
unbegotten adjective Not begot; not yet generated; also, having never been generated; self-existent; eternal.
unbeguiled imp. & past participle of Unbeguile
unbehovely adjective Not behooving or becoming; unseemly.
unbelieved adjective Not believed; disbelieved.
unbeliever noun One who does not believe; an incredulous person; a doubter; a skeptic., A disbeliever; especially, one who does not believe that the Bible is a divine revelation, and holds that Christ was neither a divine nor a supernatural person; an infidel; a freethinker.
unbereaven adjective Unbereft.
unblestful adjective Unblessed.
unblushing adjective Not blushing; shameless.
unborrowed adjective Not borrowed; being one’s own; native; original.
unbosoming present participle & vb. noun of Unbosom
unbottomed adjective Deprived of a bottom., Having no bottom; bottomless.
unbowelled of Unbowel
unboweling present participle & vb. noun of Unbowel
unbreathed adjective Not breathed., Not exercised; unpracticed.
unbreeched imp. & past participle of Unbreech
unbreching present participle & vb. noun of Unbreech
unburiable adjective Not ready or not proper to be buried.
uncanonize verb t. To deprive of canonical authority., To reduce from the rank of a canonized saint.
uncardinal verb t. To degrade from the cardinalship.
uncautious adjective Incautious.
unceasable adjective Not capable of being ended; unceasing.
unchaplain verb t. To remove from a chaplaincy.
unchastity noun The quality or state of being unchaste; lewdness; incontinence.
unchristen verb t. To render unchristian.
uncivility noun Incivility.
uncloister verb t. To release from a cloister, or from confinement or seclusion; to set free; to liberate.
uncomplete adjective Incomplete.
unconfound verb t. To free from a state of confusion, or of being confounded.
unconstant adjective Not constant; inconstant; fickle; changeable.
uncovering present participle & vb. noun of Uncover
uncredible adjective Incredible.
unctuosity noun Quality or state of being unctuous.
unculpable adjective Inculpable; not blameworthy.
uncurbable adjective Not capable of being curbed.
uncustomed adjective Uncustomable; also, not having paid duty or customs.
undecisive adjective Indecisive.
undeniable adjective Not deniable; incapable of denial; palpably true; indisputable; obvious; as, undeniable evidence., Unobjectionable; unquestionably excellent; as, a person of undeniable connections.
undeniably adverb In an undeniable manner.
underactor noun A subordinate actor.
underagent noun A subordinate agent.
underboard adverb Under the board, or table; hence, secretly; unfairly; underhand. See the Note under Aboveboard.
underbrace verb t. To brace, fasten, or bind underneath or below.
underbrush noun Shrubs, small trees, and the like, in a wood or forest, growing beneath large trees; undergrowth.
underchaps noun pl. The lower chaps or jaw.
undercliff noun A subordinate cliff on a shore, consisting of material that has fallen from the higher cliff above.
undercraft noun A sly trick or device; as, an undercraft of authors.
undercreep verb i. To creep secretly or privily.
undercrest verb t. To support as a crest; to bear.
undercroft noun A subterranean room of any kind; esp., one under a church (see Crypt), or one used as a chapel or for any sacred purpose.
underdelve verb t. To delve under.
underditch verb t. To dig an underground ditches in, so as to drain the surface; to underdrain; as, to underditch a field or a farm.
underdrain noun An underground drain or trench with openings through which the water may percolate from the soil or ground above., To drain by forming an underdrain or underdrains in; as, to underdrain land.
underglaze adjective Applied under the glaze, that is, before the glaze, that is, before the glaze is put on; fitted to be so applied; — said of colors in porcelain painting.
undergoing present participle & vb. noun of Undergo
undergroan verb t. To groan beneath.
undergrove noun A grove of shrubs or low trees under taller ones.
undergrown adjective Of small stature; not grown to a full height or size.
underheave verb i. To heave or lift from below.
underlayer noun One who, or that which, underlays or is underlaid; a lower layer., A perpendicular shaft sunk to cut the lode at any required depth.
underlease noun A lease granted by a tenant or lessee; especially, a lease granted by one who is himself a lessee for years, for any fewer or less number of years than he himself holds; a sublease.
underlying adjective Lying under or beneath; hence, fundamental; as, the underlying strata of a locality; underlying principles.
undermatch noun One who is not a match for another.
underminer noun One who undermines.
undermirth noun Suppressed or concealed mirth.
underneath adverb Beneath; below; in a lower place; under; as, a channel underneath the soil., Under; beneath; below.
underpight imp. of Underpitch., of Underpitch
underpitch verb t. To fill underneath; to stuff.
underpoise verb t. To weigh, estimate, or rate below desert; to undervalue.
underprize verb t. To undervalue; to underestimate.
underproof adjective Containing less alcohol than proof spirit. See Proof spirit, under Spirit.
underscore verb t. To draw a mark or line under; to underline.
undershirt noun A shirt worn next the skin, under another shirt; — called also undervest.
undershoot verb t. To shoot short of (a mark).
undershrub adjective Partly shrublike.
undersized adjective Of a size less than is common.
underskirt noun A petticoat; the foundation skirt of a draped dress.
underspend verb t. To spend less than.
underspore verb t. To raise with a spar, or piece of wood, used as a lever.
understair adjective Of or pertaining to the kitchen, or the servants’ quarters; hence, subordinate; menial.
understood imp. & past participle of Understand, imp. & p. p. of Understand.
understand verb t. To have just and adequate ideas of; to apprehended the meaning or intention of; to have knowledge of; to comprehend; to know; as, to understand a problem in Euclid; to understand a proposition or a declaration; the court understands the advocate or his argument; to understand the sacred oracles; to understand a nod or a wink., To be apprised, or have information, of; to learn; to be informed of; to hear; as, I understand that Congress has passed the bill., To recognize or hold as being or signifying; to suppose to mean; to interpret; to explain., To mean without expressing; to imply tacitly; to take for granted; to assume., To stand under; to support., To have the use of the intellectual faculties; to be an intelligent being., To be informed; to have or receive knowledge.
understate verb t. To state or represent less strongly than may be done truthfully.
understock verb t. To supply insufficiently with stock.
understudy verb t. & i. To study, as another actor’s part, in order to be his substitute in an emergency; to study another actor’s part., One who studies another’s part with a view to assuming it in an emergency.
undertaken past participle of Undertake
undertaker noun One who undertakes; one who engages in any project or business., One who stipulates or covenants to perform any work for another; a contractor., Specifically, one who takes the charge and management of funerals.
undertaxed adjective Taxed too little, or at a lower rate than others.
underthing noun Something that is inferior and of little worth.
undervalue verb t. To value, rate, or estimate below the real worth; to depreciate., To esteem lightly; to treat as of little worth; to hold in mean estimation; to despise., A low rate or price; a price less than the real worth; undervaluation.
underverse noun The lower or second verse.
underworld noun The lower of inferior world; the world which is under the heavens; the earth., The mythological place of departed souls; Hades., The portion of the world which is below the horizon; the opposite side of the world; the antipodes., The inferior part of mankind.
underwrote imp. of Underwrite
underwrite verb t. To write under something else; to subscribe., To subscribe one’s name to for insurance, especially for marine insurance; to write one’s name under, or set one’s name to, as a policy of insurance, for the purpose of becoming answerable for loss or damage, on consideration of receiving a certain premium per cent; as, individuals, as well as companies, may underwrite policies of insurance., To practice the business of insuring; to take a risk of insurance on a vessel or the like.
undeserver noun One of no merit; one who is nor deserving or worthy.
undevotion noun Absence or want of devotion.
undigenous adjective Generated by water.
undiocesed adjective Unprovided with a diocese; having no diocese.
undirected adjective Not directed; not guided; left without direction., Not addressed; not superscribed, as a letter., Misdirected; misled; led astray.
undirectly adverb Indirectly.
undisclose verb t. To keep close or secret.
undiscreet adjective Indiscreet.
undividual adjective Indivisible.
undulating present participle & vb. noun of Undulate, Rising and falling like waves; resembling wave form or motion; undulatory; rolling; wavy; as, an undulating medium; undulating ground.
undulation noun The act of undulating; a waving motion or vibration; as, the undulations of a fluid, of water, or of air; the undulations of sound., A wavy appearance or outline; waviness., The tremulous tone produced by a peculiar pressure of the finger on a string, as of a violin., The pulsation caused by the vibrating together of two tones not quite in unison; — called also beat., A motion to and fro, up and down, or from side to side, in any fluid or elastic medium, propagated continuously among its particles, but with no translation of the particles themselves in the direction of the propagation of the wave; a wave motion; a vibration.
undulative adjective Consisting in, or accompanied by, undulations; undulatory.
undulatory adjective Moving in the manner of undulations, or waves; resembling the motion of waves, which successively rise or swell rise or swell and fall; pertaining to a propagated alternating motion, similar to that of waves.
unearthing present participle & vb. noun of Unearth
uneasiness noun The quality or state of being uneasy; restlessness; disquietude; anxiety., The quality of making uneasy; discomfort; as, the uneasiness of the road.
unefectual adjective Ineffectual.
uneligible adjective Ineligible.
unembodied adjective Free from a corporeal body; disembodied; as, unembodied spirits., Not embodied; not collected into a body; not yet organized; as, unembodied militia.
unemployed adjective Not employed in manual or other labor; having no regular work., Not invested or used; as, unemployed capital.
unencumber verb t. To free from incumbrance; to disencumber.
unentangle verb t. To disentangle.
unerringly adverb In an unerring manner.
unevitable adjective Inevitable.
unexampled adjective Having no example or similar case; being without precedent; unprecedented; unparalleled.
unexpected adjective Not expected; coming without warning; sudden.
unexpertly adverb In an unexpert manner.
unfailable adjective Infallible.
unfaithful adjective Not faithful; not observant of promises, vows, allegiance, or duty; violating trust or confidence; treacherous; perfidious; as, an unfaithful subject; an unfaithful agent or servant., Not possessing faith; infidel.
unfalcated adjective Not falcated, or hooked., Having no deductions; not curtailed, or shortened; undiminished.
unfallible adjective Infallible.
unfathered adjective Having no father; fatherless; hence, born contrary to nature., Having no acknowledged father; hence, illegitimate; spurious; bastard.
unfeatured adjective Wanting regular features; deformed.
unfellowed adjective Being without a fellow; unmatched; unmated.
unfestlich adjective Unfit for a feast; hence, jaded; worn.
unfinished adjective Not finished, not brought to an end; imperfect; incomplete; left in the rough; wanting the last hand or touch; as, an unfinished house; an unfinished picture; an unfinished iron casting.
unfirmness noun Infirmness.
unflexible adjective Inflexible.
unfoldment noun The acct of unfolding, or the state of being unfolded.
unfrequent adjective Infrequent., To cease to frequent.
unfriended adjective Wanting friends; not befriended; not countenanced or supported.
unfriendly adjective Not friendly; not kind or benevolent; hostile; as, an unfriendly neighbor., Not favorable; not adapted to promote or support any object; as, weather unfriendly to health.
unfruitful adjective Not producing fruit or offspring; unproductive; infertile; barren; sterile; as, an unfruitful tree or animal; unfruitful soil; an unfruitful life or effort.
ungenerous adjective Not generous; illiberal; ignoble; unkind; dishonorable.
ungka-puti noun The agile gibbon; — called also ungka-pati, and ungka-etam. See Gibbon.
unglorious adjective Inglorious.
ungraceful adjective Not graceful; not marked with ease and dignity; deficient in beauty and elegance; inelegant; awkward; as, ungraceful manners; ungraceful speech.
ungracious adjective Not gracious; showing no grace or kindness; being without good will; unfeeling., Having no grace; graceless; wicked., Not well received; offensive; unpleasing; unacceptable; not favored.
ungrateful adjective Not grateful; not thankful for favors; making no returns, or making ill return for kindness, attention, etc.; ingrateful., Unpleasing; unacceptable; disagreeable; as, harsh sounds are ungrateful to the ear.
unguentary adjective Like an unguent, or partaking of its qualities.
unguentous adjective Unguentary.
unguicular adjective Of or pertaining to a claw or a nail; ungual.
unhallowed adjective Not consecrated; hence, profane; unholy; impious; wicked.
unhandsome adjective Not handsome; not beautiful; ungraceful; not comely or pleasing; plain; homely., Wanting noble or amiable qualities; dishonorable; illiberal; low; disingenuous; mean; indecorous; as, unhandsome conduct, treatment, or imputations., Unhandy; clumsy; awkward; inconvenient.
unharbored adjective Having no harbor or shelter; unprotected., Affording no harbor or shelter.
unheard-of adjective New; unprecedented; unparalleled.
unhouseled adjective Not having received the sacrament.
unhumanize verb t. To render inhuman or barbarous.
uniaxially adverb In a uniaxial manner.
unicameral adjective Having, or consisting of, a single chamber; — said of a legislative assembly.
unicentral adjective Having a single center of growth.
unicornous adjective Having but a single horn; — said of certain insects.
unicostate adjective Having a single rib or strong nerve running upward from the base; — said of a leaf.
uniflorous adjective Bearing one flower only; as, a uniflorous peduncle.
uniformism noun The doctrine of uniformity in the geological history of the earth; — in part equivalent to uniformitarianism, but also used, more broadly, as opposed to catastrophism.
uniformity noun The quality or state of being uniform; freedom from variation or difference; resemblance to itself at all times; sameness of action, effect, etc., under like conditions; even tenor; as, the uniformity of design in a poem; the uniformity of nature., Consistency; sameness; as, the uniformity of a man’s opinions., Similitude between the parts of a whole; as, the uniformity of sides in a regular figure; beauty is said to consist in uniformity with variety., Continued or unvaried sameness or likeness., Conformity to a pattern or rule; resemblance, consonance, or agreement; as, the uniformity of different churches in ceremonies or rites.
unilabiate adjective Having one lip only; as, a unilabiate corolla.
unilateral adjective Being on one side only; affecting but one side; one-sided., Pertaining to one side; one-sided; as, a unilateral raceme, in which the flowers grow only on one side of a common axis, or are all turned to one side.
uniliteral adjective Consisting of one letter only; as, a uniliteral word or sign.
unilocular adjective Having one cell or cavity only; as, a unilocular capsule or shell.
unimitable adjective Inimitable.
unimproved adjective Not improved; not made better or wiser; not advanced in knowledge, manners, or excellence., Not used; not employed; especially, not used or employed for a valuable purpose; as, unimproved opportunities; unimproved blessings., Not tilled, cultivated, or built upon; yielding no revenue; as, unimproved land or soil.
unionistic adjective Of or pertaining to union or unionists; tending to promote or preserve union.
uniovulate adjective Containing but one ovule.
uniphonous adjective Having but one sound, as the drum.
uniplicate adjective Having, or consisting of, but one fold.
uniseptate adjective Having but one septum, or partition; — said of two-celled fruits, such as the silicles of cruciferous plants.
uniseriate adjective Having one line or series; uniserial.
unisonance noun Accordance of sounds; unison.
uniterable adjective Not iterable; incapable of being repeated.
univalence noun The quality or state of being univalent.
university noun The universe; the whole., An association, society, guild, or corporation, esp. one capable of having and acquiring property., An institution organized and incorporated for the purpose of imparting instruction, examining students, and otherwise promoting education in the higher branches of literature, science, art, etc., empowered to confer degrees in the several arts and faculties, as in theology, law, medicine, music, etc. A university may exist without having any college connected with it, or it may consist of but one college, or it may comprise an assemblage of colleges established in any place, with professors for instructing students in the sciences and other branches of learning.
univocally adverb In a univocal manner; in one term; in one sense; not equivocally.
unkingship noun The quality or condition of being unkinged; abolition of monarchy.
unlatching present participle & vb. noun of Unlatch
unleavened adjective Not leavened; containing no leaven; as, unleavened bread.
unlikeness noun The quality or state of being unlike; want of resemblance; dissimilarity.
unliquored adjective Not moistened or wet with liquor; dry., Not in liquor; not intoxicated; sober.
unmannerly adjective Not mannerly; ill-bred; rude., Uncivilly; rudely.
unmaterial adjective Not material; immaterial.
unmerciful adjective Not merciful; indisposed to mercy or grace; cruel; inhuman; merciless; unkind.
unmorrised adjective Not arrayed in the dress of a morris dancer.
unmothered Deprived of a mother; motherless.
unnumbered adjective Not numbered; not counted or estimated; innumerable.
unobedient adjective Disobedient.
unordinate adjective Disorderly; irregular; inordinate.
unossified adjective Destitute of a bony structure.
unpaganize verb t. To cause to cease to be pagan; to divest of pagan character.
unparadise verb t. To deprive of happiness like that of paradise; to render unhappy.
unparented adjective Having no parent, or no acknowledged parent.
unpassable adjective Impassable.
unpatience noun Impatience.
unpeerable adjective Incapable of having a peer, or equal.
unpenitent adjective Impenitent.
unpitousty noun Impiety.
unplacable adjective Implacable.
unplausive adjective Not approving; disapproving.
unpleasant adjective Not pleasant; not amiable or agreeable; displeasing; offensive.
unpleasive adjective Unpleasant.
unpolicied adjective Not having civil polity, or a regular form of government., Impolitic; imprudent.
unportuous adjective Having no ports.
unpossible adjective Impossible.
unpowerful adjective Not powerful; weak.
unprayable adjective Not to be influenced or moved by prayers; obdurate.
unprelated adjective Deposed from the office of prelate.
unprizable adjective Not prized or valued; being without value., Invaluable; being beyond estimation.
unprobably adverb Improbably., In a manner not to be approved of; improperly.
unprofited adjective Profitless.
unprudence noun Imprudence.
unquietude noun Uneasiness; inquietude.
unreasoned adjective Not supported by reason; unreasonable.
unrecuring adjective Incurable.
unredeemed adjective Not redeemed.
unreliable adjective Not reliable; untrustworthy. See Reliable.
unreproved adjective Not reproved., Not having incurred reproof, blameless.
unreserved adjective Not reserved; not kept back; not withheld in part; unrestrained.
unresisted adjective Not resisted; unopposed., Resistless; as, unresisted fate.
unrevenued adjective Not furnished with a revenue.
unreverend adjective Not reverend., Disrespectful; irreverent.
unreverent adjective Irreverent.
unripeness noun Quality or state of being unripe.
unruinated adjective Not ruined or destroyed.
unruliment noun Unruliness.
unruliness noun Quality or state unruly.
unsatiable adjective Insatiable.
unscapable adjective Not be escaped; inevitable.
unsceptred adjective Having no scepter., Deprived of a scepter.
unseasoned adjective Not seasoned., Untimely; ill-timed.
unseconded adjective Not seconded; not supported, aided, or assisted; as, the motion was unseconded; the attempt was unseconded., Not exemplified a second time.
unsensible adjective Insensible.
unshakable adjective Not capable of being shaken; firm; fixed.
unshipment noun The act of unshipping, or the state of being unshipped; displacement.
unshrubbed adjective Being without shrubs.
unsisterly adjective Not sisterly.
unskillful adjective Not skillful; inexperienced; awkward; bungling; as, an unskillful surgeon or mechanic; an unskillful logician., Lacking discernment; injudicious; ignorant.
unsociable adjective Not sociable; not inclined to society; averse to companionship or conversation; solitary; reserved; as, an unsociable person or temper.
unsorrowed adjective Not sorrowed for; unlamented.
unspleened adjective Deprived of a spleen.
unstrained adjective Not strained; not cleared or purified by straining; as, unstrained oil or milk., Not forced; easy; natural; as, a unstrained deduction or inference.
unstrength noun Want of strength; weakness; feebleness.
unstriated adjective Nonstriated; unstriped.
unswayable adjective Not capable of being swayed.
unsympathy noun Absence or lack of sympathy.
untangible adjective Intangible.
untangibly adverb Intangibly.
unthinking adjective Not thinking; not heedful; thoughtless; inconsiderate; as, unthinking youth., Not indicating thought or reflection; thoughtless.
untowardly adjective Perverse; froward; untoward.
untraveled adjective Not traveled; not trodden by passengers; as, an untraveled forest., Having never visited foreign countries; not having gained knowledge or experience by travel; as, an untraveled Englishman.
untreasure verb t. To bring forth or give up, as things previously treasured.
untrenched adjective Being without trenches; whole; intact.
untrowable adjective Incredible.
untrustful adjective Not trustful or trusting., Not to be trusted; not trusty.
untruthful adjective Not truthful; unveracious; contrary to the truth or the fact.
unusuality noun Unusualness.
unvaluable adjective Invaluable; being beyond price., Not valuable; having little value.
unvariable adjective Invariable.
unveracity noun Want of veracity; untruthfulness; as, unveracity of heart.
unviolable adjective Inviolable.
unvitiated adjective Not vitiated; pure.
unwariness noun The quality or state of being unwary; carelessness; heedlessness.
unweighing adjective Not weighing or pondering; inconsiderate.
unwellness noun Quality or state of being unwell.
upbraiding present participle & vb. noun of Upbraid
upbuoyance noun The act of buoying up; uplifting.
upholstery noun The articles or goods supplied by upholsterers; the business or work of an upholsterer.
uproarious adjective Making, or accompanied by, uproar, or noise and tumult; as, uproarious merriment.
uran-ocher noun Alt. of Uran-ochre
uran-ochre noun A yellow, earthy incrustation, consisting essentially of the oxide of uranium, but more or less impure.
uranometry noun A chart or catalogue of fixed stars, especially of stars visible to the naked eye.
uranoscopy noun Observation of the heavens or heavenly bodies.
urbicolous adjective Of or pertaining to a city; urban.
uredospore noun The thin-walled summer spore which is produced during the so-called Uredo stage of certain rusts. See (in the Supplement) Uredinales, Heter/cious, etc.
ureteritis noun Inflammation of the ureter.
urethritis noun Inflammation of the urethra.
urinometer noun A small hydrometer for determining the specific gravity of urine.
urinometry noun The estimation of the specific gravity of urine by the urinometer.
urn-shaped adjective Having the shape of an urn; as, the urn-shaped capsules of some mosses.
urochordal adjective Of or pertaining to the Urochorda.
urogastric adjective Behind the stomach; — said of two lobes of the carapace of certain crustaceans.
urogenital adjective Same as Urinogenital.
uroglaucin noun A body identical with indigo blue, occasionally found in the urine in degeneration of the kidneys. It is readily formed by oxidation or decomposition of indican.
uroxanthin noun Same as Indican.
urticating present participle & vb. noun of Urticate
urtication noun The act or process of whipping or stinging with nettles; — sometimes used in the treatment of paralysis.
usefulness noun The quality or state of being useful; utility; serviceableness; advantage.
usquebaugh adjective A compound distilled spirit made in Ireland and Scotland; whisky., A liquor compounded of brandy, or other strong spirit, raisins, cinnamon and other spices.
ustulation noun The act of burning or searing., The operation of expelling one substance from another by heat, as sulphur or arsenic from ores, in a muffle., The roasting or drying of moist substances so as prepare them for pulverizing., The burning of wine., Lascivious passion; concupiscence.
usucaption noun The acquisition of the title or right to property by the uninterrupted possession of it for a certain term prescribed by law; — the same as prescription in common law.
usurarious adjective Alt. of Usurary
usurpation noun The act of usurping, or of seizing and enjoying; an authorized, arbitrary assumption and exercise of power, especially an infringing on the rights of others; specifically, the illegal seizure of sovereign power; — commonly used with of, also used with on or upon; as, the usurpation of a throne; the usurpation of the supreme power., Use; usage; custom.
usurpatory adjective Marked by usurpation; usurping.
usurpature noun Usurpation.
usurpingly adverb In a usurping manner.
utilizable adjective Capable of being utilized; as, the utilizable products of the gas works.
utopianism noun The ideas, views, aims, etc., of a Utopian; impracticable schemes of human perfection; optimism.
utopianist noun An Utopian; an optimist.
utriculate adjective Resembling a bladder; swollen like a bladder; inflated; utricular.
utriculoid adjective Resembling a bladder; utricular; utriculate.
uxoricidal adjective Of or pertaining to uxoricide; tending to uxoricide.